She Is Not Your Wife, What Do You Care About?

095: Character Education, The Teacher Is Negligent! The Show Is Over, Go Home!

[Really, many students from Qingbei went to live and work abroad to settle down after graduation. 】

[Yes, the statistics are like this, basically all went to the other side of the ocean. 】

[It is also said that the domestic conditions and atmosphere are not good. 】

[Holy shit, this is getting old when you are full. 】

[Dogs don't think their families are poor, they forget whose milk they grew up on, and they can leave so confidently. 】

[The euphemistic name is for what ideals and ambitions! When the water is white, it means that when you are full, you will change to a young mother. 】

【Zhou Mu's point is very reasonable. Students' thinking in universities has basically been fixed, and education in junior and senior high schools is particularly important. 】

[These are the lack of education for people. 】

[In comparison, teaching such students is a bad thing, using the country's resources and people in disguise to cultivate talents for the other party. 】

[This increase and decrease is not only a contribution, but also an enemy. 】

【No matter how many people teach such students, they are no match for someone who joined the army in China. 】

[Don't say, even ordinary students can't compare. 】

What Zhou Mu said made everyone in the live broadcast room a little bit off guard.

Especially now that the statistics do.

Many students from the top Qingbei University choose to go abroad after graduation.

Such behavior is the lack of student morality.

Teachers have a lot of responsibility.

Because through Mao Jin's arrogance all the time, it can be seen that what the other party is most proud of is such past achievements.

How much Qingbei University has taught.

How good the grades are, there is never a word about the teaching of the rest of the students.

There are only achievements in the eyes, only achievement theory.

Not only Mao Jin, but the rest of the teachers also lowered their heads and never said a word.

The bald headmaster looked ugly.

He opened his mouth, unable to refute after all.

And at this time.

The hot searches on the scarf are also changing rapidly.

(It is right or wrong for Qingbei University students to graduate and go abroad.)

There have been hundreds of thousands of comments under the "440" party in a short period of time, and it is still growing rapidly.

'For myself, of course it is right, but for the country, it means that the cost of people and education is nothing. '

'These people are the proud sons of heaven, enjoying the best resources, being admitted to Qingbei, and various rewards, but many of them ran away after finishing their studies!

In the past, there were many such topics. Many people still said that it was personal freedom, and it was right to pursue better. "

‘The person who said this will definitely be the number one traitor in the future. "


(The teacher's responsibility is to teach and educate people, or to only focus on grades!)

"Of course it is teaching and educating people."

"There are only a few with good grades, and most of them are ordinary people."

"At least in terms of character, the teacher still needs to pay more attention. The Qingbei problem above is obviously based on the theory of grades.

For a while, the whole topic about Qingbei once again became the center of public opinion.

And as the instigator Zhou Mu.

Still looking at Mao Jin.

With a wry smile on Mao Jin's face, he stretched out his hand to wipe off the cold sweat.

His best confidence comes from the Qingbei students he has been teaching.

These are his masterpieces, his pride.

As soon as it was mentioned, countless people praised it.

But today.

What Zhou Mu said left him speechless.

Can only sigh secretly.


He is not qualified to talk about his contribution to the country now.

Because those who contribute to go abroad are compared with those who stay, it will be offset at most.

It seems that I really have no contribution, the most is the personal contribution to those parents, so that their children can enter the top universities as they wish.

But the most basic character is not taught well.

Or completely ignored.

The place he was most proud of was hit by someone, and Mao Jin was so sad that he turned around and walked out of the school.

The teaching time for the program has ended.

It should have ended long ago, because Zhou Mu delayed until now.

He had nothing to say and could only leave sadly.

Just after leaving the school gate, I saw a student happily running towards the playground.

Mao Jin had a little influence on this student.

It is a student in Class 1 of Grade 2 and Class Zhou.

asked subconsciously.

"Why did you come back to school from off-campus?"

The student touched his head when he saw it was for the teacher, and said happily.

"Just now I went to the city stadium for a test and was admitted early by the Sports Institute. I want to tell Mr. Zhou Mu quickly."

"It was at that time that he encouraged me to participate in the competition, so I got the opportunity of this test."

Yao Feng was overjoyed, and after saying that, he hurried towards the school.

He didn't expect to win the sprint in the school competition he participated in last time.

He was also favored by the teachers of the Physical Education College, and this time he personally took him to the city stadium for a professional test, and finally succeeded in being admitted in advance.

In the future, I can embark on the road of sprinting.

For Yao Feng, who has always had poor grades, this is also a new direction, a direction with confidence.

Mao Jin, on the other hand, froze in place.

