She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 475 Infiltrating the Fulong School

The Qingcang Mountains roam the earth like a dragon, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, majestic and majestic.

Jiang Yuebai walked up Qingcang Mountain on foot, and looked far into the distance.

The wind comes from the empty valley, the smoke from the deep stream, the sea of ​​clouds is choppy, and the distant mountains are surrounded by mist.

Two surging torrents roared down from the clouds above their heads, like galloping horses, like swimming dragons.

During the turmoil, Jiang Yuebai saw several majestic and magnificent floating islands, scattered high and low, standing under the sky, with many pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings.

The dragons rolled in the sea of ​​clouds, creating bursts of clouds and smoke, which made people feel proud.

A huge black shadow loomed over from behind, Jiang Yuebai turned his head, and saw three five-clawed golden dragons dragging a resplendent and resplendent boat passing through the floating islands and flying rainbows.

The boat on the building was full of Fulongzong disciples, as if they had returned from a foreign country, laughing and laughing, it was very lively.

On the sail and mast of the ship, a white-clothed male cultivator stood with his hands behind his back, with an immortal demeanor, indifferent brows and eyes, and awe-inspiring aura.

The building boat slowly sailed out from the sea of ​​clouds, Jiang Yuebai saw three huge iron cages hanging under the building boat, filled with dying dragons, at least thirty or forty dragons.




"Congratulations to Zhenzun Tianyou for his victory and return to the sect!"

The morning bell rang, and congratulatory sounds came from various floating islands one after another.

The leading disciple beside Jiang Yuebai had awe and pride in his eyes, "That is the head of our Fulong Sect, Zhenzun Tianyou, who has just returned from the victory in the West Sea. Look at this victory, it is better than that floating jade fairy in Biyou Palace too much."

The leading disciple led Jiang Yuebai to continue walking towards the Internal Affairs Hall, Jiang Yuebai withdrew his gaze and followed quickly.

"How many true spirits does Fulongzong have? What about Lianxu Xingjun and Futai Daojun?"

The disciple leading the way said quite proudly, "Our Fulong Sect has been much stronger than Biyou Palace in the past two years. There are eleven Huashen Zhenzun, two Void Refining Star Lords, and Zilan Star Lord retreating all the year round. The war in the country is mainly coordinated by Wuchang Xingjun."

"As for the fit Taoist... there was one before, but it was a pity that he fell during the tribulation, and Biyou Palace was the same. Their fit Taoist also fell during the tribulation. At present, in the entire Azure Dragon Realm, only the Zhenwu Xianzong still has one." A fit Daoist."

"But it doesn't matter, Zilan Xingjun of our Fulongzong is currently closed to death. If it goes well, promotion and integration within a hundred years will not be a problem."

Jiang Yuebai recalled that the elder Taishang said at that time that Tianyanzong had eight Huashen Zhenzun and two Xuxuxing Lords in the upper realm. From this point of view, it seemed that they were not much different from Fulongzong.

It's a pity that Fulongzong has such a big Qingcang Mountain in Qinglong Realm, while Tianyanzong doesn't even have Xianmen in the upper realm.

All the way to Fulongzong Internal Affairs Hall, the white marble square, six coiled dragon pillars lined up on both sides, and the dragons on the pillars are lifelike.

Jiang Yuebai thought it was a fake at first, but when she got closer, the dragon on one of the pillars suddenly moved, and she realized it was a real dragon.

The dragon has white jade scales and is the jade dragon of the Panlong clan, the last of the ten great dragons. It likes to coil on the pillars, eats jade, and has a strong defense.

When he arrived at the Internal Affairs Hall, Jiang Yuebai handed over the storage bag of Shushan Pavilion to the disciple in charge of the Internal Affairs Hall.

That man was at the peak of Foundation Establishment, middle-aged, with a beard on his lips, and a square face. He looked like an upright person, but after taking Jiang Yuebai's storage bag, he just signed a receipt and threw it to her.

"There is no problem with the goods, let's go back and deal with business."

Holding the receipt, Jiang Yuebai smiled wryly, "Manager Qian, you... I can't do business."

Qian Hong's eyes were cold for a moment, and his manner was gloomy, "Then what else do you want?"

Jiang Yuebai smiled and said, "The money manager, this business has always been paid in cash, you see, this is the third time, if I can't settle the account this time, I can't do this job, I just An errand runner, such a big Fulongzong, shouldn't be short of this spirit stone, right?"

Qian Hong looked at Jiang Yuebai, and said with a smile: "Okay, pay the bill, right? Our elder in charge will not be here, and he must nod first to approve the Lingshi. Just wait."

Jiang Yuebai nodded quickly, "Well, I'll wait, and I won't disturb your work, I'll wait outside, it doesn't matter how long it takes."

