She Is Not Your Wife, What Do You Care About?

077: Teacher Zhou, Wang Yong Was Blocked By People Outside The School!

Class 1, Grade 2.

"Five days later, there will be a sports meeting. If there is anything our class is good at, you can sign up."

"Make some money for the class!"

Holding the material in hand, Zhou Mu first explained it to the students.

just asked.

As long as Zhou Mu is around, these bastard students are very excited, as if seeing the boss.

"Mr. Zhou, Yao Feng runs pretty fast, you can go for a run."

Someone replied.

All of a sudden, everyone looked at a student in the corner.

The student's face turned red immediately, he hesitated and couldn't speak, and waved his hands again and again.

"I, I can't!

The student who spoke had long arms and legs, but he seemed very uncomfortable in the eyes of everyone.

At first glance, it is extremely introverted.

I usually have no sense of presence in the class.

And the grades are also poor, it is a scumbag, and no one pays attention to it.

"Fart, last time I told you to wait, the speed at which you run, labor and management are dumbfounded!"

Wang Yong stood up and said, then felt something was wrong, and quickly looked at Zhou Mu.

"Teacher, that was all in the past. Now I don't do these things."

"And bullying classmates is really boring."

"It's more interesting to help them fight with other classes instead."

Li Qiang on the side nodded with deep understanding.

Zhou Mu didn't care about this problem.

These bastard students used to have nothing to do every day, looking for a sense of presence, what else can they do if they don't bully students?

"It's okay, Yao Feng, don't be nervous, we are all classmates."

"You really have the talent in this area, you can try it, if you win, you will bring glory to everyone and the class, and if you lose, no one will blame you.

"After class is over, I'll ask the physical education teacher to take you to try it.

Zhou Mu had a smile on his face.

Many students below followed suit.

"That's right, Yao Feng, I remember you are really good at running, why don't you try it!"

"Teacher Zhou has already said, you can go for a while."

"Anyway, if you miss two classes with this grade, it doesn't make any difference at all.

"I think your speed can definitely be rewarded. We will call you Brother Yao then."

Faced with such enthusiasm, Yao Feng could only agree, and also had a little longing in his heart.

Zhou Mu nodded in satisfaction, then continued.

"Anyone else, anyone who is interested in any aspect can go."

"You are obviously impossible, so don't go. You are one of the few in our class with good grades. Your task is to study!"

"Throwing a shot put, yes, yes, I will try it after class!"

"Painting? At this level, it's better not to dream! Besides, this is a sports meeting!"

With the start of Yao Feng, many people were still interested and signed up to participate.

Count it out.

A total of nine students participated.

After class, Zhou Mu took a few people to the playground, and called the physical education teacher to check whether they could participate.

If you don't even have an entry-level level, it's meaningless to go.

In the end, only five passed the test, so you can take advantage of these few days to train.

【What is Zhou Mu doing? Don't worry about the students' grades, what kind of sports meeting are you taking with you?】

【Ah, even if you don't want to compare with Teacher Mao Jin, you should still put your grades first!】

[It feels like Zhou Mu is just messing around. 】

[Really, although those bastard students have done it, it seems to be of no use. 】

[Yes, in essence, you should learn to be poor, just to be poor. 】

【Zhou Mu just can't help, feeling like she's messing around. 】

[It can only be said that the only usefulness is to make the discipline in the class much better. 】

【However, the final result is still very different from that of Mr. Mao Jin's class. 】

[Teacher Mao Jin has already started to find the questions and print them out, and started to practice the questions. 】


At this time, Mao Jin looked at the test papers handed in by the students, frowned, and shook his head slightly.

After the first simulation.

He also roughly understood the real level of these students.

Many of them are basic questions in the basics, known as sending sub-questions,

But even these questions, some students are writing with guesswork.

Needless to say, he can also know that it is those bastard students.

Even if it is him, it is impossible to make up the learning of these people. It is not a matter of time, but a problem of not being able to teach at all.

Mao Jin shook his head and threw the test papers away.

There is no need to care at all.

Instead, he focused his attention on a few test papers.

Judging from his previous teaching career, it is not very good.

But there are other comparisons.

It looks very good.

Carefully divide the students into several parts, and record those who need to make up for it, and those who are almost in any way.

Based on my own experience, I am summing up how to improve.

"Teacher Mao Jin, Zhou Mu is still taking the students to the sports meeting."

A teacher in the same class said.

Mao Jin was taken aback when he heard this.

"It's a waste of time to still think about going to the sports meeting in such a critical grade.

"Even if he manages those bastard students well, it's useless. Those students are scumbags and useless.

Thinking of those students in his class, Mao Jin couldn't help but sigh.

Most of his career has been in key high schools, and he has never seen so many rubbish students.

It was an eye-opener.

【Mr. Mao Jin still sees clearly, knowing that those students are useless at all!】

[It can't be said that it is useless, anyway, there is no difference in the result of comparison. 】

[Scores cannot be improved casually, it requires long-term hard work and talent. 】

【Of course we need a good teacher!】

[Anyway, if the two classes are the same, Zhou Mu is bound to lose. 】

【Didn't Zhou Mu say that he doesn't compare at all?】

[No comparison? How is it possible, the scarf is hotly searched, and it is said that the two mentors are right. 】

【Fuck, it's so exciting!】


Time passed silently.

The atmosphere in Class One, Grade Two is also getting better and better.

This morning, it was time for morning reading.

Zhou Mu also came to the class on time, but found that several students in the class hadn't come yet.

I couldn't help frowning, feeling a little wrong.

It is normal for one or two students to be late occasionally.

but now.

However, five students did not come.

Take a closer look, and there is Wang Yong among them.

This person is very active in going to school now. As a security committee member, he has the strongest sense of presence during this time.

Sometimes a classmate was bullied by a foreign class, and when he found him, he would actively deal with it.

Therefore, he has been respected by many students.

Even the classroom discipline is maintained by him, and his mother Zhao and everyone admire him very much.

This kind of feeling has never been seen before for the bastard who was feared by others but also hated by others.

Going to school every day is very enthusiastic and positive.

The strangest thing is that the other students who didn't show up are Wang Yong's biggest support.

The same recent school is full of passion, go to school early every day.

How many people are late at the same time,

It's just unbelievable.

When Zhou Mu was wondering.

Boom boom boom!

Hasty footsteps sounded.

A student ran in from the door.

It was one of the students who didn't show up, Yang Jie.

It's just that his face is full of anxiety now, but he is panting heavily, as if he has run for a long time, with his hands on his knees.

After a while, he pointed outside.

Said in an urgent tone.

"Mr. Zhou, it's not good, Wang Yong and the others are blocked by people from outside the school!"

ps: The number of words is a little less today, please forgive me, it seems like a sheep, I feel uncomfortable.

More updates tomorrow, please leave a message, please make your own decision. .

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