41 – How She Loves

“First, you don’t know if you don’t tell.

Your inner thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc. – If you don’t say it out loud, the other person will only vaguely guess.”

A note scrawled by the owner of the house.

I pasted what I hurriedly wrote down on the first page of my research journal.

“Second, you don’t know unless you express it.

Nothing will change unless you take action.

No matter how dry her mouth is for her love, no matter how she rolls her tongue until it wears out, there are visible traces in her eyes.

If there is not something to prove the time we spent together, it will all be in vain in the end.”

As a small entertainment, a visitor once told the mortals the duty of a blood relative.

Those words ignited the madness of a woman who fell in love with her own husband despite her arranged marriage.

“Third, you have to be honest.

If you cover one with lies and cover the other, in the end it just piles up and piles up.

The core emotions and resentments are sure to explode someday.”

For some reason, all of these were sharply gnawing at Elena’s heart.


She changed and then she herself wanted to win her love again.

It wasn’t until she saw his dedication right in front of her eyes that she realized how much she was loved.

Until the third rule, there was nothing that Niel did not do.

With the human body.

“Fourth, check and double check that you have done all of this.

If you find one as a mate, once you have received the love of a blood relative, you have no choice but to be chained forever.

Be grateful to those who willingly accepted their fate.

That must be the duty of a noble blood relative…”

I couldn’t do any of that as a human being.

But now, now, he seemed to be able to pull off all of this himself.

Niel sees, feels, and sees through himself far more than he knows himself.

Elena, who was kneading, thought so, and she turned over a diary named Research Journal.

The woman’s heart was broken as time went on, and it was getting more and more messed up.

She did everything to love her this much, even blood on her hands, but he just kept pushing me away.

She wasn’t even aware of how twisted she was, she was still chasing something of her own.

And then they said that they both died…

“I’m grateful to you. Now I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

I was resentful. At the time I didn’t know anything.

I almost didn’t notice this blessing that was in my hands right now, anxious to lose him.

Dorothy Tia, the ritual you prepared for your husband as a last resort comes into my hands…

To think of all the trials and errors that I meticulously documented and even this wonderful nest were brought to me like this.

Your misfortune has turned into great luck for me.

For you, every moment was a last resort, but for me, it was a second chance.

To truly respond to and face his love – the chance that I, as a human being, had so easily missed.

And unlike your love, he tries to face me sincerely and consistently. Including the time I ran over him!

Ah, I tried to covet love by force, but what can I do with a person who is so overflowing with love to give me even though he took away and trampled on me like that?

You tried to make something that didn’t exist in the first place, but I am so wrapped up in his love and concern.

You cried, laughed, and went mad clinging to that one ring,

I am living and breathing, surrounded by this enormous amount of love that I don’t even know if I can keep up with!

To be able to feel this is probably impossible with a human body.

No, no. It is enough to be felt by the human body. It’s clear. It’s such a hot and intense feeling, how could I not notice it?

I just ignored it. Okay. Never, never going back

I mean my ugly self.

But now I know. This blood, my power flowing through his body, is being heard in his ears.

Whether he’s around or not, his head is always full of my thoughts.

Every time I look at something, I wonder if it suits me or not.

I can always see his eyes looking at the world based on me, how can I live a sane life?

So for today… I want you to respond to my heart.

Proof that the path I am walking on is not wrong,

I want to find it in your mouth and body.”

His voice rings in my ears again.

Why is he trying to greet those who have been looking for things at the front gate of the mansion?

He should be in my arms right now.

“Niel, I’ll go now! Now…!”

He told every servant he encountered to prepare a meal time with him, and hurriedly moved his feet.

I didn’t like the fact that his skin was gradually cooling down from the outside wind.

I had to warm it up.



The glass fell.

I thought he just loosened his hands a little, but it wasn’t.

I missed my glass. It didn’t stop it from falling to the floor.

My body started to heat up slowly.

I had long forgotten the chill that seeped through the window and chilled my feet.

Her desire seemed to run through her veins. It was as if her will was transmitted through my entire body.

Me, only me,

The future she promised was all stained with blood and disappeared, leaving me alone.

