She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 865: Close the door and beat the dog

Jiang Yuebai's five five-element spiritual weapons have now become acquired spiritual treasures. Although they are still classified according to the attributes of the five elements, in fact, the five acquired spiritual treasures have been refined by the Chaos God Lei Yuwei, and they are no longer Simple five elements.

Among them, Xiao Lu has the most spirituality, like a child with an independent personality. Jiang Yuebai doesn't know yet whether it has abilities such as domains. He only knows that Xiao Lu is still digesting the red lotus seed.

As for the field of Zhulong Gun, Jiang Yuebai already fully understands it, and is still continuing to learn other abilities in the field of Zhulong.

At this moment, there are only puppet clones left, and the fields of Condensing Mirror and Yuan Magnetic Ruler have not been put into actual combat. In addition, there is the Taihe Umbrella, which also advanced in the aftermath of the Chaos God Thunder. Mainly because of the good foundation at that time, so Progress without pressure.

There are too many things, but there are only two people who can help her verify them, and she doesn't know if they can withstand the trouble.

In the puppet field, facing four giant steel hands, Xiong Yanqing and Zhong Lijing went back to back, each using their own magic weapon and blasting towards the giant hands.

Both of their natal magic weapons have reached the level of top-grade spiritual weapons. Xiong Yanqing's is a simple black iron plate, with a giant bear engraved on one side and two ancient characters engraved on the other.

Xiong Zhu (pí)

Zong is the ancestor of bears. There are countless souls of bear monsters in this ‘Zuan Soul Tablet’, which are gathered into the ancient Zong.

This is the orthodox inheritance of the Xiong family. This card is placed on Xiong Yanqing, making him comparable to the ancient giant bear in all aspects, and he can summon several giant bear dharma forms at will.

After Xiong Yanqing sacrificed the soul card, a huge black bear appeared on each side on the left and right sides. It roared and raised its upper body to meet two giant steel hands.


Amidst the huge shaking sound, the giant steel hand was held in mid-air by the huge black bear statue. The two black bear statues roared again and slowly squeezed the giant steel hand little by little to transform.

Behind Xiong Yanqing, there was a strange lamp hanging in front of Zhong Lijing, which looked like a manzhushahua made of brass, with faint purple fire coming out of the flower center.

This is the underworld purple fire, which ranks seventh among the ten poisonous fires in the upper world. It contains the power of the underworld's weak water and is extremely corrosive. Anything that sticks to it will be corroded into a pool of purple water.

Zhong Lijing waved her hand to activate the purple fire of the underworld, which turned into vicious purple snakes and wrapped around the giant steel hand like lightning. In an instant, the entire giant steel hand was engulfed by the purple fire and quickly melted into a pool of purple liquid.

Among the purple liquids, more purple Manzhushahua bloomed, allowing the purple fire to quickly spread throughout the puppet realm.

Xiong Yanqing's giant bear method has also torn apart the giant steel hand, and is rushing towards the edge of the puppet field to attack, trying to tear the puppet field apart.

The puppet field shook violently. The world in the field was like a huge metal ball. Gears and various puppet parts kept falling off around it, quickly forming nine giant puppet dragons in mid-air.

"These dragons... actually have the power of real dragons!"

Xiong Yanqing was shocked. Although they were in the form of puppets, the momentum on those dragons was very lifelike. They looked like the other nine dragons among the ten dragons except the ancestral dragon.

"We must fight out quickly. The longer we stay trapped in the realm, the worse it will be for us!"

Zhong Lijing's whole body tensed up, and she spread her consciousness to quickly search for any flaw around her. None of their escape methods worked here.

Jiulong lowered his eyes with a stern look. Facing the raging purple fire, the puppet rain dragon flicked its whiskers, and the heavy rain poured down, extinguishing the underworld purple fire in an instant.

A dragon wrapped around the black bear's dharma image and bit hard, causing the black bear's dharma image to shatter into pieces.

Xiong Yanqing and Zhong Lijing were shocked. They no longer hid their trump cards at this moment, and threw all kinds of powerful disposable magic weapons at the puppet field everywhere as if they were free.

Ouch! !

