She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 367: Demon Hunting Grass

Jiang Yuebai urged the "Book of Immortal Grass" to fight against plundering, and her own vegetation essence was no longer separated from her body, but she did not plunder the opponent's vegetation essence either.

While maintaining the plunder, Jiang Yuebai used his divine sense to look around. There were only water lilies in the puddles around. There was no doubt that it was the water lilies who robbed her.

"There are two brushes, and we can't grab them secretly, so let's play with them!"

A white vine rushed up from the mud, turned into a cane whip, and lashed towards the water lily in the puddle.


The yellow frog on the water lily leaf rolled its long tongue and choked Jiang Yuebai's white vine in mid-air, and a strong poison immediately entered the white vine.

But it's useless, Jiang Yuebai is more poisonous than it!

The yellow frog found that it wanted to retract its tongue abnormally, but Jiang Yuebai turned around and refused to let it retract.

It's useless to have a companion beast, she is her companion vine.

The frog was poisoned and weakened, Jiang Yuebai used the third divine sense to urge Tian Nanxing to teach her the sword orchid talent magic.

Sword Qi!

Xiaobaicao turned into a cluster of gladiolus with the technique of camouflage, arousing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to gestate in the orchid, quickly condensing into an embroidery needle-like sword energy.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sword energy flew, and the frog was immediately tied into a hedgehog, and the blood was scattered in the puddles.

"So it's a little bastard like Tian Nanxing."

Water Lily sent over with a contemptuous tone, and Jiang Yuebai was laughed angrily.

"You are dying, and you still have the time to laugh at me?"

Jiang Yuebai threw out the cane directly, and lashed at the water lily in the puddle.

Between the lotus leaves, a goose-yellow lotus blooms quickly, and the water in the puddle rolls up to form a water curtain.

As soon as Jiang Yuebai's rattan touched the water, the clean aura in it was immediately forcibly drawn away, leaving only the rattan to rot in the water, and a cold breath followed the white rattan to Jiang Yuebai's body.

Jiang Yuebai felt astonished, and hurriedly cut off the white vine to retreat.

The breath in the water is turbid air. She has been practicing to purify the demon pill before, and she is very familiar with the turbid air. It can instantly pollute everything that touches it.

When the water curtain falls, the dust-free water lilies are still blooming in the dirty water, holy and brilliant, and the aura is compelling.

Jiang Yuebai knew that she had encountered a hard problem.

It is rumored that when the world first opened, the world's first green lotus was born from the chaotic turbid air, and it was born with the ability to transform the turbid air into clean air.

This water lily must have a relationship with Qinglian, so it also has the innate magic technique of manipulating turbid air, and the puddles around it are its most powerful place.

Anything that comes close will be polluted by the stale air, and then the stale air will remain in the puddle, and the purified air will be brought into one's body for cultivation.

If Jiang Yuebai had a human body, he could send it to see the mother of the earth with one kick, but it's a pity that its demon body is too brittle to withstand tossing.

As a member of the Xianzhi family, Jiang Yuebai is also gifted with magical healing and purification techniques, but it is a pity that these two magical techniques can only work passively on her body.

Only the 'Chiba Hand' who can take the initiative to mobilize and benefit from the human race.

If she used her current body to rush over and beat the water lily to the ground, she might be able to win.

But she doesn't want to hurt both sides, this is only the first day, and there are still eight days to come.

If her two hands grow longer, she can use the 'Qianye Hand' to activate the spells of the human race, and it won't be able to kill it by then!

Jiang Yuebai, who had let go of the harsh words just now, said again, "Don't run away, I'll come and deal with you in two days!"

He has a ruthless attitude and runs swiftly.

In the puddle, the water lily stretched out its flower stem proudly, dismissing Jiang Yuebai who was running away.

Jiang Yuebai moved to another place. The sacred tree didn't let her let go of plundering before. Now the rules in Worm Valley are like this, so don't blame her for being rude. Anyway, plants have no morals, and neither does she!

After fighting the water lily a few times, Jiang Yuebai found that apart from the chirping of insects, there was silence in the valley of insects, and all the grass and tree monsters with good abilities had already hibernated.

Suddenly, she couldn't find a target to attack. On the road, she encountered a few ants biting her alone. Jiang Yuebai got angry and devoured the ants in the way of carnivorous grass. She was surprised to find the insects transformed by magic can be absorbed.

