She Shocks The Whole World After Retirement

Chapter 973: Congratulations, you successfully found the space seeds (3 more)

   Chapter 973 Congratulations, you successfully found the space seeds (3 more)

   I noticed that this senior used the word 'also', thinking about it, there were also beastmasters who created an independent world in the past. Out of curiosity and admiration, Yu Huang couldn't help but ask the other person, "Senior, are there other people who have encountered this situation like me?"


  Yuhuang hurriedly asked, "Who?"

  The woman in Hokage snorted proudly and said, "It's far in the sky, and it's in front of you!"

   Yuhuang was taken aback.

   She understood what the woman meant, and was naturally taken aback. "Could it be that seniors also created an independent space?"

  The woman in Hokage snorted coldly and suddenly asked Yu Huang, "Do you know who I am?"

   Yu Huang asked hesitantly, "Divine Phoenix God Physician?"

   The Hokage woman was a little surprised when Yu Huang accurately stated her identity. "You actually know this god, and you still have some insight. But the divine phoenix master is just the honorary title given to me by the gods. My real name is Jing Lan."

The Divine Phoenix Divine Physician suddenly said again: "In the age of the gods, every beast master who has cultivated a complete ecosystem can be called a god, but only the **** is respected by the gods as the Divine Phoenix Divine Physician, you Do you know why?"

  Associating the previous words of the Divine Phoenix Physician, Yu Huang had the answer in his heart. She said: "Could it be that in the age of gods, only the predecessors did not rely on the power of heaven, but relying on their own abilities, they successfully created an independent space and refined a brand-new ecosystem of physiognomists? "

Nodding his head, the Divine Phoenix Divine Physician said arrogantly: "Yes, this **** is the only main **** in the age of the gods. As for the Divine Physicians born by relying on the power of heaven, they will always submit to the feet of heaven. Therefore, don't take it. Compared to those things, they don't deserve it."

  Yuhuang could imagine how arrogant and domineering she was when she was alive just by listening to the voice of the divine phoenix master.

  Yes, no matter how awesome you are, haven’t you been nailed to a dungeon?

   But Yu Huang only dared to think about it in his heart.

Divine Phoenix Divine Physician said to Yu Huang again: "You have created an independent space, and given you enough time, you will definitely grow into a master god. It seems that you don't need my space seed. ." For some reason, the Divine Phoenix Divine Physician's mood was a little down, as if he was sad.

  Yuhuang guessed why the other party was sad, and asked, "Senior, after your soul completely dissipates, the world you created will also disappear, right?"

After being silent for nearly half a minute,    said unwillingly: "Yes, when my soul completely dissipates, it is when that world completely collapses and disintegrates."

   Hearing the words, Sheng Xiao, who had been listening quietly and did not speak, suddenly said: "When the soul of the predecessors dissipates, it is the time when your small world completely collapses and disintegrates. Then why did the Heavenly Dao fall, and the three thousand worlds still exist?"

   "Who said that the Dao of Heaven has fallen?" The Hokage woman actually said: "After the end of the Dao of Heaven is coming, he just chose to sleep, but he did not fall. If the Dao of Heaven really fell, then the three thousand worlds should not exist."

   "Three thousand worlds and the way of heaven are forever inseparable existences."

   Hearing the words, the hearts of Yu Huang and Sheng Xiao were once again turbulent.

   Tiandao is still alive?

The Hokage woman saw that she was about to disappear, she shook her head and said to Yu Huang: "Since you have created your own independent space, there is no need to give you my space seeds. I will give my skeleton to me. You, so, can be regarded as repaying your kindness."

  The Naruto woman was ready to disperse her soul after saying that.

Yu Huang suddenly reached out and grabbed the opponent's slender wrist, and said seriously: "My independent space has not yet appeared, but there are tens of thousands of living beings living in the small world of senior. Senior, I am willing to try Try it, if I can get your space seed, I want to replace you and continue to protect that world."

   Hearing the words, the illusory figure of the Naruto woman became much more solid.

In Hokage, her eyes stared deeply at Yu Huang, full of love and admiration, she suddenly leaned into Yu Huang and said softly: "My space seed, it is azure blue, it floats in a place of nothingness. , chasing the scorching sun, and living towards death. Children, if you can find it, it means that you are destined."

   After saying that, the Naruto woman suddenly pulled a Yuhuang forcefully, the two merged into one, and disappeared from the dungeon in the blink of an eye.


