She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 138 Separate Actions

The evil corpse gathers the resentment of heaven and earth, and is born with evil energy. It is immortal, immortal, and feeds on flesh and blood. Its body is like steel, and it is hard to hurt by swords.

At this time, the evil corpse in front of everyone was buried deep underground for thousands of years or ten thousand years. It was eroded by the underground fire evil. The strong wind gusts while walking, and the waving claws bring red flames.

Surrounded by hundreds of evil corpses, everyone tried their best to fight fiercely.

Roar! ! !

Zheng Chong and Gu Liu merged their swords and swords, and the sharp blade hit the corpse like hitting a metal stone, sparking a series of sparks, the corpse was unconscious, and the claws swung down with force.


Zheng Chong vomited blood and flew backwards, the skin on his chest was ripped apart, and the edge of the wound was burnt with blood and flesh.

Gu Liu rushed over to take care of it, and a fierce tiger pounced down, Gu Liufa's sword broke instantly, and he was overwhelmed by the aftermath of the evil fire.

Ding ding ding!

Ge Yuchan's head was covered with cold sweat, and the dagger kept striking sparks at the vital points of the evil corpses. The moves that could kill people with one blow had no effect on these hard-bodied evil corpses.

Yu Qiuchi protects Yunshang, and Yunshang manipulates the spirit insects to release poison, but the poison is useless.

Jiang Yuebai drove the Shadow Moon Son and Mother Blade back and forth among the corpses, with heads and severed limbs flying around, but without their heads or legs, those corpses could still get up and fight again.

They can't be killed, can't be destroyed, and more and more evil corpses are crawling out of the ground.

"Don't love to fight, let's go!"

Yu Qiuchi yelled, and a set of screen magic tools suddenly shook away hundreds of corpses around him, opening a retreat route to the canyon.

"Go! I'm dead!"

Yu Qiuchi pushed Yunshang, and before she could rush to the back, Jiang Yuebai turned around and appeared, throwing a long whip of water from the ring of his right hand.


A whip whipped up thousands of waves, one wave after another, turbulent and surging, violently rushing away the evil corpses behind.

The water flow restrained Huo Sha slightly, bringing a burst of cool air to everyone and reducing the scorching heat.

"You go, I have the Earth Escape Talisman!"

Jiang Yuebai directly mobilized the essence of the water, and kept waving the whip, so that the back wave pushed the front wave, like a galloping horse.

Hundreds of evil corpses are like boats in the waves, letting the waves push them further and further away.

Jiang Yuebai blocked the pass alone, and it was difficult to defeat a hundred evil spirits.

Yu Qiuchi's pupils trembled slightly, and was startled by Jiang Yuebai's strength. Suddenly, there was a feeling in his heart that there were talented people from all over the world, and her front wave would be surpassed by the little back wave.

The situation was critical, Yu Qiuchi immediately suppressed distracting thoughts, took a deep look at Jiang Yuebai and rushed to the front, killing a bloody road and leading everyone to escape.

Jiang Yuebai tried his best to block for more than a dozen breaths, and heard the voices behind him fade away, and smashed out a handful of icy thorns.

The ice-blue vines quickly spread and twined between the stone forests, forming a barrier of cold air, and Jiang Yuebai flung out the earth escape talisman to escape.

Ge Yuchan led the way, and everyone followed her to avoid the sporadic corpses, escape from the Beast Tomb, and return to the canyon area.

There are crimson rocks that have exploded and collapsed in front of them. There are large gaps between the big rocks. Ge Yuchan jumped onto the rock fragments, selected a larger gap, and bent down to drill in.

Jiang Yuebai still broke the back, and after everyone went in, he urged the eight formations to set up a maze, and sealed the entrance with ice thorns.

The faint red fluorescence on the rocks illuminated the dark cave, and everyone gasped for breath with lingering fear.

The cold air on the icy thorns dispelled the stuffy air, allowing everyone to calm down and relax gradually. Yu Qiuchi gave Zheng Chong a healing elixir he had brought.

Zheng Chong thanked, "These corpses are different from the ones I encountered before, they are much stronger."

