She transmigrated and started different life
Chapter 74 - 74.Family finally (2)
While they concentrated at the carriage the people inside started feeling uneasy.
''Are you sure we will be able to enter? Is your poison strong enough to keep them all under our control?'' asked the man in black clothes.
The little man with small eyes smiled and puffed his chest in pride.''I invented these poisons. People can never stop me. I assure you that you will be able to enter the city and take over. I heard teh Lord is someone with a soft heart and a weak personality. If you use my posion you can control him, no matter even if he is a powerhouse.''
The man in black clothes smiled contently. He heard that this place is filled with food, but that is not the most important matter. It is the independence from the King's rule. It's practically its own kingdom. When he takes over the city he will proclaim himself a king and rule the people here.
If Kendra knew his thoughts she probably would roll on the floor laughing. Seriously?
Suddenly the group of soldiers arrived on horses and secretary jumped off his horse. While he walked towards the carriage he saw Kendra, Isaa and few other children with them. He smiled at Kendra and wanted to greet her but she shook her head and pointed at carriage with cold eyes.
It seems to trouble again. He sighed and was about to speak to the driver, but suddenly smelled peculiar stench around him. He furrowed brows and stopped his steps.
"The carrier has to come with me. The horse is faster than carriage and at the moment we have work on the roads so the carriage can't go there anyway," he said while having a slight smile.
"Then come and help me out." ordered the voice from carriage.
The secretary snorted. "I'm his Lordship's secretary, not a page. Let your driver help you out. The Lord is waiting for King's message so please hurry up." he said politely.
"He can't help me. He is not strong enough. Hurry up..." the voice from carriage started yelling.
Kendra could see even from far how the vein on his head started pulsing. She chuckled. The poor secretary must really control his feelings, but for how long?
The secretary pressed his head with his fingers and did slight massage. Then he coldly looked at carriage and turned around.
The driver saw his action and let people in carriage know. The man in black got angry.
"You dare to leave us here? The message from the King is important. I will report you."
Secretary turned around and laughed loudly. "If you came with a message from the King, you would know more about this town and people. One important thing, I am no one's servant. It seems or you lied to have a message or you think yourself better than our Lord. If you plan to give him a message come out."
The man in black started shaking in anger but his voice was steady. ' I can't walk, I hurt my leg when we stopped one time. Please then take the letter and give to the Lord. "
The secretary felt his headache upcoming but suddenly saw Kendra winking at him. She let Isaa and children pass silently the carriage from another side while she came near the window of the carriage.
She summoned the barrier around her body and knocked at the carriage. " Sir I am a servant. I will send the latter to the secretary. We can't let him walk around, he is the second most important person in this town accept the Lord and his wife."
Her voice seemed humble but her expression was terrifying. It seems there is a big game here, but what is the real target?
"I can't let such low servant hold such an important thing as the Kings message is. Go away and let that man come here." said the voice from the carriage.
Kendra chuckled. "It seems you think you are more important than the Lord? If you want to give, give yourself or give me. If not...go back where you came from."
In the carriage, the little man started sweating. "That child has resistance on my poison. Kill him."
The black man suddenly jumped out and tried to catch Kendra but the moment he planned to touch her something strange happened. His hand slipped off even before touching the body. He narrowed his eyes and saw a slight power shield around teh child.
''It seems we missed this child. But don't think you can fight me.''He suddenly trusted knife towards Kendra and at that moment Kendra could feel the power emanating from the man's body.
''Oh it seems you have powers as well. Let me show you a small trick.'' she smiled widely. She used her power to get the water from the river and threw at their heads.
No matter how much the two men tried to get rid of the water they couldn't. After a struggle, they fell back into the carriage and Kendra took off the water. She could see them breathing heavily and called teh secretary.
Actually, all that happened in just a few moments and no one notices what really happened.
''Get these two to the dungeon. The little man is poison master and this man has mental careful with him. It seems tehy know something about the disappearance of power children.''
He nodded and jumped in the carriage while the driver sat there motionless. ''Secretary, help this man. It seems he is heavily poisoned. If he doesn't get treatment on time he will die. I can feel his body shutting down.'' she said while looking at the poor man in worry.
''Kendra let me try,'' said Tyra while looking at the man. She got closer to the motionless driver and put one of her hands on his chest and other on his forehead.
