She Is Not Your Wife, What Do You Care About?

023: Another Collapse Of The Two Tutors! The Show Is Over!

Xu Liang and Wu Xing walked forward.

It's just that the directions are not from their respective instructors.

Instead, he walked up to Zhou Mu.

"Thank you very much Zhou Mu tutor!"

"One of my points will go to Mentor Zhou Mu!"


There was an uproar at the scene.

No one expected such a thing to happen.

Instead of voting for their mentors, the two guests voted for Zhou Mu who didn't even say a word.

Zhao Yan's expression changed.

"This is a shady scene, the shady scene of the show, there is no connection, how can it be possible to vote for him."

"Your show is too fake!"

The same is true for Wang Li, the original confidence and joy suddenly disappeared.

Very angry.

"It's inappropriate to give the fruits of our hard work to Zhou Mu like this!"

Apparently both instructors thought it was an arrangement of the program group.

Even though it's just for one day,

But they can all feel that the guests are very obedient, and only the arrangement of the program group can make the guests behave like this.

Director Li Zheng was also stunned.

He didn't remember that he had such an arrangement, so he looked around.

The person in charge and the assistant director beside him were also full of doubts.

"Teacher Zhao Yan!"

At this moment, Xu Liang spoke.

"Thank you for your education, but we do thank Zhou Mu from the bottom of our hearts."

"We watched Zhou Mu's video last night."

"I agree with what he said."

"I'm just an ordinary person who wants to live comfortably and comfortably."

Wu Xing next to him also said.

"Yes, Zhou Mu's words cleared up our confusion!"

"This is what we pursue, and we are not afraid of being ridiculed by others."

These words made Zhao Yan even more angry.

"Nonsense, those are all fallacies."

"It's just a short-term comfort, where there is no happiness after success in the future."

"He's not the kind of person who can experience that feeling."

"Don't give up just for the momentary enjoyment."

Hearing this, Zhou Mu frowned.

If others don't mess with him, he won't do anything.

But now it's all about myself.

That cannot be silent.

"Mr. Zhao Yan, I thought you were knowledgeable and reasonable. I didn't expect you to be so rigid."

"What was Xu Liang's initial confusion?"

Zhou Mu sneered and replied by himself.

"I just want to be a security guard, but I just have doubts in my heart, and the opinions of the people around me make him doubt whether it is right or not."

"I explained clearly the most essential thoughts and doubts in his heart."

"At least he clearly knows what he should do and what he should pursue."

"what about you?"

"Forcibly change other people's original intentions and let them learn."

"How funny!"

"It doesn't matter whether it's a human idea or not, just forcefully instill your own ideas in it."

"Do you think so?"

"Obviously, the guests are not material for reading. If they can read, they still come here. Do they have to wait until now?"

"You're wasting other people's time."

"He has worked very hard on this, and he may not get a single point in return."

[Haha, well done, I wanted to say it a long time ago! 】

[That is, reading is of course right, but it also depends on the person. Other guests just want to be peaceful and calm, so he insists on letting people study. 】

[Guests don't have this talent and thought at first glance, they just torture people. 】

[The direction was crooked at the beginning! 】

[Poor yesterday, the guest read the book bitterly all day. 】

[Let’s not talk about right and wrong, anyway, according to the guest’s request, Zhou Mu has fully achieved it. 】

The barrage scrolls in the live broadcast room.

Regarding the behavior of asking the security guard to study, after Zhou Mu's words, he also understood that it was extremely unreliable.

It sounds reasonable, but it is actually harmful.

Zhao Yan was so furious that he no longer looked like a professor.

Pointing at Zhou Mu, her face flushed.

"You are just self-righteous, standing too high, thinking that everyone will listen to you!"

"Everyone in this world is an individual, why do you let others follow yours?"

"Is it because you are a professor? The one who is taller than you tells you that Chi Xiang is right, so you have to obey?"

No one had ever dared to speak so nakedly in front of him.

Zhao Yan couldn't bear it anymore, his face was ashen, he turned and left directly.

【Zhou Mu is too straightforward! 】

[No face at all. 】

[It also makes sense, from the very beginning, I didn't put myself in the right position. 】

[I didn't ask the guests, so I followed what I thought. 】

[I've seen guests want to refute, but I've been bluffed by the rationale they use. 】

[Coupled with some fans booing, I don't know who I am. 】

【Zhou Mu instead explained the essence clearly and let the guests choose for themselves. 】


Many people support Zhou Mu.

Putting everything on the bright side, only to find that Zhao Yan has always been just self-righteous, and only by studying can he use this kind of principle to deceive people.


