She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 38:She Told Her Brother

At nine o'clock Zunnie and Sanua rolled out of bed and got ready for breakfast. After having a good talk with Sanua, she decided to tell her brother Eyan about Alex. If she wanted less conflict with her decision, the first person she needed to speak with had to be Eyan. He would definitely be able to speak to and convince their dad if he was not understanding.

Deep down Zunnie knew her dad would understand because he always saw and approached things from different perspectives. And, she was his only pumpkin; he did everything he could ensure she was well taken care of. At times he worried too much but she had to admit that was his paternal habit.

She drove her car into the parking lot of Bai Entertainment Corp at ten fifteen, then headed inside to meet her brother. Whilst waiting on the elevator, she heard someone call her name. Zunnie turned to where the voice came from and annoyance suddenly filled her core.

'Urgh if I knew it was this flirt I would have run up the stairs.'

Malon Nang approached her with a grin on his face. Zunnie groaned quietly but still answered him.

"Malon Nang, good morning."

"Good morning, Madam Bai...had I known I would run into you on this beautiful morning, I would have worn my best-looking suit." He replied and bowed his head.

"I don't see a problem with what you're wearing. Please excuse me, Mr. Nang." Zunnie smiled and hurriedly step into the elevator to get away. She was a bit disappointed when he followed her in.

She thought he had been on his way out when he greeted her, but he wasn't, he was just arriving.

"I heard Director Bai had a younger sister, but I never saw her or run into her. It's nice to finally meet you, Miss Zunnie Bai. You're beautiful, that would explain why we don't see you around here. What do you do?" He immediately started a conversation with her when the elevator began moving.

"Mr. Nang thank you for the compliment. Do you enjoy working at Bai Entertainment?"

"Yeah, I love being an actor. I'm good at it." Malon Nang answered proudly unaware of the underlying meaning in Zunnie's words.

"Good. What would you do if you couldn't work for my family's company?"

Zunnie asked in a cold tone. She really didn't like Malon Nang and the fact he was bold enough to talk to her like they were best buddies infuriated her. He was a flirt who was constantly in the media flaunting women. Even though she didn't agree with his lifestyle, she was in no position to judge him. The only thing she could do was limit her interactions with him.

"Ummm, I've never thought of that." Malon Nang answered nervously.

"You should think about it occasionally. After all, people get fired and other things happen as well."

She turned to glare at him just as the elevator's door opened on the seventy-fifth floor.

Before Malon could reply Zunnie had already walked out. He chuckled, amused at Zunnie's statement. He pushed the number of the floor he had his photo shoot on and took the elevator down.

When Zunnie walked in, Eyan happened to be on a conference call. He was speaking with the company's investors. He signaled her that he would take about an hour and she nodded to mean she was fine with it. She had no morning appointments. Since she was free until two in the afternoon, Zunnie decided to wait. She sat in the lounge next to her brother's office and read emails. The staff knew who she was and ensured she was well treated. They brought her tea and snacks while she waited and a few of the brave ones made small talk with her. the other just smiled and greeted her.

After waiting for forty minutes, Eyan Bai finally stepped out of the meeting room. When they told him Zunnie had been waiting for him, he was rather surprised. He assumed she would head to work when he told her it would be a long meeting but she waited. He walked into the lounge area with a wide smile on his handsome face.

"To what do I owe this wonderful pleasure?" Eyan Bai stated as he eyed her from the doorway.

"Ah, my loving brother. Did you not read my text? Let's have lunch."

Eyan observed her from head to toe with a pensive look on his face. "I haven't read my messages yet. I have a business deal during lunch and can't reschedule. Can we have lunch tomorrow?"

"Mhm, sure it's okay, I'll make time tomorrow."

"How are you doing sis? How did the dinner go?"

"It was good." She smiled.

"Where did Alexander Zi take you? Was it really fancy?"

"Ummm…I uhh took him to that Thai restaurant in Pocai." Zunnie replied avoiding her brother's shocked gaze.

"You took him there? Sis are you crazy? He paid ten billion and that's where you guys ate?" Eyan knew Zunnie had a few out of the box ideas but he never imagined she was that irrational.

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