At first, nothing happened but suddenly drivers eyes got clear and he felt nauseous. He jumped off teh carriage and started puking in the river. kendra could see the black fluid getting out of him that he between breaths puked out. After a while, he stopped puking and turned around and sat down while breathing heavily. ''Where am I and who are you people?'' he asked while he looked around in horror.
The secretary went to the man and smiled friendly. ''Welcome to the Caledon City. May I ask your name?''
''My name...'' he looked at them in horror.''I don't know...I... what happened...ah!'' he screamed while he held his head while having excruciating pain.
Tyra got close to him and put her hand on his head. After a while, his pain got lesser but he fainted. She sighed and turned to Kendra. ''I can reassure you that poison was what too much for him. I don't know how long will his memory loss will last. Poor man.''
The secretary ordered the guards to take him to the palace and let healers work on him while other guards took the two men to the jail. He smiled at Kendra and looked at teh children beside her. ''It seems the school can start soon. You are amazing to find so many children with powers.''
Kendra shook her head. ''These children will stay by my side and I will teach them so they can choose their own students later on. These two girls are special so I need to re-educate them cleanly.''
He laughed and turned around. While waving at them he said; ''Your parents are waiting for you. The cook was amazed by the potato plant you sent and was going crazy in the kitchen to invent new dishes.''
Kendra just imagined crazy cook with pots and pans in his hands performing cooking magic. She chuckled and Tyra shook her head. ''I can almost imagine what is going on in your head. You probably have something weird in there again, right?'' she said while pointing at Kendra's head.
Kendra liked teh straightforward girl so she nodded. ''I imagined a cook having eight arms and doing all kind of crazy tricks with food. You can't tell me its not funny. Octopus cook.''
The children taught about it and even Tyra started laughing. They walked slowly into the city and Isaa started explaining everything to them. ''Most important rule. Never make Kendra pissed off. I mean seriously pissed off. She is scary.'' said Isaa on the end.
The children looked at smiling Kendra and couldn't imagine her angry. But then remembered teh situation on the farm and nodded. But Isaa sighed.''That on the farm...she was just slightly annoyed, not really angry. There are five stadiums of Kendra's anger. Annoyed, angry, pissed off, furious and murderous.''
Children looked at each other and shivered lightly. If that was slightly annoyed how much is really annoyed, what about the rest? But then they realized, she is not a person to get annoyed by something simple. They were happy about that. It seems Kendra is not weakling even tho she is truly kind.
With that their resolve became stronger to be on Kendra's side. Having a boss that is strong is not a bad idea. Kendra didn't want subordinates. Just students that could live comfortably and safely later on.
Kendra chooses to take the two girls first to Fintan's home and she introduced them to Fintan, grandma Aine and Cian. When they met grandma Aine the girls really liked the quirky old lady. Soon the evening came and Fintan drove them to the palace.
The girls looked at Kendra and Isaa with shiny eyes, ''this is your home?'' Asked Ada with open mouth.
Isaa laughed and shook her head. ''This is the Lord's place we have our own house. It's not this big but is good enough.''
They accepted it and just when the carriage passed the main gate the soldiers bowed to Kendra that started having a headache. ''Are you people trying to get me in trouble? Don't bow to me anymore, understand? I have no wish, later on, to attract some strange people trying to kidnap me or Isaa.'' she snapped at them.
Then she looked at them and smiled brightly. ''But I am happy that most of you went through the second boundary. I am grateful to all of you for doing your best to become stronger. If I am one day not on their side...please care about them ten times more. Those two silly people...'' Her care about themselves and the couple in the palace made them emotional.
The captain had tears in his face and sniffed. He came to help Kendra and the children down teh carriage. He held Kendra's hand bit longer and in affectionate voice spoke.''Kendra, we promise.'' The rest of soldiers smiled and in unified voice hollered ''WE PROMISE''.
She smiled at them and then bowed deeply. When she lifted her head they saw tears twinkling in corners of her eyes. ''Thank you all,'' she said with hoarse voice. Then she turned around as she heard sniffling noises as well.
Lord Cassius and Xara stood there and cried silent tears. It seems this child cares about them after all. Xara came forward and hugged Kendra and Isaa. Then she saw teh two girls and teh boy and looked at the Kendra.