Ge Yuchan nodded in agreement, "Indeed, among the ones I have encountered before, the strongest is the strength at the early stage of foundation establishment, most of them are only the strength at the later stage of Qi training, which is easy to kill, but now..."

Yu Qiuchi frowned, "The strength of physical training in the middle and late stages of foundation establishment."

"Then what should we do now? The roads inside are blocked." Yun Shang asked in a low voice, knocking on the rock wall inside the cave.

After thinking about it, she took out a spirit mouse and a pangolin from the spirit beast bag.

"Go inside and find a way to save you half a year's work."

Yu Qiuchi glanced at Yunshang's spirit beast, "We must find a way to get out now."

"What about the task?" Ge Yuchan asked, "I'm afraid the current situation can only be solved by setting up a large formation and letting the Jindan and Yuanying outside come in."

Gu Liu beat him mercilessly, "To complete the mission, we have to live, and we are the only ones who go to set up the formation. If the others don't go, the formation will not be able to hold up. In the current situation, I'm afraid everyone is running for their lives."

Zheng Chong nodded, "Yes, we can wait here, wait for other people to come, and fight out together. If the outpost camp is only guarded by people from the Yu clan, it will not be a big problem if there are more people."

After listening to everyone's opinions in silence, Yu Qiuchi looked at Jiang Yuebai and asked solemnly, "Junior Sister Jiang, what's your opinion?"

Jiang Yuebai was stunned for a moment, "I am the youngest and the youngest among you. My master told me to talk less and listen more. Senior Sister Yu can make up her mind, and I can do whatever."

Jiang Yuebai didn't care, because both roads were dead ends, and it didn't matter which one he took.

The ghost clan can unite with the Sanyuanjiao and the Yu clan aliens to blow up the exit of the canyon, and they will definitely not let them leave easily. The outpost camp must be in danger.

As for the continuation of the mission, as Gu Liu said, only they go to the formation, and the other seven do not go, it doesn't make any sense.

But now she is very curious, what happened in the depths of Cangyan Land, such a big thing happened, where is Zhenjun Fuyi?

The only one who has the ability to save everyone now is her.

"What about you, Yunshang?" Yu Qiuchi asked.

Yun Shang leaned against Jiang Yuebai, "I'll listen to Xiaobai."

Yu Qiuchi pondered for a moment, "The three of you agree to leave, you two can do whatever you want, Ge Yuchan wants to continue the mission, if that's the case, get out first, even if you want to spread the news first."

"There are still three days before the normal opening of the teleportation array. We can't wait for other teams to arrive here. We must set off immediately. If the outpost camp encounters obstacles, it will delay time."


"Wait a moment!"

Jiang Yuebai and Ge Yuchan spoke at the same time, and Jiang Yuebai motioned for Ge Yuchan to speak first.

Ge Yuchan said, "My ability to sneak is not bad, it's more convenient to move alone, why don't you hand over the array to me, and I'll go to Pan Snake Valley alone."

As soon as the words fell, everyone looked at Ge Yuchan in surprise, including Jiang Yuebai.

Ge Yuchan blew her bangs and said with a smile: "My master said that being ordinary can be great, I want to try! This time, at least twenty-four teams got the actual lottery, and I don't believe that we can't even get eight."

"I have never believed that good luck will lead to good fortune in disasters. I only believe in survival in adversity to be lucky. If we want to wait for Master Fuyi or someone outside to save us, we have to work hard enough to be eligible."

In one sentence, Yu Qiuchi and others feel ashamed. In fact, if Yunshang were not there, Yu Qiuchi would have made the same choice as Ge Yuchan.

Yu Qiuchi nodded, and handed over the jade beads used as arrays to Ge Yuchan, telling her to put her life first.

"What do you want to say?" Yu Qiuchi asked Jiang Yuebai.

Jiang Yuebai withdrew his gaze from Ge Yuchan, admiring her a little more.

"I want to say that I got a magic weapon earlier, which can fly in the secret realm like a foreigner of the Yu clan. You might as well wait here. I will go to the outpost camp to investigate first. Like Ge Yuchan, it is more convenient for me to act alone. .”

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