She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 698 Not a human being? (Ask for monthly ticket)

Jiang Yuebai found that her body was gone again. When she was conscious, she could only 'feel' that there was water all around, and the water plants were swaying enchantingly under her feet. There was a big fish hidden in it, waiting for the small fish around it to approach.

At first, Jiang Yuebai thought that she was turned into a fish by Immortal Chongming. After she felt it carefully, she was shocked to realize that she had turned into a drop of water.

In the past, the demon clan’s cultivation turned into grass, but it was still a living creature.

Now that you are cultivating in the Immortal Palace, you are not just a human being, you are not even a living being?

Immortal Chongming is so creative!

With the experience of the demon clan making grass, Jiang Yuebai did not panic. She had to first figure out whether turning into water was an illusion or reality, where her original body was, where she was at the moment, and what dangers were around her... …

A series of questions popped up, and Jiang Yuebai habitually thought about them with distraction. As a result, her consciousness was suddenly pulled away, and she actually returned to the immortal palace.

It's just that her body was imprisoned, and she kept sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, letting the spiritual energy in the fairy palace wash over her body.

The lotus platform absorbs the yin and yang energy between heaven and earth in the Dantian, transforms chaos, and operates the skills. The yin and yang twin thunders in the small world of the lotus platform are also transformed little by little. Under the influence of internal and external effects, her cultivation level steadily improves.

But no matter how hard Jiang Yuebai tried, he couldn't break through the confinement.

However, with her current strange 'perception', she could vaguely see a water-blue vortex in her Dantian, which faintly drove other water auras in the fairy palace to rotate in the opposite direction.

In the direction of Immortal Chongming's retreat, there is the same aqua blue vortex that is also driving the water aura in the Immortal Palace to rotate slowly, but in the same direction.

Taken as a whole, the traces of airflow sliding look like Tai Chi.

These should be two Kunpeng eyes, sensing and influencing each other.

Therefore, she did not turn into water in her true body, but was turned into water by a divine thought drawn out by Immortal Chongming.

That's good. Although her body is imprisoned, she can still practice, which does not affect her plan to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage before the Qingyun Society.

Unable to do anything, Jiang Yuebai calmed down and reflected on his recent impatience.

She always felt that it was not easy to have a Mahayana Immortal Lord as her backer. Opportunities were hard to come by, and not every Mahayana Immortal Lord was as tolerant and kind as Chongming Immortal Lord.

Therefore, she always wanted to seize all the time to solve the doubts in her heart. Even when she was still in the Nascent Soul stage, she had already started planning for the Divine Transformation Stage, the Void Refining Stage, and even the Mahayana Fusion Stage.

"I am indeed too impatient. The Immortal Lord is right. You have to eat your food one bite at a time. I have ignored the simplest truth."

Jiang Yuebai sighed, and entered the small world of Lotus Terrace with her spiritual thoughts. She first checked Bai Jiuyou's situation, and then went back to being a waterman with peace of mind.

Immortal Lord Chongming must have arranged this for her own good. Maybe this would be a good opportunity to help her digest and absorb the Kunpeng Eye.

At that time, in the small world of Liantai, Bai Jiuyou was controlling three large hammers that came from unknown sources, clanging in the woods and beating a Yanjia head as big as a small house.

It seemed that Bai Jiuyou had finally designed the drawings of the giant Yanjia she wanted and started manufacturing it.

It's just that the huge head is just a frame at the moment, and the complex and precise gears inside are only half installed, so the whole picture cannot be seen.

Jiang Yuebai did not disturb Bai Jiuyou and glanced around the main island.

The Yuan Magnetic Ruler was placed in a magic circle by Bai Jiuyou and hung in mid-air. Two small thunder fishes, one black and one white, were swimming around the two sides of the Yuan Magnetic Ruler, slowly merging.

There was also a puppet clone, which was also placed in a coffin from nowhere by Bai Jiuyou. The coffin was filled with an unknown green liquid.

The puppet clone was soaked in it, dressed in red, with the exposed skin showing the same texture as a human being, and the face was completely transformed to look like Shen Zhou Sanren, cool and mature, which made Jiang Yuebai heart-joyed.

