She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 886 Divine soldiers descend from heaven (please vote for me)

There are yin and yang in the world, good and evil, auspicious beasts, and naturally there are also vicious beasts.

There are different opinions on the specific origin.

There are rumors that the ferocious beast is not flesh and blood, is like a demon, and is born to gather the evil of all spirits in the world.

There are also rumors that the ferocious beast was transformed into the ancestor of the earth's unicorn after his death. His head turned into a Taotie, his body turned into glutton, his limbs turned into Qiongqi, and his soul turned into chaos.

There are even rumors that the four ferocious beasts and the four auspicious beasts belong to the yin and yang sides and are born naturally from heaven and earth.

When Pei Shengyue and the others first entered the wilderness, they encountered ferocious beasts in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains. They were surrounded by dangers and almost failed to escape.

At this time, Qiongqi was obviously bigger, more ferocious and cruel than what Pei Shengyue and the others had encountered.

No one knows why the demons can summon the four ferocious beasts and let them fight for the demons.

At this moment, the four evil spirits appeared, and the color of the world changed.

The Taotie was insatiable and ran wildly from the mountains, stepped into the battlefield, opened its mouth to swallow the sea, and the flowing light spells and weapons and magic weapons in mid-air escaped from the control and merged into the huge mouth of the Taotie Abyss.

Even the living people with low cultivation levels were sucked away along with the corpses on the ground!

Cang Huo struggled to save his life, but the prairie fire under his palm was still sucked away and devoured. All the beasts raised in the mirror of the universe were all spared. If Mo Ping hadn't appeared in time and dragged Cang Huo away, he would have been sucked in too. .

Chaos does not distinguish between good and evil, neither friend nor foe. It has no head or eyes, and is covered in fat. It rushes into the battlefield like a wild bull. It crushes the demon soldiers with the soles of its feet and swings its four arms wildly to smash them.

Even if the cultivator of the Transformation God bumps into him, he will be defeated by a palm.

The ferocious tiger-like Taozhu was unstoppable. Its huge mountain-like body rushed across the battlefield, and its two wild boar-like tusks in its mouth were indestructible. It successively broke through the realms of Zuo Qiuhe and Feng Zhuxin.

Fortunately, Xie Jingshan and Xie Tianbao appeared in time, and all kinds of powerful disposable magic weapons were bombarded for free, causing huge seas of fire, thunder and lightning, and they were able to cover the retreat of Feng Zhuxin and Zuo Qiuhe.

Xing Tuozi ran around the mountain with the Chaotic Star Disk in his arms. Any spell stream that entered the scope of the Chaotic Star Disk would deviate from its original direction, unable to hit him, or even 'accidentally injure' other demons.

Seeing Zhao Benlei trapped in the circle of five gods and demons, Xing Hunchouzi moved his fingers slightly, and finally ignored the calculation, sighed heavily, and ran towards Zhao Benlei.


The mountain collapsed and the ground cracked. The extremely large Qiongqi's wings shook and he flew down the mountain, crushing Pei Shengyue's white tiger domain with one kick.

Pei Shengyue vomited blood and flew backwards, Jiang Ling'er flew to catch him, and the two supported each other and retreated to the river.

Roar! !

Qiongqi screamed and roared, and the ferocious energy in his body exploded like a volcanic eruption. Black ripples visible to the naked eye rippled out, sweeping across everything wantonly, and the earth cracked inch by inch under this terrifying pressure.

Wherever the coercion passed, all the upright human monks and local Qi refiners were severely injured. On the contrary, those ferocious demons, as if they had been beaten to death, had a surge in morale. They turned around and killed those seriously injured monks and Qi refiners. The soldiers beheaded.

Qiongqi likes to eat good people, and he will help anyone who is evil. The more upright and righteous the person is, the more he will salivate.

The situation was reversed again, the demons turned defeat into victory, and the humans retreated steadily, suffering heavy casualties.

Even many Qi Refiners in the Great Wilderness fled in order to survive when they saw that they were outmatched. Even some of the god-transforming monks in the upper realm retreated again and again, retreating to the forest on the other side of the river, not daring to confront the four evil spirits head-on.

The power of the four evil spirits has far exceeded the peak of divine transformation. The space where they are is distorted, and there are faint whirlpools following them. A large amount of demonic energy overflows from them, secretly increasing their power.

Qiongqi's blood-red eyes scanned the entire scene, then suddenly raised his head and stared at Zhao Fuyi, who was rearranging his formation in mid-air.

Qiongqi spread his wings and was about to fly. The huge Shi Yuming stepped in front of Qiongqi and resisted Qiongqi's two giant claws.

"No... motionless as a mountain!"

Veins popped up all over Shi Yuming's body, and he roared. His body hardened rapidly. He was like an ancient giant carved from rock, trying his best to stop Qiongqi.

Qiongqi's wings rolled back and hit Shi Yuming hard. The pressure on it was like a heavy hammer, causing the rock on Shi Yuming's body to crack. His feet kept sinking and were hammered into the ground bit by bit.

Pei Shengyue and Jiang Ling'er tried to rescue them, but Yong Zhu suddenly rushed towards them.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Wen Miao used the light from the Universe Mirror to pull Pei Shengyue and Jiang Ling'er away. They fell far away, and the hilltop where they were just now was trampled to pieces by Ying Zhu.

Seeing that the fangs in Yaozhu's mouth were about to ram into Shi Yuming's body, Jiang Ling'er shouted loudly.

"Shi Yuming, get out of the way!"