We were meant to go towards our dreams together, but everything was cut away by an incident, and we were left alone in the world where only the two of us remained.

And she was looking for warmth in me.

Make a fire to beat the cold, rather than looking for clothes –

She found me.

“It’s just as I imagined it to be. My sun. My own sun. The sun of the world that I can’t face now, that I lost, is here…”

As she approached me step by step, soaked in ecstasy, she untied her clothes and pushed the skin of my face away.

“It’s warm. No, everything is cold except for you. I could feel it so clearly…”

Her pink bumps thrust into my mouth.

As if not going to stop this behavior until I bit it, she held my head in her extension and pushed me hard with her own smooth skin.

Strong arms and stomach. But to my hand, her skin and breasts are so merciful and smooth.

Guided by her hand that locked me in and embraced me, I began to slowly roll my tongue and touch her lips.

…Even though it was clear that nothing would come of it, I went back to being a suckling child and started to pamper myself in her arms.

“Haa… Hug me, harder, more intensely. Niel, won’t you hug me tighter?”

I was already doing my best to escape her cold and dig deeper into her arms, but she kept pushing her body against me.

And with that size and strength, they kept trying to crush me, who was relatively weak, and in the end, I was slowly falling backwards with the chair.

“Wait, Elena, chair – “

Kwadangtang, the tilted furniture rolled on the floor.

But I didn’t hit the bottom.

As I was lifted up and held in her arms, I was thrown onto the bed in the same position.

Once again I was caught in the gap she created.

In this gap where I will be stuck, pressed, and trapped many times in the future.

In the little prison she created, it was clear that I would be imprisoned again and again.

“Ha, ha… Ha…”

No more words were exchanged between her and me.

Instead, there were only strong eyes and a desperate struggle to stick to each other a little more.

The liquid was making me understand.

What kind of ‘sweetness’ she feels from me?

It was addictive.

Every reaction that each other made was creating a flash.

Just like the embers that go out when you light a fire.

Like a beautiful flower that blooms when you scratch flint.

She wanted to make that moment into eternity.

I wanted to keep the beautiful scene forever in her hands.

And that’s how her flesh parted, and we became one.

However, it was only for a moment that I was overcome with emotion.

“What – “


It’s okay.

Kadudeuk –

The iron parts rotated and interlocked.

The wrists wrapped in her warmth were suddenly cold shackles.

It did not take long for the emotion and joy that had risen to the top of her head to cool down.

“What’s this – oops?!”

I resent her weak body for not being able to shake off her body.

Of course, since she has already become her blood relative, it is clear that I will never be stronger than her.

If she could resist at least once, she wouldn’t have pushed me so recklessly…!

Even if you try to untie the gripped pod, even if she tries to push her waist away from the grip,

Even if I try to resist the pleasure I feel inside her,

None of those things went my way.

That once,

“Huh, yup… Ha, ha, ha…”

“Yes, that’s what I wanted. Your love, as warm as a fire in an oven…”


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“Helena… Please…! This is full – uhhhhh…”

“It’s okay. I’ll be with you forever.

Are you afraid of falling away from you? Are you afraid

It’s okay. If that’s your concern… Here.”


As she raised her wrist, I caught a glimpse of her madness.

There was a chain attached to the wall on her wrist.

It’s a bit long, but it’s so short that you can walk around the room.

“I know very well that you’ll hate this. Don’t you know.

Did I tell you not to do to others what you cannot do to yourself…?

I don’t mind being chained to you. Wherever I go in this world, if only you were by my side, that place would be my paradise.

So can you accept it too? Huh?

Weren’t you prepared for this when you raised the glass?”

Shouldn’t I have expected it to change?

It’s more twisted.

No matter how much I say it, I can say that there is not a single hesitation or a twinkle in the eyes.

The persuasiveness of words lies in whether they are right or wrong, not in this way.

“It hurts my heart to see you not being comfortable even when I am next to you.

Why can’t I be a haven for you? Why can’t I be perfect for you?


“If you wanted that, oops, ugh, stop, why again…!”

“Yeah, it’s not moving.”

