She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 58:Men Are Ships Women Are Harbors

Zunnie arrived at the restaurant believing she was late; to her surprise, Sanua had not arrived. She chose a table and waited for her friend as she browsed through her twitter timeline. There was nothing interesting, so she closed the app and read emails instead.

There was an email from her secretary regarding the young boy who had vowed to remain silent. He had gotten into a fight in school and his mom had scheduled an emergency session Monday morning.

Zunnie furrowed her brow, a bit confused. He had been progressing during treatment and even though the words were still limited she had finally gotten him to speak. She tried to wonder what had gone wrong with him then replied to the message.

Just as she finished replying to the email Sauna walked in. She waved so Sanua could notice her.

"You look dashing." Zunnie smiled and stood to hug Sanua.

"Thanks; I had to attend a fashion show earlier and got stuck answering questions. Did you have to wait long?"

"Don't worry it was not long."

The waiter walked up to their table and took their orders. Sanua had chosen a fancy western style restaurant which both she and Zunnie would like.

"You know I have to ask again. Did that Victoria Bell show up?"

"Ah, no, but today someone else came to my office. You may know her, Tami Rougé. She claimed she went to the same school we did…" Zunnie said then recalled the incident she had earlier to Sanua.

"Ha-ha, she's brave. You were always in the library. I know of her. She was in class four. I remember hearing she had a huge crush on Carson Maule. You remember Carson. I brought him to you because he begged me. He confessed to you and you rejected him. You were pretty insensitive during our high school days."

"I was not. My goals were more important."

"Call it whatever you want." San Chuckled.

"San sometimes I wonder if deciding to date Alex put a huge target on me. Do you think I did the right thing or I'm just blindly in love?"

"Honestly Zunnie boo, I can't really answer that for you. When you're in love it makes us do crazy things. It's not like Alex isn't crazy about you. Don't let these bitches get to you. They're on the sidelines for a reason. Next time call me. I need to practice my Kung Fu. Last time I fought was in college." San replied and winked causing Zunnie to giggle.

"I will definitely call you if any of them show up."

They ladies enjoyed a wonderful dinner and as promised Sanua had her limo pick Zunnie up for the party the following night.

Since she and Alex had not made their relationship public, they had agreed to go separately.

Zunnie stepped out of the Limo behind Sanua and everyone outside turned to look their way. Both ladies were wearing knee length dresses. San wore a white chiffon open lace back dress and Zunnie, an emerald sheath spaghetti strapped dress.

The ladies ignored the stares and made their way to the event room. When Zunnie walked in the first person she saw was Alex. He winked and smiled at her. Her cheeks turned red and she couldn't help smiling. Alex walked to her, pulled her into a tight hug whispered in her ear, "Hi beautiful," then quickly let her go.

As the party went on her eyes followed Alex everywhere he went. She admired how charming he looked. She saw women flirt with him but she remained unbothered because she trusted him.

A few minutes before the party ended, she was in the bathroom stall when she heard someone speaking about her. The voice was not one she was familiar with, so she quietly listened.

"I heard that the heiress of Bai Entertainment Corp has her eyes on Alexander Zi. Does she really believe that Alex will stay with her?"

"There's also a rumor going around saying that she bought his love by investing in his company. I heard that her dad went to Old Mr. Zi and asked for Alex to marry Zunnie Bai. If Alex agreed, then he would invest in their company's new project." Another voice said.

Zunnie had planned to ignore them but when she heard that her dad had been dragged into the rumor, she gracefully walked to the sink and washed her hand.

"There is a saying, "Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and believed by idiots;" which one are you ladies?"

"Men are ships and women are harbors. Even if Alex leaves, if I'm his harbor, he will always come back to dock, to me; because that's the type of women I am." Zunnie turned her back, stepped out of the washroom and went to find Sanua. She really wanted to go to Alex, but he had been busy speaking to one of his father's good friends.

She had no idea why these women were constantly approaching her or gossiping about her. She had never met or been friends with any of them.

She wondered where the rumors had stemmed from and only came to one conclusion. The only one who knew she and Alex were married was only Natalia Omalu. Zunnie frowned and walked to where Sanua stood.

"Having fun?" Sanua asked.

"I am." Zunnie left out the incident that occurred in the bathroom because she knew Sanua would want to ruin the women.

She seemed to be having a hard time not being next to Alex. Zunnie looked around the room to find Alex and saw him speaking to Natalia Omalu.

Zunnie smirked, took a sip from her wine glass. She went to find Sanua who was ready to head home. She left the party in high spirits even if she had seen Natalia flirting with her man.

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