Jiang Yuebai and Bai Jiuyou studied together for half a day, and found that the seal runes on the box were very complicated, requiring specific items to open, and the security measures on it were also very strict, forcibly breaking it would destroy the contents inside.

Jiang Yuebai thought about it for a moment, and guessed, "If there is something in Ning Zhiyuan that others don't have, it must be the Azure Dragon Token."

Bai Jiuyou raised the box and shook it, "In other words, you need the breath of Qinglong's blood essence to open this box. What a treasure, it's so important."

"Don't shake it, it must be something important, otherwise he wouldn't have hidden it so deep, forget about being unable to open it temporarily. There are a lot of things to do right now, enough for us to be busy."

Xie Jingshan hasn't arrived yet, Jiang Yuebai and Bai Jiuyou divide the work.

Bai Jiuyou went to deal with the corpse of Chilong and refine the battle armor.

Jiang Yuebai's puppet clone and a white rattan clone stayed in the study. The white rattan clone took the triangular Yulong bone picked up last time and the rain dragon essence blood extracted by Bai Jiuyou to practice making Dragon Soul Talismans.

Practice your hands first, and when you are proficient, use the five drops of fire dragon blood essence in your hand to refine it. At that time, the two armors will each be inlaid with one piece, and one piece will be needed to transform the puppet clone.

The puppet clone sat aside, first removed the puppet's legs, and then polished the keel that needed to be replaced.

Holding the fire keel, the puppet clone suddenly raised its head, thinking.

She has no shortage of materials, so why can't she install different keels in different parts of the puppet like the nine-headed dragon?

The main attribute of the puppet clone is gold, but the magic weapon is the same as a monk, the higher the level, the less pure the attributes. She doesn't need to use only metallic materials to transform the puppet clone.

In this way, different Dragon Soul Talismans can be embedded in different parts of the puppet clone. Wouldn't it be more powerful by then?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuebai immediately used his spiritual thoughts to contact the little demons in the Lotus Terrace Cave, and asked them to take three copies of each type of keel in the warehouse to the study.

Can it work, first polish the keel, and try it out.

In the spiritual field, Jiang Yuebai's white vine avatar used to take care of the grass dragon eggs was not idle. She sat cross-legged by the pool of blood, took out her alchemy furnace like a frying pan, and placed shark pearls and Huangquan flowers in her hand. The Santuchuan water and various elixir liquids that have been processed are ready to be used to refine the Po'er Pill for infant formation.

Outside the Lotus Terrace Cave, Jiang Yuebai himself was sitting in the quiet room of the Shushan Building, writing down what he was going to do next in the booklet he carried with him line by line.

The first, of course, is to go to the West Sea to find Ao Juan, the Dharma protector, to conceive a baby.

To this end, it is necessary to prepare Poe Dan, at least to cultivate "Dragon God Transformation" to the first level, and the long-haired water ghost who was taken away by Xiaolu must continue to use incense to create a golden body of merit to resist the catastrophe .

If Xiaolu really doesn't want to part with it...then use Zhenlong Coffin to block it.

No matter how bad it is, there is also the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron, it is so edible, let it eat thunder!

Second, it is a long-term plan to promote the White Dragon Spear to the Acquired Spirit Treasure, which will start after the birth of the baby.

Jiang Yuebai's pen paused, and wrote down that "candle dragon essence blood" is used for quenching, "divine tree branch" is used for the gun body, "Taixuan fine gold" is used for the tip of the gun, "ten thousand years cold stalactite" is used for cooling, and "stalactite stalactite" is used for cooling. 'Yin Yang Spiritual Fire'.

The original map mentioned that the body of the gun needs a kind of spiritual wood. The branches of the sacred tree in the Lotus Terrace Cave are the best spiritual wood. The Qinglong essence blood used for quenching is replaced with the candle dragon essence blood. The yin and yang spirit fire needed for calcination can be used Earth Fiend Fire and Phoenix True Fire.

Earth Fiend Fire is a bit inferior to Phoenix True Fire. If you have a chance after giving birth, you can look for other Yin Fires. Xiaolu also needs a lot of Yin Fires to advance.

In the end, there were only two things left that she needed to find.

Jiang Yuebai circled 'Taixuan Jingjin' and 'Wannian Hanstalactite' with a pen.

After that, all that is left is to transform the puppet clone and find a practice method for Jixiang.

Jiang Yuebai's pen paused under the word Jixiang. Just now, she saw Jixiang gnawing on the keel in the Liantai Dongtian warehouse.