“Lie – lie, lie…”

Then, these bumps that stimulate me right now,

The one that pulls up and strikes like a squeeze –

“Ugh, uh…”

“The elixir really seems to work. It’s still firm and full… Huh?!”

Three times.

She didn’t accept my appeal.

I did listen. I also answered.

But I refused.

Despite the fact that I wish I hadn’t.

“Whoa, whoa… You know, Niel. How did you feel in that town?

Everyone we knew was either killed by a vampire or had to be killed because they turned into a vampire.

Were they pitiful?

Are you sorry?”

I tried hard to forget them.

In that village, I tried hard not to think of their faces.

Because what I had to think about at that time was the comfort of her and me.

But now…

“I still remember their smiles, Elena.

Every time I went to buy something, the people greeted me with a smile.

The old man at the magic tool store carefully wrapped and handed over the requested item while grumbling.

Where have all the children who used to play and smile go, and now they are all reduced to ashes…”

Things I knew were crumbling.

Ever since she left her house, I haven’t been getting anything.

No, maybe I didn’t have any new things I had acquired a year ago.

“I just remembered one thing.

I fear that such a cold face will become you.

Someone escaped from my eyes, and I came to imagine you suffering an accident in a place I don’t know.

…Your life has been threatened many times since I changed.

Even if I do my best to make sure it doesn’t happen again, since one of them was something I did myself.

If someone with malicious intent decides to approach you, you, an ordinary human in my absence, will surely…”

While gurgling, white turbid liquid soaked my stomach.

Through the forked road above my belly, the mixture of her and mine was slowly flowing over her skin.

Maybe I was slightly enjoying the drowsiness of her that came from the act of being with her, as I was constantly dropping my stomach at the unbelievable temperature in her arms.

“So I’ll do my best to fill every moment with you.

The shackles will be very inconvenient, but they will only keep you from running away from the nights we’re going to spend.”

“…Did you really have to do this? If only I had approached you gently, like you did in that village…”

“If you ask me to do it many times, dozens of times, hundreds of times, you will surely get tired of me.”

A few hundred times, maybe even a few dozen. If I spend a few nights resting little by little, I’ll fill it up to 10 times in no time.

And if you do it on a yearly basis, have you already done it over 100 times?

“No, that’s – we’ve already spent more than three years. I’ve been with you for about two years…?

In those moments, I hated you even a little, no… Not a little bit.

It was only when I was forcibly attacked.”

“That’s not it… All week. I’m going to spend time with you?”

At that moment, I felt a chill run down my spine.

I shook my head, flinching at her hand as she pulled out her tongue and licked my lips, holding my yang water covered in sticky liquid and shaking it little by little.

“Isn’t it? Really? No? Hundreds of times, are you kidding?”

“It’s okay. You don’t have to worry about anything.

I think if I put my saliva, mucus, and this prepared little by little into my body, I’ll be able to do it a hundred times in no time.”

No matter how much you shake your head, no matter how much you twist your back,

In front of her strong hands and strong waist, she was useless.

Rubbing her nose against her beautifully glowing sweaty skin, she swallowed the magic liquid delivered through her mouth before she knew it through her throat…

Despite the intense feeling that my mind is shaken by the senses that are becoming more sensitive and her unstoppable attachment,

I couldn’t help but despair at my darkened vision.

“Why, uh, oops, oh!”

Even though it’s soggy, her body doesn’t change at all in the strength of its tightening.

Without any fatigue, without any pain, straight from before,

How can these moments when only tender and sharp pleasures bloom deeply…

“Don’t run away, Niel.

It’s the love you accepted. You said you would take care of me.

At least this bottle won’t fall out of my arms until I’ve emptied it all.

And… Yup, huh –

I want you to fill it up again and again. With this warmth.

So that I can remember clearly in the future, only you…”

If I hadn’t raised that cup,

Has she given up on this method?

If I had hated her,

Would she have tried to be more gentle with me?

Not the new way of love you found,

Would you have tried to walk the path I wanted?

But… What’s the use of all this now?

The day it first opened,

From the very day I gave her her blood,

“Because you… Told me you loved me.

I can’t help but love you who can’t hate me, who can’t push me away and who keeps trying to hug me.”

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