She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 64:Stop Before It’s Too Late

The next morning when Zunnie woke up, she seemed more tired than when she had gone to bed. She had tossed and turned all night and only got four hours of sleep. She couldn't help but think this Natalia Omalu wanted to cause trouble for her. Deep down she trusted Alex but if she could kiss his cheek so effortlessly, who knew what else she would attempt or was capable of.

Being a woman of elegance, she had to keep her hands clean. Although Sanua suggested giving Natalia Omalu a beating, Zunnie knew that doing this was not her best solution. She did not condone violence. Yet, she planned to deal with Talia but in her own way.

Natalia would never have the relationship she desperately wanted with Alex. Zunnie was aware of Natalia's intelligence and even if she worked for their company she did not want to have her brother fire her for kissing Alex. Thinking about it sounded childish so she vowed to visit her brother with hopes of meeting Natalia there.

She took a shower and went to grab some breakfast before work. On her way down the stairs, there was a delicious aroma filling the air. A smile appeared on her lips as she made her way to the kitchen.

Noticing Alex had not seen her come in, she slowly walked up behind him with hopes of scaring him. However, before she could, he turned around to open the fridge.

"Good morning honey, you're finally up."

She stood there stupefied that her plan had not worked.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning, no I did not sleep well. I was too upset to fall asleep."

"I made you your favorite, come eat." He replied.

She followed him to the dining area. The two chatted about work since none of them wanted to remember yesterday's event.

"Ohh, I almost forgot; I spoke with my dad. You did not need to send me a proposal. I had no idea your dad was the one who designed the Bai Children's Hospital and that there is already a contract. My father mentioned that anything relating to designing or construction of the hospital will be done by Arch.deZIgns. I'll have my secretary send you the details today. So, we can have a formal meeting with everyone."

"That sounds good. I look forward to working with my wife. Are you getting off work early today?"

"Yes, but I'm taking Nyo shopping for warmer clothes. I want to see what he wants for Christmas. It's not fun when I ask him."

"I've haven't met the other guy spending time with what mine. Call me, I want to meet him."

"He's only a child. There's no need to get jealous. He's had my heart since he was born. But if you insist on acting like a child, we're going to the mall after lunch at one in the afternoon."

Alex chuckled then replied to her before getting up to leave for work, "You're my wife, I'm obligated to get jealous. See you later."


The day went by quickly for Zunnie Bai. Even though she had two patients, the lack of sleep made her day more unbearable. Hopefully, when she sees her cute Nyo she would feel better.

An hour before she had to meet Nyo at school, his mom dropped him off at her office. Nyo's mom was her mother's younger sister and she reminded Zunnie of her mom.

"Zunnie dear, I'm sorry we're early. Nyo got too excited and had his teacher call me to come to pick him up because he refused to wait for you to come." She apologized as she pinched Nyo's chin.

"Ahh, mom you didn't have to tell her." He pouted.

Zunnie smiled and took his chubby hand and said, "I missed you too Nyo. But I have a meeting, so you are going to have to wait."

"Mhm, I can wait. But can we go see brother Eyan when you're done? I want to show him this new game to play with me next time." He said cheerfully.

"He may be busy, but we can go see him." She replied and led him to the elevator.

Zunnie was still upset at Natalia for doing what she had done and she hoped she would meet her at Bai Entertainment Corp later. She frowned as she thought what she wanted to say to Natalia Omalu. She wanted to give Natalia a warning just like the one she had sent Tami Rougé to give Zunnie.

Natalia may have underestimated her, but Zunnie knew that she was the only one who could have sent Tami to her office. After seeing them together at Alex's party, she was certain that they were good friends and she had been right with her assumption.

Zunnie was an elegant woman who was slow to anger, but the feeling she felt when she saw the lipstick on Alex's cheek had not been pleasant.

She knew she had to give Natalia a warning and ask her to stop before it was too late for her. Even if she hated getting her hands dirty, if push came to shove, all of the women threatening her for Alex would be sorry they had caused her trouble.

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