She Shocks The Whole World After Retirement

Chapter 1125: It's me, Yu Aofeng

   Chapter 1125 It's me, Yu Aofeng

   Who would have thought that the man who did not listen to the instructions of the staff and had a more perfect appearance than a super male star turned out to be the new fox king of the nine-tailed fox clan.

   That is the black fox Mo Xiao who can easily kill Emperor Hu'ao Mountain and Emperor Hu Yusheng!

   He suddenly visited Huashen Mountain and created such a big battle. What did he want to do?

The general manager of the scenic spot recognized Mo Xiao's identity. He didn't dare to delay or hesitate for a moment. He immediately dialed the inside line of the Demon Jiao clan, and roared at the steward on the other end of the phone in horror and anxiety: "Steward, fox king. Mo Xiao brought a strange man to Huashen Mountain, looking at this posture, the visitor is not good!"

   When the steward received the call, thinking of the words the patriarch told them at the meeting a few days ago, his legs began to soften subconsciously.

   A few days ago, the fox king Mo Xiao single-handedly returned to the fox fairy city, killing Hu Aoshan and Hu Yusheng Emperor Zun by himself. That day, their patriarch happened to go to Fox Immortal City to watch the battle. After returning, the patriarch secretly held a meeting and announced a piece of news that scared them—

  The prince of the dragon family, he is back!

  According to the patriarch's description, when Mo Xiao fought against the Emperor Hu'ao Mountain, there appeared a mysterious helper who awakened the beastly state of the Black Sky Dragon.

   As early as a few months ago, they received news from the Canglang Continent.

   It is said that at the intercontinental finals of the Beast Masters of the Canglang Continent, there appeared a mysterious young man who had ascended from the small world of Moliu, awakened the beast state of the Black Sky Dragon, and could summon the undead of the Heavenly Dragon to assist in the battle.

   Tianlong undead, how arrogant, they have always only obeyed the call of the Tianlong Dragon King and Dragon Prince.

  Then, the young man who can summon the undead of the Heavenly Dragon to assist in the battle must be the reincarnation of a certain member of the Black Sky Dragon Clan. As early as the ancient times, the Black Sky Dragon Clan all jumped into the endless sea, and they have long since vanished. Today, the only remaining member of the Heiqing Tianlong clan is the last prince of the Tianlong clan.

   And the prince was crushed under Huashen Mountain, and he is still alive.

  Although he didn't know what method the prince used, he secretly reborn part of his soul and returned to the super world as a young man.

   But, the Dragon Prince is back.

  Then, the Demon Jiao clan who betrayed the Black Sky Dragon Clan and bravely developed the place suppressed by the Dragon Prince into a tourist area, will inevitably be retributed by the Dragon Prince.

  From that day on, the head of the Demon Jiao Clan began to feel uneasy and could not sleep all night.

   received a call from the manager of the scenic spot and learned that Mo Xiao, the fox king, had secretly appeared in the Mountain of Avatars, and was accompanied by a strange young man. The steward immediately guessed the identity of the young man.

   He is probably that young man named Sheng Xiao.

   "No!" The steward panicked for a few seconds, then ran towards the hill where the patriarch's mansion was located with his legs weak, anxiously reporting the news to the patriarch.


  The mighty and huge black fox was suspended in the void, and the majestic and terrifying spiritual power clearly spread his words throughout the entire mountain range—

   "Fox King is doing business, you can quickly retreat!"

   Hearing the words, those monks and tourists got up one after another and hurriedly took their relatives and friends to evacuate the viewing area as soon as possible. Afraid of being targeted by the Fox King, they didn't even sit on the ropeway, they flew directly with their swords, and quickly escaped from the right and wrong places.

   That posture, like avoiding the **** of plague.

   Seeing the actions of these monks, no matter how ignorant the commoners were, they also realized that this black fox monster in the sky was a very terrifying existence.

  The bigwigs in the realm of self-cultivation are going to do business, how dare they stay for more than ordinary people? The staff did not dare to challenge Mo Xiao, they also took the initiative to admit their counsel and went down the mountain with the civilians.

   In less than half an hour, the tourists in the scenic spot were evacuated cleanly.

   They took the ropeway to the bottom of the mountain, ran to a relatively distant and safe location, and refused to leave.

  The ignorant are innocent, and the civilians do not know the frightening power of the Fox King Mo Xiao, so they still want to stay and watch the excitement.

   Those cultivators wanted to escape as soon as possible out of fear of Mo Xiao's strength, but they were curious about what Mo Xiao wanted to do.

   So, the monks evacuated hundreds of miles away, hid in the deep space, and quietly watched what Mo Xiao was going to do.