He remembered the student.

At that time, he was looking at the playground in the corridor. Zhou Mu was taking a few students to practice on the playground, and he was going to participate in some sports meeting of the school next door.

This student is one of them.

Thinking of my own ridicule at that time, I laughed at being so nervous about studying and taking people to the sports meeting.

Now it is mixed food in my heart.

Think again about the bastard students in Zhou Mu's class, their eyes of resolutely joining the army, and the cohesion of the class.

He also thought of the confused eyes of those bastards and students with poor grades in his class who he directly ignored.

Mao Jin shook his head and left the school.

[It is undeniable that Zhou Mu won this time. 】

[He is not good at teaching, but he is really good at educating people. 】

[If I was in this class at the time, I might be painting now. I liked it very much at the time, but my grades were poor. I was scolded by the teacher for painting in class, and my confidence was completely lost. 】

【Then I will definitely save a few years of detours. I waited two years after graduation to join the army, and my family forced me to go. 】

[Aside from other things, the society is developing rapidly now, and under the basic living security, the education of character is getting less and less attention. 】

[So there are too many weirdos in society now, it’s okay if the parents are better, but when you meet parents who don’t care, the true character of the students depends entirely on their nature. 】

【Those who are bullied in school, or are bullied, will be affected even more. 】

[This time Zhou Mu's words will definitely set off public opinion about teaching! 】

[Many schools will be affected. 】

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

Feeling the twists and turns of this show.

No one expected that there would be such a result in the end, making the entire education issue a hot search.

And Mr. Mao Jin also ended the show with such a crushing defeat and left directly.

Zhou Mu won again.

Won undisputed.

In terms of performance, he didn't lose, and in other aspects, he was completely crushed.

The meeting also ended in silence.

Students are back in the classroom.

Zhou Mu's task is also the end, it can be said to be perfectly completed.

The students in the whole class have a sense of existence, and even if Zhou Mu is gone, there are already students who will maintain the discipline.

Students also have self-confidence.

No longer choose to mix because of poor study.

"Zhou Mu!"

Zhou Mu, who was about to leave the school, stopped and turned around to see Lin Yue.

Lin Yue's face was full of emotion.

"Sorry for not getting to know you at the beginning, so I have a lot of misunderstandings about you.

She thought that she was watching Zhou Mu at the playground.

Let Wang Yong beat Li Qiang who bullied Yang Jie.

She was so angry at the time.

Almost turned his face.

Now whether it is the bastard student Wang Yong, the bullied Yang Jie, or Li Qiang, they are all completely reborn.

No longer a trouble in the class, but an indispensable classmate.

They also have their own goals.

join the army.

These students who have no hope of learning have such aspirations.

As a teacher, I am naturally happy for it.

"It's okay, I've never been a teacher, and my methods are quite violent."

"You are a good teacher who is really in charge!"

Zhou Mu is not polite either.

If some teachers are older and have already fixed their minds, they may have turned against him long ago, and it is even more impossible to fully support them after seeing the effect.

In the end, it was Lin Er's credit for improving the grades of the class.

"Hey, you are the real sober one. Now we teachers are basically just like you said, only have grades in our eyes."

'The real duties of a teacher, educating people, are all left behind.

"These students have become the bastards we are now, and we all have a great responsibility."

"I will still pay attention to these in the future. Grades are important, and the rest of the students who are not good at learning should not be allowed to have problems in their thinking because they are excluded in school.

"This is also the most important responsibility of the teacher."

"I was really taught and deeply inspired my career."

Lin Yue sighed sincerely.

As a young girl, being a teacher has always been her dream, and she is also striving for it.

The acceptance of Zhou Mu's statement is also very high.

It can be said that it will affect the entire career as a teacher.

Instead Zhou Mu smiled awkwardly.

"I just said casually, the general environment is like this, it is the grades that determine the quality and professional title of a teacher, and many teachers are gradually affected by the environment.

"Parents in schools now regard grades as everything, and teachers can only do so. In the long run, no one insists on being independent."

"Even the class teacher can't do the maverick, let alone the principles of educating people."

"So this is also an important reason why all the teachers pursued the truth, but none of them could do it."

"I can't help myself!"

"I'm so forced that I can't help it. It's a bit too much, just listen to it."

[I believed in your ghost, but you spoke so convincingly just now that all the teachers were silent. 】

【However, what Zhou Mu said is reasonable, and he can only say that in such a general environment, the teacher cannot be alone. 】

[I don’t know if the public opinion this time can be fermented enough to play a role. 】

【Zhou Mu's opinion is still clear!】

【Lin Yue is still very good, at least she really wants to change, as her student, she will be lucky......】

【Anyway, Zhou Mu won this episode!】

【Even the show is over!】

After saying a few words, Zhou Mu also left the school directly.