But not every time.

The truth is for people to understand and understand, not compulsive.

[Zhao Yan is finished, the human design collapses, and no one can save it. 】

[It's what you deserve, it's only a matter of time! 】

Everyone understands.

The most important thing for an Internet celebrity is the personality.

Zhao Yan is a professor with knowledge, culture and thought.

but now,

Fully exposed, collapsed.

I originally wanted to participate in the show to increase the number of fans, but in the end I had to pay for it myself.

Wang Li stood aside.

Also very upset.

He thought to himself, but there was nothing wrong with it.

It all revolves around the profession of the guests themselves.

"Don't think about it, you are the only one who has the nerve to say that you are a career expert?"

"Every job is different, and the doorsteps are different."

"Stop ignoring Hiroto with your methods."

"It's nothing more than hard work, hard work, obedience, and dressing up."

"These may have a certain role for most occupations, but they are not the core."

"The core of every profession can only be known through experience."

"The guests here just want to relax, you make others stand guard every day without thinking."

Wang Li was full of dissatisfaction.

Just then, a security guard ran over.

I was a little confused seeing so many people, but I still said it when I remembered the captain's order.

"Wu Xing, the captain heard that you and the new post are doing well, but there is a shortage of people at the main entrance, hurry up and go up to the top."

Hearing this, Wang Li smiled.

Very proud.

"Look at the result, it's only been one day, and I was transferred to the main entrance!"

"What does that prove? Proof that it was taken seriously."

"In the workplace, it is a step closer."

Wang Li turned his head to look at the guest Wu Xing, hoping to see excitement and approval from the other party's face.


What I saw was the other party's uncomfortable expression.

Suddenly a little confused.

Zhou Mu shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, but continued.

"Look at you, you don't even know the most basic rules of security, the difference between positions, and what the content is."

"To go to the main gate, you need to stand guard every day."

"Worst location ever."

"There are people leaving and coming every month. It is the most unstable place."

"The two of you performed so well yesterday, of course you are the best candidates. You will be praised for solving the problem of lack of people at the main entrance."

"However, I probably only have to stand guard there all the time, because the rest of the people don't want to go."

The live broadcast is also lively at the moment.

[This is too funny! 】

[One operation, hard work, but the result is counterproductive? 】

[I also know a little bit about the security industry. If you want to be promoted, you need a flexible mind, the ability to manage these people who want to be relaxed and safe, and the ability to handle some urgent matters. 】

[On the contrary, the most diligent and rigid ones are the most tiring jobs. 】

[I deeply feel that the same is true for other positions, such as our line of work, those who arrive first and leave last every day, who are busy and hardworking, are useless, and the best one is a person who is usually lazy. 】

[That's because that person has mastered the core of the profession. 】

hear this.

Wang Liren was stunned, and the smugness on his face stopped abruptly.

I understand why the guests have uncomfortable expressions on their faces.

"If you don't know anything, according to the experience of other industries, it will be a disservice,"

"So? This is the career master?"

[Wang Li's videos have been watched a lot, and they are the same thing every time. 】

[No matter what occupation, it’s just those things, brainless efforts, persistence, inexplicable struggles in some small things, nothing changes at all. 】

[It is useful in many occupations, but it is extremely limited. It is the same as what Zhou Mu said, hard work, no gain. 】

[The key point is that many people believe it, and they are speechless. 】

Wang Li's face turned red, his eyes were full of anger, but he had nowhere to vent it.

Can only turn around and leave.

[It's over now, the same person is set up to collapse, exposing his own truth. 】

[Another Internet celebrity is over! 】

[Same as Zhao Yan, it is certain that fans will be lost, and posting videos will only be ridiculed. 】

[Three Internet celebrities who had a relationship with Zhou Mu collapsed! 】

[There is also the relationship expert Yao Qin, who is now cold and ridiculed every day. 】

[It's also to blame that these internet celebrities themselves have no real ability, and they were not discovered online before. 】

[Now offline, with the comparison of Zhou Mu, there is really no way to cover up the shortcomings, only to be exposed. 】

[I have to say, Zhou Mu is still amazing! 】

[I suspect that he was definitely a security guard before! 】

[It's still at the ten-year level. 】

The two mentors were ruined.

It also announced that Zhou Mu has been recognized by the three guests.

The show couldn't continue to be filmed, so this episode ended in this situation.

ps: This episode is over, the next story will be more exciting, please ask for some data, thank you all.

Don't worry, I have prepared a lot of materials, absolutely stable, just count the votes and flowers!

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