After confirming that all the tourists were gone, Mo Xiaohu narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Sheng Xiao, later, I will lift up the entire Tongshen Mountain Range, and you will enter the abyss as soon as possible. I can only last for twenty minutes at most, you Hurry up and get things done."

   "Understood, thank you foster father."

   "Yeah." Nodding, Mo Xiao roared, and at the same time, the seven tails released a strong black demon power.

   He opened his palm to the sky, and countless purple-black lightning bolts suddenly appeared in the air. Mo Xiao grabbed the thunder and threw them into the largest mountains of the Tongshen Mountains.

  The purple-black lightning turned into ropes with amazing power, drilled into the depths of the mountain, and quickly merged with the mountain.

   Mo Xiao folded his claws, all his spiritual power burst out, and roared in a deep voice, "Nine tails are here, the land is falling and the ground is cracking!"



   The Tongshen Mountains, thousands of meters above sea level, were directly uprooted from the plain by Mo Xiao, and even the central tower flew up!

   This scene stunned the civilians and shocked the monks.

   Being able to uproot the Tongshen Mountains with all his spiritual power, the strength of the Fox King Mo Xiao is really unfathomable.

   At this moment, Sheng Xiao, who was standing beside the railing of the viewing area, also flew up and turned into a thick and mighty black dragon about a kilometer long in front of everyone's eyes.

The    giant dragon appeared and stirred up the situation. Suddenly, the roar of the Black Sky Dragon resounded in the heaven and earth.

   It was just a roar of dragons, which shocked the civilians to become deaf, their noses bleed, their legs weakened, and they fell to the ground with one knee.

   In front of the real ancient overlord, the commoners and ordinary monks of the Monster Beast Continent can only submit to the pressure of this bloodline.

   "Black Dragon"

   Looking up at the extraordinary black dragon in the sky, the cultivators were stunned by the stimulation, while the staff sent by the Demon Clan only felt desperate and panic.

  Black Sky Dragon returned to the Monster Beast Continent and betrayed the Demon Jiao Clan of the Black Sky Dragon Clan. Is there any way to survive?

   They quickly lowered their heads and kowtowed on the ground, not daring to look at Sheng Xiao again.

  Black Sky Dragon roared, and quickly drilled into the bottom of the deep pit below the Tongshen Mountains. Entering the deep pit, the Black Sky Dragon turned into a sharp long sword, which instantly broke through the soil and rocks in the ground and drilled deeper.

The    sword was unstoppable, and it quickly traveled to a depth of 10,000 meters.

   The rocks here are no longer ordinary rocks, but the Black Spirit Stone Mine full of spiritual power. The deeper Sheng Xiao went to the bottom of the ore, the more obvious the summoning power.

  When he broke through the black spirit stone mine, he entered a dark and hot mysterious world.

   As soon as Sheng Xiao fell into this world, his clothes were scorched by the rushing heat wave. This feeling is similar to what he felt in the magma pool under the Ice Flame City.

   But the heat here is even more scorching than the underground of Ice Flame City.

  Black Sky Dragon is naturally fond of water, and what they are most afraid of is the flames, so Shenyu Phoenix's pure evil phoenix fire is their natural enemy.

  Tian Dao suppressed Yu Aofeng in such a wide and hot magma pool, and then flogged him with the power of Tianlei day and night. This is really the most tragic punishment.

   Sheng Xiao mobilized all his spiritual power and barely stabilized his body, then stepped on the void and stood quietly on the lava pool.

   Sheng Xiao couldn't see the scene inside the magma pool. Naturally, he couldn't see whether Yu Aofeng was there, and if he was, where was he.

   He held his breath, concentrated on the feeling, and then, following the power of the call, he plunged into the magma pool and dived toward the deepest point of the magma pool.

   The further down, the slower Sheng Xiao moved forward, and the skin on the surface had been scalded and blisters appeared.

   When he sneaked to the extreme depth, he finally heard a faint male voice.

   That voice seemed to come from eternity. It was weak, but it couldn't hide his noble aura: "Sheng Xiao, you are finally here."

   Sheng Xiao stopped, turned around slowly, and stared at his 'front'.

   Sheng Xiao couldn't see anything, but he could feel that there was a behemoth standing in front of him, face to face with him.

   Sheng Xiao clenched his fists tightly, his Adam's apple moved up and down for a while, and then he called tentatively, "Yu Aofeng, is that you?"

   "It's me, Yu Aofeng."

   At this moment, Yu Aofeng, who was divided into two, finally waited for his other half.

   (end of this chapter)

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