This time the show is also completely over.

The original intention of the show was to make the two worst classes a little better.

The task is also completed.

The results have been raised to the top few.

It also brought about an earth-shaking change in the atmosphere of the entire school.

As for Lin Yue's class, even if Wang Yong and the other bastard students went to join the army, they still retained the position of security committee member.

It manages the probability of the class, and even radiates to the whole school.

Popular with students.

The friction between the students, the teacher can't tell the right from the wrong, it's all caused by

These are the people who are right and wrong.

For the contradictions between students, students can distinguish clearly than teachers.

Of course Zhou Mu didn't know this.

He had already boarded the special car for the show and headed for the city.

The two-week teacher career is also a rare experience for him.

Almost except for sleeping time, they are staying in the school, facing the students.

At this moment, I watched the people coming and going on the roadside outside the window.

It seems like a lifetime away.

"Two completely different worlds!"

Zhou Mu sighed and got out of the car.

Facing a familiar person, he opened his arms with a smile on his face, director Li Zheng who wanted to hug and celebrate.

Of course choose to refuse.

Li Zheng opened his hands in embarrassment and said helplessly.

"I'm really not the kind of person you think."

At the same time, he wanted to hug the brother cameraman to ease the embarrassment, but he was also rejected.

"Director, I'm not the kind of person you think."


Alright! Li Zheng lowered his arms resignedly, his face became solemn.

"Zhou Mu, we won again in this show.

"Three times in a row, crushing the opponent's program three times!"

"The show next door is ready to be withdrawn."

"We're the only show of its kind again."

"Also, the bonus I promised last time will also be given to you."


Hearing this, Zhou Mu was taken aback.

The bonus of the show in memory is that 50 million.

He thought it was a painted cake.

Even if Li Zheng promised last time that as long as he crushed the other party's program for three consecutive episodes, he could get it in advance, but he just thought it was a cake.

I didn't expect it to be true.

Drip! Drip! Drip!

Zhou Mu picked up the phone and saw that the text message to the account had been sent.

With so much money in the account, Zhou Mu was of course smiling and gave the other party a thumbs up without hesitation.

After a simple meal to celebrate, Zhou Mu returned to the rental room.

Just lie down.

beep beep!

The phone rang.

Pick it up, and a familiar number appears.

"Zhou Mu, your grandpa will have his 80th birthday in one week, come back when you have time!"

Facing the phone call of loved ones

Of course Zhou Mu chose to agree.

"Mom, good!"


Zhou Mu's home is in the countryside of Shucheng, and her parents are still alive.

He came to this big city alone to work hard.

"Exactly, now that the money is 5.1 in hand, it's just right to settle down with my parents when I go back."

"They are used to being at home, and they are not used to coming to this city, so let them enjoy themselves in their hometown."

Early the next morning.

Zhou and Mu made three poles before leisurely coming to the program group again.

He had no choice but to call the director to ask for leave.

to be frank.

Now that Zhou Mu has money in hand, it doesn't matter if the show is stopped now.

It is enough to go back to my hometown and lie flat.

I never thought that the director didn't refuse, and didn't give him a chance to say these things.

Instead, let him come to the program group.

"Director, I really have to go back to my hometown for two weeks."

Li Zheng frowned.

For two weeks, the eyes will be cold.

But after so long, he also knew Zhou Mu. If he dared to refuse, Zhou Mu's flat character would definitely not do it directly.

Hasty, the 50 million was given too directly.

While Li Zheng regretted it, he had no choice but to think of a compromise.

"Zhou Mu, you also know that you are the mainstay of the program group now, you can do without anyone, but you can't live without you."

"You don't want the show that you have worked so hard to be so cold!"

"If it doesn't start broadcasting in two weeks, it will definitely be a surprise!"

After a while.

Zhou Mu compromised, and the other party renewed a big contract without affecting his schedule.

Still acceptable.

That's right.

It just needs to be the same as last time, live broadcast regularly for a period of time every day, and bring an extra cameraman, Dou.

Besides, Li Zheng is not bad, he keeps his word, and he will give so many bonuses as he says.

Of course Zhou Mu would not be so ruthless.

ps: This story is over. The author feels that it is not satisfactory, and he didn't write the feeling he wanted to write, and it was even a bit crooked. It is meaningless to write about the impact of this story and incident on the Internet,

The repetition is too high, and if you don’t write it, it seems that something is missing. Let’s show it in the later stories!.

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