She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 34:Family Dinner

"Talia, if you keep worrying like that you're going to turn into a wrinkled potato." Her manager flicked her forehead gently as she scolded her.

"But I've been calling and texting him for a week now and he still hasn't replied..." Natalia rubbed her forehead and frowned.

"Maybe Alex is busy. After all, he is the one directing the company now."

"You're right. He probably has a lot to do. Mrs. Zi even told me he was working on a shopping mall project. I should stop worrying. After my shoot today, I will go to see Mrs. Zi."

Natalia had been trying to get in touch with Alex for a week now and still hadn't gotten through to him. All she ever did was talk about how she missed Alex, or how she couldn't wait to be Mrs. Zi. Her manager and assistant were beginning to get tired of her constant blabbering about Alex even though they encouraged her.

She currently sat in one of the chairs getting her makeup and hair done for a video shoot. One of the major skincare company Beautiful Care happened to be launching a new product and she had been signed on to be the actress in their advertisement.

The video shoot took five hours and by the time she was done, it was already four in the afternoon.

As promised, she drove to the Zi mansion hoping she would meet Alex there. Madam Zi had informed her that he would often come back to the mansion on Wednesdays. Seeing that it was Wednesday, she had called the mansion and informed them she would come for tea after her video shot was done.

The moment she arrived she got out of her car feeling very happy. She had a pleasing look when she arrived at the entrance and Madam Zi was there. She greeted Talia warmly and escorted her in.

"Talia, two weeks have passed, and I have not seen you. Are you eating well? Please stay for dinner tonight. Alex will be home in two hours. I haven't seen you both in so long."

Natalia smiled when she heard that Alex was coming for dinner.

"Auntie Zi, I've been eating well. I have no plans tonight, so I will trouble you for dinner." She linked her arms with Madam Zi's and followed her inside the huge mansion.

"Ahh, nonsense Talia, you're like a granddaughter to me; staying for dinner is no trouble at all. It will be like the old days with both you and Alex here. So, tell me, how has it been going with Alex?"

Talia's face turned red. She was uncomfortable talking about Alex with Madam Zi.

Madam Zi noticed her shyness and chuckled. She took a sip from the cup of green tea in her hand and quietly waited for her reply.

Talia was embarrassed and had no idea how to reply.

"You don't have to be embarrassed dear, I was your age once. Young and in love. You can tell me anything."

"W-Well we haven't spoken or seen each other for a few days. But it's okay since he's busy with work…"

"Let me tell you, no man is ever too busy for the woman he loves. There's the saying that: 'Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused.' Don't be enslaved by love. Tell my grandson how you feel before it's too late."

Talia was touched by Mrs. Zi's words of encouragement. She nodded her head and vowed deep in her heart she would tell Alex how she felt about him. The two ladies chatted until Alex arrived just before dinner.

When he walked in Talia eyed him, admiring him in his work suit. He was still handsome even though he looked like he had not slept for three days. Her heart fluttered when he spoke to her. Her cheeks became slightly red when her eyes met his.

She could tell he was befuddled upon seeing her and did not mind when he said, "Talia, you're here as well…"

All she could do was quietly reply… "I came to have tea with Mrs. Zi and she invited me to stay for dinner."

She had been loving him for a long time but never had the courage to really tell him how she felt. After speaking to Mrs. Zi, she had a new-found confidence. She wanted to confess to him tonight and tell him her feelings. She wanted him to accept her since she had changed so much to be able to stand by his side proudly. Her heart longed for him sitting at the dinner table and deep down she was happy. Being there tonight for dinner gave her a sense of belonging. This was her spot and she had a right to feel elated eating dinner with her soon to be family.

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