She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 726 Counterattack (please vote)

Seeing that Shi Yuming wanted to take the people from the Wuyue Immortal Sect to the northeast with the people from the Tianyan Sect, although Jing Quan still felt that this was inappropriate, he was speechless at the moment.

Because among the six members of the Zhenwu Immortal Sect, only three were willing to join him.

Leaving the large army, especially the large formation of the Five Mountains Immortal Sect, he was not sure that he could survive here and find other ways to survive.

What's more, among the ten major forces, the Chiri Sect and the Jinlan Sect are allies and may not accept them. The other families and sects are not yet known where they are, and they may all be dead.

Thinking of this, Jing Quan turned his head and looked to the side, avoiding the eyes of his junior brothers and sisters, and remained silent.

Seeing what Jing Quan did, Jiang Yuebai sneered, subconsciously pressed the antlers in his clothes and glanced outside the formation.

"The two gods and true demons are still there, we have to find the right time to get rid of them..."

Before he finished speaking, a shrill and sharp neighing sound pierced the sky, and everyone frowned at the same time, tilting their heads and covering their ears.

Jiang Yuebai was completely unaware, and quickly walked to the edge of the formation, when he saw a golden sword light splitting the mountains and splitting the sea, and the fiery red Suzaku screamed in the sky and crashed into the high-altitude demonic clouds.

It turned out to be Ye Tianlang from the Scarlet Sun Sect and Pei Shengyue from the Jinlan Sect. The two of them killed the real demon who attacked them.

At the same time, Jiang Yuebai also saw giant axes chopping mountains and thousands of swords flying across the forest and behind the collapsed solitary peaks.

The sound wave of killing was stirring up the situation. A female cultivator carried a huge pen on her shoulder, used the sky as paper, splashed ink to write talismans, and severely attacked the demon army.

Those who took the lead, Jiang Yuebai, had all been seen in elite intelligence from all walks of life. Ye Tianlang and Pei Shengyue needless to mention that the mountain-splitting ax came from the martial arts family of the Five Emperors of the Taiwei Star Alliance, the fifth family among the ten most powerful families.

Thousands of swords flying across the sky, with surging sword intent, must be the sword cultivator of the Beidou Star Alliance's Shaking Light Realm that Lu Nanzhi once visited. Among them, the Luofu Sword Sect, one of the three major sword sects, ranks sixth among the ten major forces.

But in terms of hard power, the Luofu Sword Sect did not lose at all to the Jinlan Sect, which ranked first. It was only because of its upright swordsmanship that it fell behind in many comprehensive strength competitions in the last Qingyun Club, so it did not get the first place.

There was also the female cultivator carrying the giant pen on her shoulder, which made Wen Jian next to Jiang Yuebai's eyes dazzle. She was a talisman cultivator from the Feng family of the Emperor's Realm, the main realm of the Tianshi Star Alliance, and the seventh among the ten forces.

Jiang Yuebai got a copy of "Feng's Talisman" when he was "acting chivalrously and doing justice", from which he learned how to make various treasure talismans. That Feng's clan is the Feng's clan in the Imperial Throne Realm.

The one who can kill the sound waves must be the eighth-ranked Arctic Palace Sound Cultivator from the Ziwei Star Alliance.

Among the ten major forces, there are the Ruyi Sect, ranked ninth in the Tianshu Realm, who is proficient in various miscellaneous studies, and the Jiang family, ranked tenth in the Yuheng Realm, who is both skilled in medicine and poisoning and has become a big landowner in the cultivation world through farming. .

The rest have now emerged and fought back.

The ferocious counterattacks from all parties made the demon clan very anxious, especially Ye Tianlang and Pei Shengyue, who seemed to be going crazy, chasing the real demon in mid-air to kill them.

With the two of them taking the lead, other capable monks from various places also frequently took action against the transformed gods and true demons, focusing on capturing the thief first.

So much so that the two real demons guarding the Black Turtle Formation had to give up besieging Jiang Yuebai and the others, and turned to run high into the sky to support the other real demons.

Those who can participate in the Qingyun Association, especially the leaders among the ten major forces, possess valuable treasures and the secret skills of the elders of the sect, and each of them has the ability to transcend ranks and kill enemies.

Jiang Yuebai's good luck came again. She stared at the surging spell craze in mid-air and said to Shen Huaixi, "Huaixi, you take everyone away first, I will stay behind."