There was no spirit mine in her storeroom for it to eat, so the hungry Jixiang had no choice but to grab whatever he could.

Seeing that Jixiang is so edible, Jiang Yuebai feels that it is the same as the Tuntian Ding, which cannot be supported.

"I don't know if Jixiang can practice "Swallowing Heaven Jue". It is a simplified version from "Chaos Nirvana Kung Fu" to "Chaos Swallowing Heaven Kung Fu". Improve it for auspicious cultivation."

Jiang Yuebai thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible. Anyway, Jixiang would eat everything. After practicing this exercise, he just ate, absorbed and refined what he could absorb, and pulled out what he couldn't absorb.

In the future, if one can extract Yin and Yang Qi from mixed forces, then one will be able to transcend the five elements, and the ability to break formations will be even better.

"Try it. After the improvement, let Bai Jiuyou and Baiteng's avatars try to practice first. If they can succeed, then let Jixiang practice."

Jiang Yuebai suddenly felt that he had raised a bunch of foodies. Bai Jiuyou would go crazy when he saw icy things, Xiaolu wanted to eat Yinhuo, and Swallowing Tianding would eat everything. It was a bottomless pit. .

There are also those two dragon eggs and a dragon, which also cost money to raise.

"But I'm a poor ghost who can't even afford Poyun Chong."

Jiang Yuebai lay down on the table and sighed. After a while, she regained her strength and took out the jade slip that recorded "Dragon God Transformation", and checked the cultivation method on the first floor again.

The first layer is to replace one's own spine with the dragon's spine, conceive one's own dragon veins, and transform the bone marrow into the spirit of a real dragon.

If it succeeds, after that, every time you make a move, the dragon chant will follow you, like a dragon's claw cutting a mountain, its strength is unrivaled.

"What is the body of this nine-headed dragon? Don't be a limp snake."

Jiang Yuebai was apprehensive, so he did the preliminary preparations for cultivation in the quiet room of Shushan Tower.

Feeling tired during this period, I read the jade slips and travel logs collected by Shushanlou to learn about various situations that will occur during conceiving babies, tips for dealing with demons, customs and anecdotes from other realms.

Eight days later, Xie Jingshan finally came out from Fulongzong and went straight to Shushanlou to look for Jiang Yuebai.

He pushed open the door and saw Jiang Yuebai's quiet room full of books, boxes of jade slips on the table, and papers filled with words written by Jiang Yuebai scattered all over the place, his head buzzed and his blood rushed .

Xie Jingshan felt that he really couldn't see this scene.

Turning his back and taking a breath facing the outside, Xie Jingshan told himself to be calm.

"Jiang Yuebai, can't you put down the book and take a look at me?"

Xie Jingshan walked over, kicked away the books beside the low table, and sat cross-legged opposite Jiang Yuebai.

Jiang Yue turned the page without raising her eyes, "How can you have a good book? Fulongzong didn't make things difficult for you, did it?"

Seeing that Jiang Yuebai still knew how to care about him, the corners of Xie Jingshan's lips twitched slightly, looking at the completely incomprehensible symbols written by Jiang Yuebai.

"No, it's just a case of a thief calling for a thief, and it has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Yuebai raised her head, revealing a pair of curious eyes from the back of the book, "Why is the thief shouting "Catch the thief?"

"Dongfang Yu in Lingkong Mountain sneaked into his third senior brother's cave and found it was empty, so he asked someone to help him catch the thief. Guess what, the key jade charm of his third senior brother's cave was in Dongfang Yu himself. residence was found."

"By the way, it's not just thieves shouting to catch thieves, but also righteousness to kill relatives. The key jade talisman was found by Dongfang Yu's junior brother Chu He. He sued the Law Enforcement Hall, saying that Dongfang Yu took the things from the third senior brother's cave, and even suspected that the third senior brother was killed. Dongfang Yu killed it, and the key jade amulet is the evidence."

Xie Jingshan waved his hand, "Anyway, it's very chaotic, the two of them are biting each other, and I can't tell you a sentence or two. What did you do in Fulongzong that day, so you ran away in such a hurry?"

Jiang Yuebai covered her face with a book, and her exposed eyes were bent into crescents.

"I can't tell you a sentence or two."

Xie Jingshan gritted his teeth, "Then say ten sentences!"

"I evacuated that cave, and I also put the key jade amulet in Dongfang Yu's residence."

Xie Jingshan: ...

Is this a sentence or two that can't be explained clearly? This is very clear, okay?

Xie Jingshan raised his forehead, "You are really... daring!"

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