The Quicksand Region is the most extensive region among the Nine Regions, with a large area and few people. Except for the large number of monsters and beasts, other resources are far inferior to those of the other Eight Regions.

Therefore, there are not many Golden Core cultivators and Nascent Soul cultivators here, most of them are casual cultivators of Qi training and foundation building, hunting monsters in the quicksand area.

Jiang Yuebai looked at the map, and when he came out of the pass, he climbed over several sand dunes to the northwest, and there was the Silver Sand Sea. It was named because there was mineral powder in the sand, which would shine silver light at night.

There are two major factions in Yinshahai, one is the Wangsheng Temple of the Buddhist sect, and the other is the Fuhumen of the Wuzong. The two factions have been fighting for the territory near the Yinshahai Devil City for many years.

Devil City is a ruins of an ancient city in the depths of the Silver Sand Sea, eroded by wind and sand, the terrain inside is intricate, there are underground rivers, nests of various insects and beasts, and elixir often appears underground.

If neither of the two sects had the ability to clean up all the beast lairs in Devil City, they would have established their sects in Devil City long ago.

Without a way, ordinary casual cultivators cannot enter the Devil City's worm nest to hunt demons.

With the howling of the wind, Sha Yingjie rode a leopard and walked at the front of the team. A dozen late-stage Qi training monks followed behind him, holding the magic weapon tightly, and watching the yellow sand with vigilant eyes.

Zhong Shanhu in the late stage of foundation establishment rode a camel to guard the left wing of the team, Yu Tianhun in the middle stage of foundation establishment guarded the right wing of the team, and Jiang Yuebai was arranged at the end of the team.

Zhong Shanhu and Yu Tianlie were not familiar with each other before. As veteran monster hunters who have been in the Quicksand Region for many years, the two have rich experience, and they can understand each other's meaning through eye contact.

The team marched for most of the day, the weather was calm, Jiang Yuebai had just yawned, when the attack under the yellow sand suddenly struck.

Dozens of huge and ugly sandworms suddenly rushed out from under the sand, parted their chrysanthemum-like mouths and bit down on everyone.

The crowd erupted in exclamation, and everyone scattered.

Jiang Yuebai jumped up from the camel, and the sandworm instantly bit the camel and swallowed it with its head up, blood splattering everywhere.


A qi cultivator was caught off guard and was swallowed by the sandworm. Several young qi practitioners who came out to hunt monsters for the first time were immediately pale with fright.

"Don't mess up! Damn it!!"

Sha Yingjie shouted in front, drew out his scimitar and stepped into the air, cutting off a sandworm with one blow.

The two foundation cultivators Zhong Shanhu and Yu Tianlie had also begun to kill the sandworms. Cao Gang led the rest of the monks in the later stage of Qi training to fight with the sandworms in anger.

The sky is full of fire bombs, the ground is full of thorns, the sound of fighting and the neighing of sandworms can be heard endlessly.

boom! boom! boom!

A thunderstorm fell from the sky, and Jiang Yuebai was walking in the yellow sand. His divine sense activated the earth mines, which struck the sand worms one after another, causing their skin to be ripped apart and their juices to splash everywhere.

"Good Leifa!"

Cao Gang and the others had astonishment in their eyes and let out admiration.

The two foundation cultivators Zhong Shanhu and Yu Tianlie also took a deep look at Jiang Yuebai, especially her hands that didn't move much.

Puzzled and surprised.

Under the siege of everyone working together, the sand worms were quickly beheaded to death, and the remaining few retracted into the sand, and soon disappeared.

Sha Yingjie put away his scimitar, scanned the crowd, and saw several injured Qi training monks, he was furious.

"A bunch of trash!"

Everyone dared not speak out, Cao Gang smiled bitterly, and hurriedly told everyone to deal with the injuries, harvest the materials from the sandworms, collect the sandworm beast souls, and prepare to continue on the road.

Sha Yingjie didn't pay attention to Jiang Yuebai's attack just now, thinking she was using some kind of thunder talisman, he couldn't help sneering.

"It's useless to compete for performance, a woman will only become a stumbling block in the path of this young master's powerhouse!"

After the battle, Zhong Shanhu and Yu Tianlie looked at each other and shook their heads slightly to express that they hadn't seen Jiang Yuebai's handshake.

The eyes of the two became subtle in an instant. Wujue casting is the ability of the Jindan cultivator, and the two even began to doubt whether Jiang Yuebai was a Jindan real person.

Jiang Yuebai didn't know what everyone was thinking, so he stood in place and recalled the process of casting the spell just now. The power of the earth mine was still dragged down by the casting of the spell with divine consciousness.