At this moment, the morale of the human monks has just been raised, and it is a good time to counterattack. If they can kill one more god-transforming true demon, there will be one less obstacle for everyone to escape later.

Jiang Yuebai didn't want his fellow junior brothers and sisters to take the risk of getting involved, but he couldn't let go of this opportunity.

After all, if she wanted to escape, not even a god or a real demon could stop her.

Shen Huaixi glanced at the sky and said without any hesitation, "Okay, be careful and catch up quickly."

Shi Yuming and others opened the formation and left according to Shen Huaixi's arrangement. Jing Quan hesitated for a moment, but still followed at the back with people from the Zhenwu Immortal Sect.

Just as Jiang Yuebai was about to take off into the air, there was movement behind him. It was Lu Nanzhi, Xie Jingshan and Shi Yuming who were leaving and returning.

Lu Nazhi and Xie Jingshan didn't say much. Their childhood friendship made the three of them still have a tacit understanding, and they knew each other's feelings with just one look.

They will not let Jiang Yuebai fight alone.

Shi Yuming strode over and said, holding a silver iron rod in his hand, "It is not something we monks can do to run away from the battlefield. Even if it is for the sake of my brothers and sisters, I have to stay behind."

Several people looked at each other and immediately stood up from the ground, killing the pursuing demon army below and rushing towards the fierce battle in mid-air.

A Yuan Mo Zhan will rush out of the forest. When he sees the four people, his whole body is filled with demonic aura, and he transforms into a giant eagle with black feathers and iron claws, and kills them menacingly.

Before Jiang Yuebai could take action, Shi Yuming on the side snorted coldly, and the iron rod in his hand whizzed out, hitting the black-feathered iron eagle with a force as heavy as a mountain.


There was an explosion, and a surging air wave visible to the naked eye swayed away from the bombardment. A Yuan Demon warrior was beaten to pieces by Shi Yuming with a stick, leaving no trace of his armor.

The remaining power of the iron rod was like a heavy punch hitting the ground, and a terrifying hole exploded in the ground below. Hundreds of demons were crushed into powder in an instant.

Jiang Yuebai couldn't help but marvel at this kind of power. At the same time, he was curious about how Shi Yuming's strength compared with Bai Jiuyou.


Xie Jingshan shouted from the side, his sword clanked, and the fire wave turned into a giant dog, swiping his claws to break off the demonic spear that rushed in front of several people.

Black clouds surged all over the sky, and blood and thunder flew across the sky. There were originally twelve true demons who transformed into gods, but Jiang Yuebai and the others killed two of them. Ye Tianlang and Pei Shengyue each killed one. At this moment, there are still eight true demons who transformed into gods. , turned into a ferocious and terrifying giant head with raised fangs, roaring in all directions.

The demonic clouds continued to turn into hard spears, carrying a heart-stopping cold air, bombarding the earth indiscriminately like a violent storm.

There are forests of spears for hundreds of miles, corpses everywhere, evil spirits everywhere, and bloody winds.

The tyrannical coercion of the real demon in the form of gods hindered the movement of the spiritual energy of the surrounding Nascent Soul monks. It was like carrying a mountain, unable to cross a hundred feet in the air, and could only avoid it by running at low altitude.

Whenever someone is injured, there will be countless maggots in the tarsal bones that bite tightly, sucking the spiritual energy from the monk's body, and corrupting the monk's body with the turbid air.

Artillery fire continued in the sky, and the mountains and plains were filled with demons. The billowing demonic fog connected together to form a huge encirclement, constantly squeezing inward.

Fierce fighting was going on everywhere. Ye Tianlang, Pei Shengyue and the other leaders of the ten major forces in the Nascent Soul stage all stood in the air, took out the acquired spiritual treasures from the bottom of the box, and attacked the real demon in the sky with all their strength.

Another large piece of demonic energy spear burst through the wind, and Shi Yuming stepped in front of the three of them, his arms shaking.

Unmoving as a mountain!

The majestic mountain light and shadow rushed up from Shi Yuming's body, and the demonic spears exploded after hitting it, unable to break through the defense.

The tower-like man shouted loudly, "Just kill the enemy and leave the rest to me!"

Seeing this, Jiang Yuebai and the other three looked at each other and used their killing moves to attack the real demon in the sky together with the others.

Thank you for your concern. My grandma’s current problem is not serious and she will be treated in the hospital.

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