She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 12:Big Brother Is Worrying

Eyan Bai knew his baby sister hated being in the spotlight. He also knew that when it was time for Zunnie Bai to step out and show up at important events hosted by their company, she would not hesitate to attend.

Everyone who laid eyes on Zunnie at any of the Bai's events was always in awe of her beauty. You could say that Zunnie Bai was a rare jewel one could only admire behind a glass case. She is poised, intelligent and exceptionally gorgeous. Zunnie seemed to be respectful, but very childish when she was with friends or family.

Eyan loved to flaunt his baby sister at these events, even if she would pout and complain to him about it after. He couldn't help it. He was too proud of the woman she grew up to be and always made sure to tell her their mom would have been proud too.

After their mom passed away, eight-year-old Zunnie was traumatized. The death had been especially hard on her since she adored their mother deeply. She had cried an entire week and refused to eat, causing her to be malnourished and later hospitalized for two months.

Under the care of a few nurses and doctors, love from him and their dad, Zunnie finally started acting like a normal child. Her bright smile returned, and she ate like a little pig. Everyone was happy she had gotten better and couldn't help but spoil her. Whatever Zunnie wanted, Zunnie got.

Sitting behind the desk in his office swamped with work, he thought back to their childhood days. He wondered if she was eating well and doing okay. She sometimes forgets to eat when she's busy and he couldn't help wondering.

After Zunnie got sick at age eight, their father suggested the idea to build a children's hospital.

When Zunnie turned fifteen, the hospital was ready to be opened. Her dad dedicated the hospital to her for her birthday that year. She currently is the director of the hospital.

Thinking about his sister Eyan dialed her number.


Zunnie walked into her apartment after she had dinner with Sanua. She looked exhausted walking up the stairs to her bedroom. Given that tomorrow happened to be her day off, all she wanted to do was stay home and rest.

Afraid she would fall asleep before taking a shower, she hurriedly took one and went to lay in bed.

While scrolling through Facebook her phone rang.

"Zunnie's counseling hotline; how can I help?" She tried hard not to laugh.

"Sorry, wrong number. I'm not trying to let you ruin my night with your skepticism." He said jokingly.

"You're worrying about me again, Eyan. I'm doing fine, don't worry. Okay."

"So, you're implying that your brother only calls you when he's worried about you; how mean."

"Not entirely, but when you and dad call me twice in one day…then yeah."

"Ha-ha…I surrender."

He knew Zunnie was too good at analyzing them. There's no way he could hide his worry from her.

They were nervous, seeing that the gala would be held in one week and she will not be able to hide from the media.

Whenever she appeared at an event, Zunnie always ended up in the media. Even if she tried to convince him and father she was fine now, they were still being overprotective.

Two years ago, she made a few headlines after Bai Entertainment's thirtieth gala. A group of fans began stalking her which had terrified her. The good thing was he had gotten it under control before it escalated, and the persons involved were sent to jail.

"I have both you and Papa Bai to protect me." She said understanding his wariness.

"You got that right!"

"Do you know dad called me earlier asking me about the gala. Saying it's okay if I don't want to attend. So you know, I will certainly be there. Sanua will be there as well. Plus, I'm not a child anymore, you guys should stop pampering me." She sounded so confident that Eyan was convinced and agreed with her.

He was happy she would be attending the gala. He thought it seemed like a great idea since he could use her for one of the auction items.

After catching up with his baby sister, Eyan left the office and went home to his beautiful girlfriend.

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