Jiang Yue ran to the outside of the internal affairs hall in a hurry, and sat down in a corner where no one was paying attention, with a happy and silly look on her face.

In the internal affairs hall, Qian Hong sneered, "Lengtouqing, just wait!"

As everyone knows, Jiang Yuebai is eager to 'wait' here for a few more days, until she empties out the cave of the big dog thief.

She didn't have Fulongzong's token on her body, so she had to be brought with her when she came in, and the same was true when she left.

The token allows Fulongzong disciples to move freely in the outer boundary, and the inner disciple token is needed to enter the inner boundary, which is used to pass through the large formations and enchantments everywhere.

It may be luck recently, Jiang Yuebai asked the leading disciple on the way here, and asked the disciple who led the way. Taoist Longming's Lingkong Mountain is on the southeast side of the mountain where the Internal Affairs Hall is located.

As soon as Jiang Yuebai looked up at this moment, he could see the waterfall flying in the clouds and mist, and the floating mountain covered with green pines and cypresses.

"This distance is almost at the limit of my spiritual consciousness controlling the avatar."

Her current body of the Shushanlou clerk must stay here in the Internal Affairs Hall to confuse the view.

Although there are avatars, as well as Shen Yin Talisman and Turtle Breath Talisman, this is after all within the Fulong School, and no one knows if she will meet a Nascent Soul True Monarch halfway.

At that time, one sweep will break her invisibility, and it is difficult to explain the identity of an outsider. If you are trapped by Fulongzong's big formation, you don't need to bother Fulongzong's Lianxu Xingjun, just come to Huashen. Kill her.

Didn't Zhenzun Tianyou, who is the number one spirit transformer in Fulongzong, just return to the sect? It looks very unfriendly.

Moreover, in the sect's territory, the underground array nets are crisscrossed and criss-crossed, as dense as an iron barrel, and her white vines cannot be stretched down casually. If any array net wire is accidentally touched, then... bang!

Therefore, she needs the identity of a Fulongzong disciple.

Jiang Yuebai glanced at the side hall of the Internal Affairs Hall, which was the place where the missions of the sect were received.

With enough patience, Jiang Yuebai waited from early morning to noon, and went in several times to ask when the elder in charge would come back. When he saw someone who looked like the elder in charge, he also got up and went to check, and made a good show.

At the same time, for every qi training and foundation building disciple who passed by the door of the internal affairs hall, she would quietly part a hair and wrap it around their ankles to see what tasks they were going to pick up.

Two of them took the task of Lingkong Mountain, one was to weed, and the other was to feed the dragon in the back mountain.

Both of these are not suitable, weeding is only on the periphery of Lingkong Mountain, and cannot be close to inhabited places, and the back mountain of Lingkong Mountain is two separate floating islands, guarding behind the main island, the distance is even further.

Jiang Yuebai continued to wait.

At dusk, a plain-looking male cultivator in blue came over, his body was shining brightly, he seemed to have just broken through to the ninth level of Qi training, and he had a token of a disciple of Fulongzong's outer sect hanging on his waist.

After he landed, he glanced suspiciously at Jiang Yuebai who was wearing Shushanlou's clothes. Seeing that she was a cultivator at the early stage of foundation establishment, he sighed and shook his head with a sigh, and walked into the side hall of the internal affairs hall.

Jiang Yuebai's hair was wrapped around his ankles silently. After 'seeing' he considered it for a quarter of an hour, he chose the task of taking care of the Lingkong Mountain Herb Garden, which had been abandoned several times today.

Because of the fall of Taoist Longming, the disciples of Lingkong Mountain could walk or scatter, and there were only a few heartfelt disciples left to stick to it, so the largest medicine garden in Lingkong Mountain was understaffed.

Before Lingkong Mountain is taken over by the next Yuanying, the elixir in the medicine garden still needs to be taken care of.

"Qi An, right? The task of taking care of the medicine garden lasts for three years. Every six months, I hand over the elixir according to the number. If there is any shortage, I have to make up for it myself. Are you sure you want to take it?"

"The cold pond in Lingkong Mountain is beneficial to my practice. I think three years is too short. Brother, don't worry. I am studying alchemy. I have been helping Master Sikong to take care of the medicine garden before. Brother can check the records."

Not long after, the male disciple named Qi An successfully took over the task and took the token of Lingkong Mountain Medicine Garden.

As soon as Qi An came out of the side hall, his ankle suddenly seemed to be pricked by a needle. He lowered his head in doubt, and glanced at the ankle with his spiritual sense. There was nothing abnormal. He then glanced at Jiang Yuebai who was still waiting outside the internal affairs hall, and drove up. A cloud of mist rushed towards Lingkong Mountain.

The corners of Jiang Yuebai's lips curled slightly, and his eyes were cunning.

"Qi An, isn't it money? A good name is a good sign, and it's just you!"

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