The nine dragons roared, the purple fire of the underworld turned into countless crescents, and the torrential rain lashed out. Xiong Yanqing tried his best to release the four giant bears again, and violently fought with the nine giant puppet dragons.

There was a shocking explosion, fire exploded, and the battle was extremely fierce.

The difference between a God-Transformation monk and a Nascent Soul monk is that the Soul-Transformation monk's soul can sense the heaven and earth and directly draw power from the heaven and earth to cast spells and control magic weapons.

As long as the soul is immortal and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is endless, there will be no time for the monks to become exhausted.

And Jiang Yuebai's Puppet Domain is not like the Hundred Flowers Domain, which has the ability to forcibly swallow spiritual energy.

Jiang Yuebai controls nine puppet dragons. When he transformed the puppet clones, he used a large amount of dragon bones to make the nine puppet dragons no different from real dragons.

After trying for a while, seeing that Xiong Yanqing and Zhong Lijing were still able to hold on, and their combat experience was indeed impressive, Jiang Yuebai had an idea and drew the energy of chaos from the lotus platform and injected it into the puppet domain, instantly changing the state of the domain.

Like other fields, the puppet field also has two states. One is 'combination'. In the field, various puppets and mechanisms can be combined infinitely to cause a steady stream of blows to the enemy.

Compared with dealing with a small number of enemies, the state of the puppet field is actually more suitable for group attacks. Just imagine, facing thousands of troops, the puppet field spreads out a row of divine machine heavy crossbows that do not need to be loaded with explosive arrows, and the storm fires. What a situation.

The second is ‘dividing’!

At this moment, Jiang Yuebai's state changed, and Xiong Yanqing, who was in the puppet realm, immediately discovered that the giant bear's appearance around him suddenly seemed to be contaminated, and all parts of his body were quickly transformed into puppets.

Cold sweat broke out on Xiong Yanqing's forehead, and he tried his best to activate the Soul Pavilion. The giant bear's Faxiang moved with difficulty, making a sound like rusty iron. The parts that became puppets quickly decomposed, and the parts fell one after another, floating in the air. .

On Zhong Lijing's side, the fan-shaped spiritual weapon she used to fan the flames was also being transformed into a puppet in mid-air, and was rapidly decomposing and irreversible.

Zhong Lijing backed away in horror and hit a piece of ice. With a glance from the corner of her eye, she discovered that behind Xiong Yanqing's protective aura, the gears were turning into large and small rotating gears, and then collapsed and fell off one by one.

No matter what magic weapon they use or what spell they use at this moment, as long as they enter the domain space, they will be quickly puppetized and then decomposed.

Those decomposed things will fly around the spherical space and become parts that strengthen the puppet field.

It means that the harder they work, the stronger the field becomes.

Amidst the clanging sounds, puppet parts and fragments were everywhere. The two of them could not even hold up the body-protecting energy, and the corners of their clothes became heavy and cold, like pieces of iron.

Zhong Lijing was extremely anxious. Seeing that the trend of puppetization was about to wrap around her body, Xiong Yanqing suddenly shouted, "Don't use your skills, seal the whole body's spiritual energy and prevent it from leaking out. The rule in this field is to puppetize everything with spiritual energy."

Zhongli Jing's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it. If she didn't use her spiritual energy to resist, wouldn't it turn into a puppet faster?

But Xiong Yanqing still had some observation and courage. He waved his hand to take back the soul card, hit several acupuncture points around his body, sealed his whole body's aura, and made himself stand still like a stone statue.

Sure enough, the trend of puppetization in his clothes gradually weakened until it stopped.

Seeing this, Zhongli Jing followed suit and quickly sealed off her own spiritual energy, standing still and not daring to move rashly.

Outside the field, the injuries on Jiang Yuebai's back have recovered as before, and even the injuries on Hong Ye's body have been healed. She used the dust purification technique to sweep away the blood stains on herself and Hong Ye, and smiled faintly.

"Old fox, if you have some ability, let's change the field and play!"

Jiang Yuebai waved his hand again, and the puppet realm immediately disappeared without a trace. The condensing mirror among the five acquired spiritual treasures above his head flew out, and a silver wave surged out from the mirror, and the world changed in an instant. (End of chapter)

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