"Five Thunders" is a high-level thunder method. It stands to reason that to deal with this kind of low-level sandworm, a single thunder can chop the sandworm into ashes, but no, it will only cause serious injuries.

And just for this short battle, with more than a dozen earth mines, her head began to faint.

There were still too few undead vines for five hundred years in the previous two sessions, and it only increased the proficiency of the "Immortal Grass Sutra" by one thousand points. It would take a total of ten thousand points to raise the bloodline to 6, which is still far away.

Jiang Yuebai had a premonition when she practiced the "Immortal Grass Classic" this time. She felt that Yunzhicao's bloodline reached level 6, and some incredible changes would happen to her whole body. This made her anxious and looking forward to it.

But before that, it is imminent to obtain Yuanjing to increase the strength of the soul.

The team soon went back on the road, and Yu Tianlie took the initiative to give up his camel to Jiang Yuebai. Jiang Yuebai thanked Yu Tianlie for his kindness, and chose to walk by himself, still walking at the end of the team.

The road behind was very uneven. In just a short distance of more than ten miles, he was attacked by monsters five times. In addition to sand worms, there were also sand chrysalis snakes and other monsters that were good at haunting yellow sand.

The level is not high, the number is huge, and they are elusive and disturbing.

Fortunately, after experiencing the initial panic, everyone gradually found the rhythm of the battle, and became calm and orderly in the face of the sudden appearance of monsters.

Jiang Yuebai continued to practice spellcasting with divine sense, but no matter how hard she tried, the power of spellcasting was still difficult to improve.

In the middle of the night, a sandstorm broke out, and the team was forced to rest behind the leeward sand dunes. Cao Gang quickly picked up the formation flag as tall as a man, and took a few Qi training monks to set up a sandstorm-proof formation.

"A majestic foundation-builder, who can't even kill Qi training monsters when he casts spells, it's really an airs."

Sha Yingjie rested his head on his arms and leaned against the sand dune.

"Jiang Tuanchuan, my young master can tell you that if you continue to behave like this in the next few days, get out as soon as possible. Don't think that you are good-looking, and this young master can tolerate you being dragged down in the team."

Jiang Yuebai sat alone by the side and fiddled with the pill bottle, thinking that she covered her face so much that only her eyes were left outside, and this Sha Yingjie could still see that she was good-looking and really discerning.

Jiang Yuebai took out a 'Ningshen Pill' bought at Mingshafang and swallowed it. Under the action of the pill, wisps of cool air rushed from the acupuncture points on the top of the head into the sea of ​​consciousness, allowing the exhausted consciousness to recover slowly. good.

Normally, the only way to regain consciousness is to rely on Little Green to swallow the soul of the beast. 'Concentration Pill' is a specialty of the quicksand domain. It is refined with the bloodthorn fruit that is only found in the quicksand domain. She has already bought the formula and is going to collect materials and learn to refine it by herself. .

Unfolding the wind net, Jiang Yuebai crossed his knees and focused on absorbing the medicine to recover. Let's perform well tomorrow, and we can't really hold back.

Cao Gang gathered together with Qi training monks, Zhong Shanhu and Yu Tianlie sat together, the sandstorm was raging outside, and the two chatted casually.

"You Daoist Yu is pretty good. After this trip, are you interested in going with me to the Sea of ​​No Return?"

"That place is too dangerous, and there is nothing in the depths of the Sea of ​​No Return except for the ruins of the Banruo Temple."

"I also heard a rumor not long ago that a small secret realm was born in the ruins of the Banruo Temple, which may still have not been excavated, so I thought of going to find out."

"How many sects are staring at the ruins of the Banruo Temple. If a small secret realm is really born, it will not be the turn of us casual practitioners."

"Not necessarily, no matter what, there is no loss in the past."

"Let me think about it. There are too many high-level monsters in the sea of ​​no return, and the situation is too chaotic recently. I'm afraid I will die if I die."

The night was getting darker and the sandstorm was gradually weakening. Except for the vigil, most people were meditating and adjusting their breath.

Jiang Yuebai opened her eyes fiercely, and the wind net suddenly caught unusual movements, very dense and huge, in the sand dunes inside their protective formation.

"Wake up, there is a situation!"

Jiang Yuebai stood up with a yell, and saw the sand dunes behind him start to shake, the yellow sand poured down, and a broken corpse fell out.

A khaki-colored ant the size of a peanut crawled out from under the corpse.

Immediately afterwards, the entire sand dune collapsed, densely packed, and tens of thousands of khaki-colored ants rushed out like water breaking a bank.

At the same time, after Jiang Yuebai's Fengwang felt the sand dunes, someone disappeared in a flash.

This is... a premeditated sneak attack!

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