Just now, you can't forcibly plunder the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, but you can use the magic to attract the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth.

In other words, in this worm valley, the means of survival of the grass and tree monsters can all work.

That being the case...

Jiang Yuebai wandered to the central area of ​​Insect Valley, found a thick and tall tree, and unceremoniously extended the white vine to wrap it around.

She has already learned how to strangle a big tree with the stone dragon vine, and she can also strangle this witchcraft tree.

White vines surround the tree, regardless of each other, and there are seven flowers on one vine.

Some stamens are big and bright, with bug traps to ensure that bugs never come back.

Some are like enchanting female insects, with a strong fragrance, which is guaranteed to be irresistible to insects.

Some are covered with sweet and highly poisonous slime to ensure that the bugs are full and on the road.

There is also a small white flower that is weak and unable to take care of itself, and is as radiant as a firefly at night, blooming alone under the tree, swaying in the wind.

Jiang Yuebai's divine sense was divided into three parts, waiting for the prey to come.

The dark valley, with mottled light and shadow, is full of dangers everywhere. If you don't pay attention, you will be swallowed by the hunters lurking in the dark.

A black bee the size of a thumb was looking for nectar and wandering in the forest. Suddenly, a bright yellow mass appeared in sight, like a stamen full of pollen.

Xuanfeng went straight to the yellow, landed on it to investigate, obviously the taste and color match, why can't it find any pollen?

Xuanfeng was not reconciled, and continued to search everywhere. A few claws touched the fluff of the mechanism, and the world suddenly darkened.

Xuan Feng, pawn!

Not long after, a golden-threaded mantis climbed up the vine and stopped beside a strange insect flower. The flower was fragrant, ready to...

The stamens are like silk, suddenly entwined with golden threads and the mantis tightens them tightly.

Golden thread mantis, pawn!

A few greedy mole crickets licked the red syrup on the flowers and leaves. The more they ate, the more addicted they became, and the toxicity was excessive.

Mole cricket, pawn!

The little white flowers swayed in the wind, with a demonic fragrance, and the surrounding air was filled with an aura of ready to move.

Seeing that the little white flower is weak and deceptive, the little orchid grass demon disguised as a corpse-smelling rafflesia flower secretly stretched out its roots and approached from the ground without making a sound.

When it came to the front and found that the three-mile radius had already been densely covered with the roots of small white flowers, it was too late to escape.


Little bluegrass demon, pawn!

Day after day, the efficient hunting method made Jiang Yuebai's body grow rapidly. When the other little monsters found that there were inexplicably fewer bugs in the insect valley, they were still complacent, thinking it was good luck.

As everyone knows, in just a few days, Jiang Yuebai's growth has far surpassed that of the previous few months. The two versicolor versicolor leaves have the shape of a child's palm, and even a pair of new leaves have sprouted.

The big tree was strangled by her, and she withdrew her divine sense. During the day, besides hunting, Jiang Yuebai was trying to attract the aura of heaven and earth and cast human spells.

There is no dantian in the demon body, and the spiritual energy must be mobilized directly from the sky and the earth. The power of the spell depends entirely on how much spiritual energy can be aroused by the divine mind.

Her divine sense is strong enough, all she lacks is practice.

Jiang Yuebai seemed to be back in the qi training period and was learning spells for the first time. He was full of energy and worked hard to smash the water lily demon.

At night, when the moonlight falls, the little demons in the Worm Valley will reach a certain tacit understanding, emerge from their hiding places one after another, stretch their leaves, bloom flowers, and absorb the rare moonlight for cultivation.

Only at this time can all the little demons enjoy the rare comfort, but there are also things that make the demons want to cry.

In the center of the insect valley, there is always a 'little bastard', a vine full of flowers, entangled on the top of the tallest tree in the insect valley, each of which absorbs the moonlight crazily.

Jealousy drives the demon crazy, but there is no other way, all the demons who went to find the 'little bastard' disappeared, even Xiao Guishu, the overlord of the western part of the insect valley, managed to get half of his life back, gave up the assessment and escaped from the insect valley.

The demon was helpless, and the demon cried.

Seeing the 'little bastard' getting stronger and stronger, with aura and demonic power that made the group of monsters afraid, more and more little monsters gave up the assessment and left the insect valley early to save their lives.

Only the water lily demon in the north and the fire tassel in the south are still persisting.

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