She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 61:Family is Everything and More

Thunder roared in a distance and dark clouds were overlapping the sky that had been blue an hour earlier. Zunnie glanced at her watch then pouted. There were only thirty minutes until she had to meet her dad for an early dinner, and she couldn't help feeling low-spirited. She hated driving when it rained, simply because there were too many ignoramus drivers. It's like they always appeared on rainy days.

Zunnie circled her office chair to look outside the window and was saddened with the murky atmosphere before her. The rain had gotten stronger and louder compared to the previous drizzle.

She wondered whether her dad had arrived at the restaurant, seeing how drastically the weather had changed. Papa Bai had informed her that he would stop by the company to greet the Eyan and the employers before he met up with her.

Even though she saw him every week she went back to the Bai Manor for dinner, she missed him. Knowing that he would not want to cancel their date and neither did she, Zunnie reached back for her phone and decided to call him to see if he still wanted to have dinner with her.

"Hey pumpkin, are you almost there?" Wan Bai asked when he answered her call.

"Ahh dad, I'm only calling to see if you changed your mind. It looks pretty nasty outside…"

"I'm not going to pass this chance to see you. Get your butt over here young Bai." He commanded into the phone then hang up.

Amazed at his insistence, Zunnie chuckled and picked her bag.

Her secretary was seated at her desk blushing at her phone when she stepped out. Hearing her heels clicking she immediately put her phone down and looked over at Zunnie.

"D-Dr. Bai…"

"You don't have to be shy. You should go home and be careful on the road." Zunnie cut her off and said.

"Okay, I left the proposal from Arch.deZIgns on your desk."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Thank you. Now go home." Zunnie turned around and walked back into her office to grab the file.

She read the first page in amazement, a subtle smile on her lips. 'Why didn't he just ask me about it. Instead, he had his company send me an actual proposal. Such a business mogul.'

When she got to the restaurant she was surprised to see that her dad had dragged Eyan along.

"Papa Bai it's good to see you. What have you been doing since I last saw you? Big brother…" She said as she seated.

"I've been trying to keep up with my good looks." Wan Bai grinned.

Eyan who sat next to Zunnie laughed. "Does that include sitting in front of the computer all day tweeting? Sis, have you been on dad's social media? He's way too savvy."

"Ha-ha; Once he posted "What do you call a pig that does karate? Pork Chop."

Both children giggle as Eyan recalled the odd posts his dad would put up on his Twitter account.

"If you must know, I saw that on a website while reading. My followers liked it and I even got over two thousand retweets." Wan Bai said humorously.

"Okay, okay you win," Eyan replied.

Everyone was in good spirits. Eating with her family always made her feel complete.

"When are you having the wedding? I'm getting old. Don't you and Eyan think it's time to bless me with a few grandkids? I'm getting lonely by myself in that big house." Papa Bai broke the silence.

Eyan and Zunnie both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Eyan should go first since he's the eldest." Zunnie quickly replied.

"An who's the one who got married first." Eyan protested.

"Either or, you both need to hurry up. You are not getting younger and neither am I. I will have a talk with your spouses to find out if you two are the problem." Wan Bai seemed adamant.

Zunnie sighed inside as she listened to her dad. She was indeed the one who did not want to have a family yet. Work had been her top priority and even when Alex came into the picture, she still wanted to make others happy. She was not ready to give up on what she had worked hard to build. Alex had been very considerate but after listening to her dad, she felt guilt-ridden.

Did Alex feel the same way? Even though she had explained her reasons for not wanting to start a family, she couldn't help wondering if he truly was okay with her choice. Everything thing that had happened between her and Alex had not been planned and that drove her off her intended course. Zunnie groaned internally and pushed the self-reproach to the back of her mind.

Everyone was in a good mood when they left the restaurant. Zunnie did not notice there had been a familiar person sitting to the corner of the restaurant when they walked out. The young lady frowned but continued to listen to Malon Nang rant about the cast for the upcoming movie he was the lead actor for.

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