The black hair of the puppet clone was a kind of black spider silk given to her by Yun Shang. It was very tough and highly poisonous.

It seems that now, just waiting for time to catalyze, the Yuan Magnetic Ruler and the puppet clone can complete the transformation, but in order to advance to the acquired spiritual treasure, it is estimated that it will have to go through a thunder tribulation like the last time when the candle dragon gun was refined.

Jiang Yuebai quietly left the main island and saw that the Blood Jade Flesh Zhi was well taken care of by the little dragonfly demon and the mountain monkey. It was originally only a fist-sized piece, but now it has grown to the size of a millstone.

Hongye returned to the Qinglong Realm with Xie Jingshan with two fat grass dragons, wondering if he could bring back the grass dragon group and the Soul Infant Fruit.

Immortal Lord Chongming hates demons, so during this period of time, Jiang Yuebai didn't dare to use his thorns to read in the dream world. Every day, thorns sleep with the black-armored bees on the island full of demonic energy.

Xiao Lu was urging Yan Hongyu to practice, and took the long-haired water ghost to supervise her. Coupled with the blood jade and flesh mushrooms, Yan Hongyu's cultivation finally made some significant progress.

Now the sea water in the small world of Lotus Terrace contains the power of yin and yang twin thunders. Jixiang drinks water when he is hungry, and Lieque jumps in directly to swim, making rapid progress.

The rat cubs are also very conscious. Bai Jiuyou feeds them blood jade pills on time, and the progress of practicing "Vajra Demon Subduing Technique" is gratifying. The metal materials used by Bai Jiuyou to make Yanjia are all gnawed and cut by the rat cubs.

In the entire small world of Lotus Terrace, the most leisurely one is the chipmunk. It wanders around and eats flowers every day. It seems to be idle, but Jiang Yuebai discovered that the chipmunk has been practicing secretly. Its fur is getting shinier and its fragrance is getting richer and richer. .

Jixiang was so hooked that he couldn't stop, but every time he came close, he would be beaten up by the chipmunk, and even the rat cubs would be called to support him.

Poor Jixiang, who used to ignore the chipmunk, is now unable to reach him.

Seeing that everything was as usual in the small world of Liantai, Jiang Yuebai felt relieved, but couldn't help but curse.

The little guys she raised can all take good care of themselves, and they don’t have to worry about their cultivation life. What are the things that the Immortal Lord raises? They might as well be stewed in one pot!

Leaving a spiritual thought to pay attention to the situation on the main body, Jiang Yuebai turned his main consciousness back to the drop of water.

But this time when she went back, she suddenly found darkness all around her. She tried to move, but she always hit a wall somewhere, and the water around her kept swaying.

Jiang Yuebai tried to use her spiritual sense to sense the surroundings, but it was obvious that the Immortal Lord had restricted her ability, and her spiritual sense could not detect too far.

After she carefully traced the surrounding barriers with her consciousness, the shape of a gourd appeared in her mind.

Has she been tricked?

Jiang Yuebai was stunned for a while, then concentrated his consciousness into a thread, and kept exploring in the direction of the gourd's mouth. At the same time, he controlled his small water drop body to swim upwards.

When her consciousness poked out from the gap in the gourd stopper, Jiang Yuebai finally 'heard' some sounds.

"Dad, my Calabash Mountain Spring is full of spiritual energy. Take it back and cook some medicine for my mother. She will definitely get better."

"Okay, after your mother recovers from her illness, how about we send you to Tianyan Sect together? I hope it can be in time for them to open the gate this year."

"Well, don't worry, dad, I will definitely be admitted to the Tianyan Sect, and then I will take you and mother over to live with you."

It was the voice of a little girl and a middle-aged man. Jiang Yuebai was shocked when he heard them mention Tianyan Sect.

Could it be that Immortal Chongming didn't throw her in some illusion, but in some water in reality.

In Tianyan Sect, is the entrance examination time the same as in reality?

This... is interesting!

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