She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 873 Tai Sui (September monthly ticket 2500 plus update)

Jiang Yuebai stood there and did not dare to move. He even suppressed his breathing, and his three spiritual thoughts alerted him to all disturbances around him.

"One, two, three...nine, ten!"

After counting to ten, Jiang Yuebai made sure that nothing bad happened, and then he dared to look at the fist-sized, khaki-colored bead again.

Inside the bead is a mass of wrinkled, yellow-brown meat mushrooms stacked together like fat, squirming as if breathing.

The meat cheese hits the inner wall of the bead, causing the bead to roll slightly in the grass. Every time it hits, a green dragon-shaped light and shadow will flash on the bead, like three small green dragons swimming around the bead.

Jiang Yuebai's tense body relaxed a little, and he squatted down in front of the bead, not daring to touch it directly with his hands. He found a stick in the grass and poked the bead.

With this poke, the meat in the bead immediately melted and turned into a yellow-brown viscous liquid. Jiang Yuebai burned the stick in his hand to ashes with the Phoenix True Fire, and his own hand was also burned for three breaths.

However, the yellowish-brown liquid in the bead did not overflow. Instead, it gathered inward, and eventually turned into a fat baby with breasts, bare buttocks, and only wearing a red bellyband.

But its right leg seems to be deformed, much smaller than the left one.

Jiang Yuebai opened his eyes wide, "It's actually Tai Sui's true form!"

The appearance of this baby was exactly the same as the one she saw in the Chaotian Domain of the Earth Spirit World!

"Huh? It turns out to be a little grass demon like you. It would be great if you meet someone of your own race. Let me out quickly!"

The baby's mouth didn't even open, but an old man's voice came out of it, and it recognized Jiang Yuebai's appearance.

The little baby girl stood in the bead and kicked the inside of the bead with her fat feet. The light and shadow of three small green dragons emerged again, and the baby girl quickly shrank her feet.

"Is this Qinglong's seal? Why can Qinglong seal you?" Jiang Yuebai had many questions to ask, so when he saw this scene, he asked casually.

Tai Sui asked Jiang Yuebai for help, so he could only answer honestly, "The Eastern Green Dragon belongs to wood and is in charge of the spring in the four seasons. The dragon's energy is full of vitality of heaven and earth, but I am transformed by the filthy air between heaven and earth. The filth brings Everything in the world is filled with dead energy, and will naturally be restrained by anger.”

Jiang Yuebai nodded, new knowledge point, master it!

At present, she already knows that the special existence of Tai Sui can be restrained by three things, the aura of incense, the auspicious aura of Bai Ze, and the anger of Dongfang Qinglong.

Obviously, the effect of incense air is the weakest, and the effects of auspicious air and anger should be about the same.

Then the field of flowers formed by her flower basket can absorb the anger between heaven and earth. Can this anger trap Tai Sui or suppress Tai Sui?

Jiang Yuebai kept this question in his mind and prepared to find an opportunity to try it.

Knowing that Tai Sui was in the bead and would not bring her bad luck, Jiang Yuebai sat down with confidence.

Ao Juan came over after washing his hands, but refused to get closer. He squatted three steps away and stared secretly.

Jiang Yuebai ignored Ao Juan and continued to ask Tai Sui, "So you were captured by Qinglong? Could it be that Qinglong also did what happened at the Qingyun Meeting? It's fine and will soon ascend with Cang Qingzi. Why? Do these things?”

After Jiang Yuebai asked, before Tai Sui could think of where to start, Jiang Yuebai's pupils suddenly trembled.

"Could it be said that Cang Qingzi's death was also related to Qinglong?"

Jiang Yuebai has never had contact with the human race since she entered the Demon Realm. She knew about Cang Qingzi's death, but did not know the inside story, and Shen Mingjing would not tell her this.

Later, when they met Pei Shengyue and the others in Dahuang, they didn't even think of asking.

Tai Sui sat down and said slowly, "God knows what happened. I am also unlucky. I am extremely unlucky."

"Isn't it right for you to be unlucky?" Jiang Yuebai asked back.

Tai Sui glared and Ao Juan nodded.

Tai Sui turned around, not looking at Jiang Yuebai, and continued, "I am retiring well in the Demon Realm, and I have not offended anyone or hurt anyone. Suddenly one day, my vision went dark, and then one of my legs was chopped off."

Tai Sui moved his deformed right leg, which grew back.

