She Knew She Loved Him(Completed)

Chapter 93:Carson Maule's Premonition

Carson's fingers moved over the keys on the keyboard of his computer at lightning speed. Even if no one had asked him to do it he wanted to conduct his own investigation. For her, he would do anything.

The people who are responsible for causing this accident need to suffer.

He was currently inspecting all the city cameras on the route from Zunnie's office to Alex's and then to the Bai manor. He was disappointed that Alex had not done a better job at protecting her.

That car from the accident had been following her for two weeks and no one had noticed. He had no idea if it was because the driver constantly changed the license plates but seeing the footage made him angry.

Carson logged out of his computer and leaned back into his chair. He closed his eyes and pictured Zunnie's smiling face. When it was not helping. He picked up his phone and opened the picture of her. She had their high school uniform on and was smiling at Sanua. That was the first time he had caught her smiling freely.

Back then he always wondered what she would look like if she smiled and when he finally got a glimpsed of it, he hurried captured it on his phone.

The phone began vibrating; the picture on the screen disappeared and was replaced by her brother's contact.

On the second ring, Carson answered the call.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked.

"Oye Maule, What's good. I haven't seen you in a while. Still mad that my sis is off the market? I have video feed I want you to check and enhance for me bro."

"Ah Mr. Bai, you only call me when you are in deep shit. Yes, I'm still angry. The heart takes a while to mend." Carson scowled into the phone.

"Ha-ha; what can I say you're the best of the best. Finally found my sis' Volvo and the cameras. Can you hook me up and see if you can pull anything off it? Don't worry, I'll treat you. You know you can always visit her at the hospital."

"How about you give me Zunnie's hand in marriage and make me the happiest man alive huh?"

"Ha-ha, do you know how scary my bro in law is when he's angry? I have a long life ahead of me, I'll let you sail that ship on your own man." Eyan chuckled on the other line, earning a frown from Carson.

"You're such a sellout Eyan. But anything to help Zunnie Bai, count me in. Send them to me and I'll work my magic. You should invite me to the manor for dinner when Zunnie wakes up."

"Sure, sure; you're just trying to get me killed I see. But I owe you one."

After Eyan got off the call with him Carson spun his chair around to face the window. He sighed getting up from his desk and walked to the mini bar in his office. He poured himself a drink then walked back to stand before the glass.

He wondered who was it that had almost killed her. Gloomy from the long day he had just had, he chugged down the drink to make him feel better. Carson wanted to visit her at the hospital, but he couldn't bare to see her in the condition she was in.

Last week he had gone to the hospital but turned around when he got to the door of her room. The fury of emotions that had risen inside him caused him to punch the wall bruising his knuckles. He had not returned to visit her not because he did not want to see her, but because he did not have the courage.

He couldn't see her in that state. Even though he had not seen her, the thought of her lying helpless and in a coma sent ripples of emotions through his heart.

Amid pouring himself another drink, he stopped when he remembered something.

Carson took two long strides back to his desk, grabbed his belongings and hurriedly took the elevator down to his car.

The thought he just had scared him, and a dark aura began seeping into his eyes. There's no way she could have done this. He was fully aware of her fondness, but he had never thought her to be impulsive.

Consumed in thoughts he drove to her house. He rang the doorbell, but no one answered.

He assumed that she had not returned. Carson pulled his phone out from his pocket and dialed her number. To his dismay, no-one answered the call. So he left a voice message.

"Hey, I'm at your house. We need to talk. Call me when you get this message."

"Where is she?" He mumbled then walked back to his car. He got in, sat in the driver's seat and stared at the house. No lights were on and it looks liked it had been abandoned.

He had no idea what was happening, but he could tell that something bad had occurred.

'Did that person have something to do with the accident?'

He had to find her to ask her. He glanced at his watch it was seven in the evening. Carson knew that the camera would not get to him till tomorrow morning, so he pushed the thought of going back to his office to the back of his mind.

Without waiting, he started the car and drove off into the night wondering if this accident had been because of him.

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