She Is Not a Witch

Vol 2 Chapter 115: Crazy thoughts

On the other side of the chaotic battlefield, the'makeup artist' raised the small and exquisite jeweled dagger in her hand, and slowly approached the group of people. Her steps were not hurried, and the jeweled dagger was turned along the arm in the air. Circular arc, and then a bunch of burning white flames rose on his side.

   Although her own strength is only Sequence 6, she is the kind of rare and powerful job agency, Angel Sequence 6: Flame of Gem. Practicing this kind of job training, you can gain the ability to use gems and bright flames. This special flame is as bright and bright as crystals. It has a strong target for distortions and evils. At the same time, it also has a very high temperature. After being burned , Will leave white powder on the ground, just like gem crumbs.

The short sword in her hand is like a baton. Under her traction and swing, the flames of these gems around are like streamers, tracing light trails in the night, hitting the enemy, and then bursting open suddenly. , Illuminates everything around it, blinding and difficult to look directly at.

   A group of former priests also emerged among the other party's crowd. They held the scriptures, sang in unison, and then held up their staffs, a gust of wind passed through the crowd and rushed towards the black-robed woman.

   The gust of wind stirred up dust, flames, debris, etc., constantly hitting the past, making it difficult to open your eyes, and the hood on the top of the'makeup artist''s head was also blown up, revealing the golden hair in it.

   She whispered, and the dagger in her hand turned, as if locking the door with a key, a pale golden door was formed in front of her, blocking the wind in front of her.

   And this group of people on the other side did not stop, some of them took swords and copied them in the form of two breads, shouting unknown slogans, and their faces looked like a hyena.

   The ‘makeup artist’ took the jeweled dagger and solemnly drew a cross in the air, and then another light golden door opened in front of him.

   But it was not over yet, and then another door opened in front.

   In this way, the gates move forward like dominoes, constantly arranging the enemies in front to the rear or both sides.

   And just as these people were about to attack these doors, the ‘makeup artist’ kicked the ground with his back foot, and dashed straight ahead like an arrow from the string. These doors opened abruptly when she shuttled, allowing her to pass through.

   Every time she passed through a door, her speed increased by one point, so that in an instant, the seven doors seemed to open at the same time, and the black figure flashed away. The dazzling jewel dagger split through the chaotic walls and jumped directly to the last place.

   Following her violent movements, the hood on her head was lifted by the air current in the fire, and a strand of golden hair was brought out.

   Time seems to be moving extremely slowly at this moment. The priests behind the spellcast opened their mouths slightly in surprise, and looked at the leaping blond woman in black robe, and the flames on the side stopped swaying.

   The short sword in her hand burst into a dazzling flash at this moment——

   Then, when the people around recovered from that blind state, the group of priests casting spells from behind had fallen to the ground, and warm blood slowly flowed from the neat and sharp wounds.


   The north side of the valley, which is the direction closest to the center.

   click and wipe——

   A red-dyed glove twisted the enemy's head and threw it aside.

   ‘Red Hat’ shook the blood drop on his hand, and dozens of dead bodies were already lying beside him. At this moment, besides him, only the old man in the center was still standing.

"I know you, Bishop Kisling. We had a relationship five years ago, but at that time you were standing on a high platform and expressing your thoughts about retirement, saying that you want to return to the south to provide for the elderly. In the last days of your life, A simple day."

   "No, it is sad to see you here again a few years later."

"Oh. Maybe there are too many acquaintances in the past, I don't know which junior you are." The old man stood in the flames coughing and looking at the man hidden in the black robe. He knew it. I don’t have much time and I am not afraid of death.

   "The old man in the adjudication department is still so sharp, cough cough...but I have done my job, even if I die—"

  'S voice was suddenly interrupted, and the ‘Red Top Hat’ rushed forward and strangled the old man’s neck tightly, then lifted it up, the wooden staff in his hand also fell off, and rolled into the blood and flames aside.

   "Want to die? I'm afraid it's not that easy."

   "Do you know how many people-how many families-and how many lives have died because of your wishful thinking and ethereal delusions?"

   "How can you be relieved so easily!"

   ‘Red Top Hat’ clenched the neck in his hand, and said word by word, its voice seemed to hit an iron nail with a sledgehammer, making it deeply embedded in the opponent's consciousness.

   The old man's head turned dark red due to congestion, and his body was constantly struggling, but he couldn't shake the iron-like arm.

   After more than ten seconds, when the old man's resistance became weaker and weaker, the'Red Hat' released his hand and let it roll to the ground.

   "Cough cough, you stupid and sad fellow...cough cough." He said painfully, covering his throat.

   "Oh, where am I poor, Master Kisling."

   ‘Red Hat’ slowly pulled out the stabbing sword in his hand, and slightly picked it up. A blood flower bloomed on the old man’s shoulder, splashing out a little flesh and blood, causing the opponent to mourn again.

   " will be submerged by the chaotic tide sooner or later, and...I will enter a new paradise."

"Paradise? It's really an ancient and unfamiliar word. I only seem to mention it in some ancient books. When the soul and consciousness are all gone, where can I go? This world is heaven, and death is hell." "

   Another blood flower bloomed on the old man’s wrist, and the fine blood flower splashed on the old man’s face, making it look terrifying.

   "Sad, ah ha ha ha." The old man laughed wildly, and several blood flowers flashed on his body again.

   "We are all bugs trapped on the ground. You are still complacent living in a cage. You don't know how magnificent and beautiful the vast Ganges star sand is."

"Death? Dissipated? So what? The ladder of evolution is paved with blood step by step. Does the stable environment on weekdays make you have too many beautiful hallucinations. Believe This world is just that. It's so cruel, there will always be a group of people who will be sacrificed. I just made their deaths more valuable."

   ‘Red Top Hat’ put one foot on the old man’s calf, making a sound of broken bones, and then another mournful wailing.

   "I thought you were not afraid of pain."

   "The value in your mouth is to make them lose their minds and become irrational beasts and corpses?"

   "Hahaha, hahaha, yes, that's it. I know you want to get more out of my mouth, but it doesn't matter if I tell you."

   "Yes, we just want to let the chaotic disaster sweep the earth again and clean the world. This is our own sin."


   "After all the world is shattered, a life that adapts to chaos will be born, and at that time, it is a brand new future. I believe in the possibility of life."


   Another arm was crushed by the'Red Hat', and pale bones and blood poured out.

   "If your prediction fails, no new life is born?"

   This dying old man was vomiting blood and struggling wildly on the ground. His face was stained with dust and blood, and his muddy eyes looked at the burning fire not far away.

   "You are not a god, how can you sever the existence of hope..." His consciousness gradually fell into a blur.

   Behind the flames, a slender figure in a black robe gradually approached, and as he exhausted his last strength, he moved his eyes upward. In the end, the silver hair and the pair of star-like eyes were reflected in the blurry vision.

   is so beautiful.

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