"Then I don't know what happened specifically. I just felt that a long time had passed. When I could open my eyes and speak, I was with that guy."

Jiang Yuebai followed Tai Sui's gaze and looked at Ao Juan, "Ao Juan, tell me."

Ao Juan confessed honestly, "I was also sleeping well in the mountains...cultivating! Then suddenly one day, a big green dragon smashed in front of me, spit out two beads and gave it to me, saying that the future of the dragon clan would be left to me."

"One is the green dragon bead I swallowed, and the other is that thing!" Ao Juan tapped the bead that sealed Tai Sui with his chin.

"What about Qinglong?" Jiang Yuebai continued to ask.

Ao Juan said, "He was seriously injured and was completely destroyed on the spot."

Jiang Yuebai frowned, thinking that shouldn't be the case. Cang Qingzi had already passed the ninth heavenly tribulation, and all that was left was to open the Immortal Gate and enter directly from the Immortal Light.

How could something happen at such a juncture when it was absolutely impossible for something to happen? Could it be that Qinglong betrayed Cang Qingzi and severely injured Cang Qingzi in the end, causing her to fall?

"Aojuan, what did Qinglong say in the end? What did he do?" Jiang Yuebai asked.

Ao Juan tilted his head and thought for a while, then suddenly fell to the ground, his breath weak, and he stretched out his trembling hand to Jiang Yuebai with a look of pain and regret.

Jiang Yuebai:…………

"If the law of heaven is fair, which creature in the world is willing to rely on the human race? It's just friendship, but it's just use. Ying Long, you must remember, never trust the human race, never..."

After saying that, Ao Juan rolled up from the ground and continued to squat with his hands on his hands.

"That's it. If you can't see clearly, I can turn into a dragon and teach you again."

Ao Juan felt that she had not learned well just now. If she did it again, she would definitely be more emotional than the last time.

Jiang Yuebai's forehead twitched, "It's clear enough. I've learned it very well. Don't learn it next time. You are not suitable for doing these things in your current fairy state. Remember, if you can transform into another form in the future, you can do it without speaking." Don't open your mouth,

Just stay as stiff as possible without making any expressions or body movements. As long as your back is straight and your eyes remain indifferent, just release a little more pressure than others, so that others will not look down upon you. "

Ao Juan nodded thoughtfully, and Tai Sui rolled his eyes, thinking about what Jiang Yuebai said.

Slowly, Ao Juan and Tai Sui both became cold and paralyzed.

Jiang Yuebai was speechless and ignored them. Thinking about Qinglong's last words, she felt that she had guessed about the same. Qinglong should have betrayed Cang Qingzi. This may have something to do with Cang Qingzi's bad treatment of Qinglong.

But, it's definitely not that simple behind the matter.

Jiang Yuebai couldn't figure it out for the moment, so he put it down for the time being. If he was curious, he would find out when he left the Falling Demon Abyss and found the Wuweishan people and asked.

Jiang Yuebai glanced at the stern-faced baby, and suddenly thought of another thing.

"Lord Tai Sui, when you first arrived in the Upper Realm Demon Realm, Tiannanxing sent you to Jiehe, right? What is your relationship with Tiannanxing? What are you planning?"

Jiang Yuebai squinted his eyes like a fox, and saw that the corners of Tai Sui's eyes twitched obviously, as if there was something wrong in his heart.

In fact, meeting Tai Sui here was a good thing for Jiang Yuebai.

The Xianzhi clan was exterminated by the Wu clan, and Tai Sui was voluntarily captured for the sake of the Xianzhi clan, and was instilled with filthy energy to become Tai Sui today.

If she guessed correctly, the person who destroyed the Xianzhi clan and kidnapped Tai Sui, even if he was not Wei himself, must have something to do with Wei.

Tai Sui was able to give her such precious skills in the first place, which shows that Tai Sui still has expectations for the revival of the Xianzhi clan, and is even still working hard for it.

If it knew that the culprit who caused the annihilation of the Xianzhi clan was in Dahuang, it would definitely take revenge. In this way, they could cooperate.

If Tai Sui helps, they will definitely win the next battle between the four races!

But before that, she needed to figure out Tai Sui's true purpose of going to the upper world, as well as Tai Sui's position, before she could decide whether to let it out and cooperate with it.

That bitch Tian Nanxing plotted against her and tortured Xie Jingshan, causing Xie Jingshan to commit suicide and die together with him.

What Tiannanxing is planning is definitely not a good thing! (End of chapter)

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