  Sheng Xiao felt terrified when he saw Yu Huang disappearing strangely. He subconsciously lowered his eyes to look at the marriage line on the ring finger, seeing the red light still flashing on the marriage line, confirming that Yu Huang was still alive, and then he regained his indifference.

   Sheng Xiao simply sat on the ground, cultivating while waiting for Yu Huang to come back.


  Yuhuang's body twirled for a while, and it took a long time before she heard the voice of the divine phoenix master sounding in her mind: "Child, open your eyes."

   opened her eyes, Yu Huang was once again shocked by what she saw. She turned out to be in the universe, and wherever she looked, it was the universe galaxy.

   After becoming an eighth-level spiritual master, Yu Huang's eyesight was comparable to the most sophisticated astronomical telescope, and she could clearly see the appearance of every galaxy. Galaxies large and small dot the boundless universe, looking like a bottle that has been accidentally smashed and studded with diamonds in the dark.

   At this moment, in the vast universe, Yu Huang clearly realized how small she was.

   What masters, emperors, and even gods, they are just a drop in the ocean in front of the universe.

Divine Phoenix Divine Physician warned Yu Huang seriously: "My soul is about to dissipate, and I don't have much time for you. I will count down from one hundred to one. When I count to one, you must return with me. Otherwise, You will be forever exiled in this boundless land of innocence."

  Yuhuang said: "This is not a place of ignorance, this is the universe."

   "Universe." The Divine Phoenix Physician was silent for a while before he said, "Very apt name, I wish you can find my space seed in the universe."

   Then, a countdown sounded in Yu Huang's mind.

  Yu Huang was not disturbed by the countdown from the Divine Phoenix Physician at all. She calmed down and looked at the universe carefully.

  Yuhuang knew that it would be more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack to find an azure space seed in so many galaxies, and she couldn't search blindly.

  If there is anything more mysterious and powerful than physical energy, it is only the human mind.

  Thought, it transcends all things, it is more mysterious than you realize.

  Yu Huang closed his eyes and tried to piece together the space seeds that the Divine Phoenix Physician said in his mind.

   Floating in the universe, azure space seeds chasing the scorching sun.

   In Yu Huang's mind, the appearance of an irregular blue sphere suddenly appeared.

   As long as he thinks of the appearance of that planet, Yu Huang's heart swells and becomes sour.

   At this point, the Divine Phoenix Divine Physician had already lost eighty numbers.

   Suddenly, Yu Huang said: "Senior, your space seed, it is an azure blue sphere. It has been revolving around a huge fireball all its life, right?"

   The countdown stopped abruptly.

   Divine Phoenix Divine Physician asked in a hoarse voice, "How did you know?"

  Yu Huang did not explain, and asked again: "Senior, what did you name your world?"

   The Divine Phoenix Divine Physician smiled proudly, and she said, "The Continent of Mountains and Seas."

   "Shanhai Continent." In an instant, Yu Huang understood everything.

  Shanhai Continent, Shanhaijing, Buzhou Mountain

  If the Continent of Mountains and Seas is the Earth, then all the monsters, ghosts and monsters recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas are all monsters brought by the divine phoenix physicist. And that Buzhou Mountain is the central tower that connects the Shanhai Continent and the Divine Phoenix Divine Physician.

   Divine Phoenix Divine Physician fell in the dungeon, and Buzhou Mountain collapsed suddenly. The soul of the Divine Phoenix Divine Physician will be exhausted, and it is time for the Mountain Sea Continent to usher in the doomsday era.

I see

"Senior, I think, I probably know where your space seed is." After speaking, Yu Huang opened her eyes, and in an instant, her eyes traveled through countless light-years, through the local galaxy group, through the Milky Way, and came to the solar system. .

  Yuhuang suddenly tapped her index finger in the void, and the azure-blue planet in the third orbit of the solar system suddenly burst into a dazzling white light.

   That beam of light traveled across light years, tightly entwining Yuhuang's fingertips.

   At this moment, in Yu Huang's mind, the voice of the Divine Phoenix Physician resounded again: "Congratulations, you have successfully found my space seed."

  Yuhuang shook his head with tears in his eyes, but he shook his head and said, "Thank you, let me have the chance to see it again."

   She finally saw her dream hometown.

   The stories are all fictional brain holes and have nothing to do with scientific documentary, please take it lightly.



   (end of this chapter)

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