She Is Not a Witch

Vol 2 Chapter 13: Sewing a doll

There was still some time after leaving school, Lorrain Hill stayed in the Maple Leaf Garden to rest.

These days, if she has free time, she would walk in the mountains, look around, and occasionally lie on high branches to look at the books stored in the system.

Those classics and records are projected by the system like physical pages, which can be read and viewed in the hand.

In addition to some important materials, she occasionally looks for films and literary works that have not been watched before, and whether there are follow-up parts in those years can be regarded as satisfying her unfulfilled wish.

After a long time, and after a good time to relax and rest, she remembered to see the neighbor not far away, that is, Princess Mononoke, Yixue Gelin who had awakened from her slumber.

Bringing the sugar cubes specially made in her recent leisure time, the girl walked in the wind, over the blue and black mountains and valleys in the sighing mountains, and came to a lake like a mirror.

There is still an ice-blue honeycomb on the cliff by the lake, in which the ice flame bee goes back and forth, coming in and out in the sun, occasionally making the sound of wings shaking.

The lake under the cliff is like a sapphire falling into the sea of ​​flowers. Those ice scallops are swaying with the wind, day after day, as if there is no end in sight.

Unexpectedly, in just one year, Yixue expanded this flower sea so much.

Lorrain Hill slowly landed on the lake with the basket, his toes stepped on the light blue and transparent lake water, ripples spread, and then the lake water slightly dented in, a continuously swimming bubble wrapped the girl, and followed her into the water.

Under the ice-cold lake, the water temperature was almost zero, and it was not as hot as summer. Lorrain Hill looked at the quiet crystal coffin among the ice flowers under the water and tapped it with his hands.

A translucent girl separated from the body in the coffin. She walked through the cold lake water, transparent bubbles, and stroked Lorrain Hill's face with her hand, making the latter feel a sober cold.

"I came to see you, Yixue Green." Lorrain Hill read, and then two figures rose from the bottom of the lake and jumped out of the water.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, but you come back once a year."

"Well, a lot of things have happened this year." Lorrain Hill turned the hair around her ear a little embarrassedly, explaining that she was going to school.

"Going to school? How is life in school, will there be many people?"

Yixue Gelin was very interested in this. She had never been to school during her lifetime. She lived in the deep palace for most of her life. Only a small amount of time before her death, as the army went out for a period of time, this also happened. It is the most exciting part of her life.

Lorraine Hill described the various wonderful activities in the college, the students and the customs and cultures of various regions, which made Yixue Gelin unconsciously yearning for it.

"It would be nice if I could also go to school and have a look." She said.

"Yes, if you have anything you want to do, just do it." Lorrain Hill took out a transparent sugar bowl from the basket on the side, in which the candies wrapped in sugar paper of various colors were colorful.

"Just like candy, after peeling it, put it in your mouth to know what it tastes like. There may be something you don't like, but you can also find something you like."

The two sat on the sloping hillside, looking at the lake below, Lorrain Hill handed the sugar bowl to Yixue Gelin.

"This is for you. These candies are made by myself. They have different tastes and effects. Try them."

Yixue Gelin took the candy. Although she is a ghost, due to her strong ability, as she slowly recovers over a year, she is now in the existence of Sequence 8 Necromancer. In this way, it condenses the entity and perceives the taste. It is not difficult to do.

"Thank you."

Yixue Gelin peeled off one of the white sugar papers, revealing one of the small amber-like squares, and the slightly sweet smell filled the air. She put it in her mouth and tasted it slowly, and a different kind of sweetness spread.

"I made this with maple syrup, how about it."

Seeing that Yixue Green didn't know what maple syrup was, Lorrain Hill made gestures in the air to explain.

It is a tree with five-pointed leaves. Every fall, the leaves will turn red, like a burning sunset, falling from the sky, and the sap in the trunk is also very sweet...

In this way, Yixue Gelin peeled off the candy of different colors, listening to Lorrain Hill's detailed description, this sitting was a whole day, until the bright moon was in the sky, the insects cried all over the field, and the night breeze was slightly cool.

"Thank you Lorraine for coming to see me." It was time for parting again.

Looking at this princess Mononoke standing on the lake, Lorrain Hill spoke.

"Would you like to go to the academy with me. Although I can't enroll, I can meet a lot of people there, and there are close relatives of many elves, the Mori elves.

"Really? Can I go too?"

The Princess Mononoke circled the girl with some joy, and then hugged Lorrain Hill.

"Thank you Lorrain, then!"

After agreeing to take Yixue Green to the academy, the two of them thought a little about how to do it, and finally Lorrain Hill decided to be like the little bear and make another doll.

Taking Yixue Gelin back to the Maple Leaf Garden, this princess Mononoke looked at everything around her curiously. She hovered around the huge amber red leaf maple and let out bursts of surprise.

"This may have the potential to become the next generation of World Tree." She said the same judgment as Lorrain Hill before.

After staying at Lorrain Hill’s house for the time being, the girl also had one more neighbor. Compared with the small house, this princess prefers to sit on the tall maple tree, overlooking the courtyard grass below and the distant scenery.

But at night, she would also fall from the trees, return to the hut, and have dinner with Lorrain Hill.

At this time, the season has gradually changed from a sizzling summer to a sassy autumn.

At night, in the courtyard house.

Flames were burning in the stone-stacked The wood crackled and burned and made a slight sound. Lorrain Hill sat on the wooden chair beside him, holding the needle and thread in his hand, carefully sewing the small in his hand. clothes.

And on the chair opposite her, sitting a half-meter-high delicate doll, this doll has snow-white hair, wearing a black gothic dress, long cuffs and skirts with several layers of blue Folded, there is an ice blue gem in the middle of the chest.

The snow-white hair is decorated with a headband of ice blue roses, which looks extremely beautiful.

This doll is a body made by Lorrain Hill for Yixue Green, which is convenient for her to use in school. The body of the doll is made of polished red maple wood. It has extraordinary qualities and is very tough, and it will not be easily ignited by flames. The eye pupils are made of precious stones.

The orange-red fire light shone on the quiet girl, another small snow-white dress in her hand slowly took shape, and the delicate doll sitting opposite also slowly opened his eyes.

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