Terrifying pressure enveloped Shi Yuming. From the corner of his eye, he saw the dazzling light and shadow of the array reappearing above his head, and the formation of Zhenzun Fuyi was taking shape.

Shi Yuming gritted his teeth and vowed not to retreat until he died!

At the critical moment, Shi Yuming suddenly saw a piece of snow-white feathers floating down, and a black mark fell from the sky, hitting Qiongqi's head hard.

Qiongqi wailed, and retreated with his loose claws, his whole body was shaken by the huge force, and black aura erupted.

The black seal fell to the ground, and the vast light of the barrier rushed into Shi Yuming's eyes. He couldn't help but close his eyes and felt a familiar basalt energy, spreading a barrier with tortoise shell patterns around him.


Tao Zhu's fangs hit the black turtle barrier hard, causing the barrier to tremble, but Shi Yuming remained intact.

Everyone who was paying attention to Shi Yuming was shocked by the scene in front of them, and suddenly looked up to the sky.

Under the bloody setting sun, Jiang Yuebai was dressed in green clothes, sitting sideways on the back of a white deer covered in holy and soft light, floating like a fairy.

"Everyone, I came in time, right?"

Jiang Yuebai straightened her back and secretly grasped Lu Ling's antlers. If he really dared to let her go, she would break the antlers for him!

"Jiang Yuebai!"

Pei Shengyue couldn't help but took two steps forward. Xie Jingshan killed a large group of demon soldiers with one sword. He raised his head with blood all over his body. Xing Hunchouzi pulled Zhao Benlei out of the demon group. Zuo Qiuhe paused for a while while Feng Zhuxin leaned on the piano. Stand firm with your pen in hand.

Zhao Fuyi, Wen Miao, Mo Ping and Cang Huo all looked towards Jiang Yuebai.

Inexplicably, when everyone saw Jiang Yuebai, just Jiang Yuebai, they couldn't help but get excited, as if as long as she was there, they would not lose!

Seeing everyone's fiery gazes, Jiang Yuebai naturally couldn't let everyone down. She spun up from Lu Ling's back and instantly released three clones.

A clone controlled the Heaven-Suppressing Seal and hit the heads of Yao Zhu and Qiongqi Kuang Bang. No matter how the two ferocious beasts avoided resistance, it was of no avail. Every blow of the Heaven-Suppressing Seal would hit the heavenly spirit.

Another clone quickly wandered around the battlefield, releasing Jixiang and Xiaolu where assistance was most needed.

When Ji Xiang landed, he transformed into a giant sky-devouring rat. He straightened up his upper body, swept away several magical demons with one claw, opened his mouth and sucked in fiercely, grabbing food from the Taotie's mouth.

The little green lightning was like a green flash, flying around on the battlefield. Wherever it passed, ghost fire burned fiercely, and countless demons were buried in it.

The third clone took out the Kui Niu drum that had been repaired long ago, stood in the air, and suddenly struck.

Boom! Boom!

The sound spreads three thousand miles and is inspiring.

Everyone's heart was beating to the beat of the drum at this moment, and their blood was boiling. It seemed that they had endless strength, and they just wanted to rush into the battlefield to fight in blood and fight to the death with the demon army.

On the contrary, the demon soldiers all over the battlefield will be dizzy amidst the sound caused by the Kui Niu drum, their souls will be shaken, and the demonic energy around them will collapse.

Even the four ferocious beasts let out manic roars and shook their heads to resist the beating of the drums.

"Hey! What a baby!" Xie Tianbao's eyes were bright, staring at the Kui Niu drum in Jiang Yuebai's hand.

Xie Jingshan roughly wiped away the blood on his face, drew his sword and moved forward, "Everyone, charge with me again!!"

Everyone regained their morale and charged towards the remaining demon army again. However, even so, the human race had suffered heavy casualties due to the four ferocious beasts, and their military strength was far inferior to that of the demon clan.

And at this moment, the ground behind the Kunlun Mountains is shaking, and there are still many demon reserve troops rushing towards the front battlefield to help.

Deer Spirit was not idle either, and quickly stepped across the river bank. Wherever his hooves passed, the scorched earth burst into life again, and the weeds grew rapidly, exuding vitality, healing the injured people's injuries and restoring their aura.

Zhao Fuyi once again propped up the Four Elephants Bagua Array to assist the overall situation and let it rotate on its own. He also rushed to the other side and waved his hands to form an array, trapping and killing several of the most courageous gods and true demons of the demon clan.

Wen Miao smashed the huge wine gourd into the mountain, stood on it with her arms akimbo, and controlled the intoxicating wine to sweep across the countryside.

Mo Ping and Cang Huo also rushed to the battlefield again and fought bravely to kill the enemy.

The whirlpools above the heads of the four ferocious beasts became more and more clearly visible, and a steady stream of demonic energy was injected into their bodies. They broke free from the influence of the Kui Niu Drum and started to attack the few remaining human monks again.

At this moment, a dragon roar resounded throughout the world, and a huge Yinglong appeared out of thin air and roared at the earth.

Jiang Yuebai's body put away the Mi Chen Seal and used its own positioning to pull Ao Juan directly over the battlefield.

Aojuan's dragon tail swept wildly, sending the Qiongqi flying up and smashing a mountain in the distance.

Ouch! !

Ao Juan opened his mouth and roared again, and the Green Dragon Pearl flew out from his mouth, stirring up the wind and clouds. Countless rays of light fell to the earth from the Azure Dragon Pearl like a drizzle.

The light turned into full of energy and majestic monster warriors, filling the entire battlefield, roaring, and charging in all directions.

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