''And these are?'' she asked while looking at the children. Suddenly she started smiling. ''Cassian, my love. Our first students.''
''What?'' he searched their bodies and could feel strong powers from all three children.'' does that mean our town is kind of sanctuary for the power children. How lucky are we? We have now six power children. Amazing.''
Kendra smiled and then taught about something that could make him even happier. She whispered to Isaa and looked at her and Isaa nodded with a big smile. ''Yes father, that's true but these are my students. Not schools. I want them to become stronger than other children.''
She looked at him and while she was talking he froze suddenly and then turned his head.''Xara did you hear that? I think my wish is so strong that I really start hallucinating.''
But Xara's face told him everything as she smiled and had tears streaming down her face.''You dod not hallucinate. She really called you father. I am kind of jealous.'' she said with puffed cheeks.
Kendra and Isaa smiled and hugged her while calling her ''Mother''
The two people started crying out loud like two small children while holding Kendra and Isaa between them. Even soldiers, servants and secretary started crying. The three children had no idea what is going on but they felt this is starting to an amazing story.
Kendra turned around and ave order. ''Close gates. No entry for anyone. Bring in all teh powerhouse. No one should know about this. For safety reasons.'' She turned to Lord Cassian and Xara.'' I am sorry, but could we keep this secret for a while?''
Xara smiled and nodded but he shook his head. ''At least let us announce that we adopted some children. Who they are will be announced when you are ready. Is that fine?''
Kendra nodded. She looked at teh three children and smiled at them friendly. ''I want you three to know this as you will in future learn more of my secrets and if I can't trust you with something so simple...''
They all smiled at her and Xara and Lord Cassian choose to make celebration on this day for everyone in the palace. They trusted their servants as they all came from old families from the basic city and they made a promise to protect the Lord and the city.
He gave everyone monetary gifts and made everyone happy. The large table in the dining hall was filled with coming and going soldiers as they choose all to eat there but exchanged their seats for those that didn't eat. Kendra had an idea to make barbeque outside and the fire users prepared some meat, the plant users made temporary tables and then they all on the end choose to eat outside under the plain sky.
Lord Cassian called even his servants to join and so the garden outside the castle was filled with a bunch of people that laughed, sang and ate. The night became deeper and children started feeling sleepy.
Fintan sent them all home. He let off the Thalis in front of his home, but before he could get in Kendra handed him five silvers and winked at him. ''Everything today is a lesson for you. From tomorrow we will go to the castle and learn from teh books I prepared before. So sleep well. This silver is for your time with us. Let your parents have something nice for themselves. And This as well.''
She gave him a basket she had whole day Lilly inside. When he looked, he saw a bunch of dry meat, dry fruits and vegetables, and a bag of white flour.
He looked at her and she smiled. ''Let your parents eat well.'' Then Fintan left while teh girls waved at teh stunned boy that still held teh basket filled with food as his heart started filling with an unknown emotion.
He opened teh gates and saw two older people coming at him. He gave them teh food with a serious expression. ''Make something for me with this food. Its something I have been gifted, for the first time in my life...'' He turned around as green light flitted his eyes...
''Are you sure we will be able to enter? Is your poison strong enough to keep them all under our control?'' asked the man in black clothes.
The little man with small eyes smiled and puffed his chest in pride.''I invented these poisons. People can never stop me. I assure you that you will be able to enter the city and take over. I heard teh Lord is someone with a soft heart and a weak personality. If you use my posion you can control him, no matter even if he is a powerhouse.''
The man in black clothes smiled contently. He heard that this place is filled with food, but that is not the most important matter. It is the independence from the King's rule. It's practically its own kingdom. When he takes over the city he will proclaim himself a king and rule the people here.
If Kendra knew his thoughts she probably would roll on the floor laughing. Seriously?
Suddenly the group of soldiers arrived on horses and secretary jumped off his horse. While he walked towards the carriage he saw Kendra, Isaa and few other children with them. He smiled at Kendra and wanted to greet her but she shook her head and pointed at carriage with cold eyes.
It seems to trouble again. He sighed and was about to speak to the driver, but suddenly smelled peculiar stench around him. He furrowed brows and stopped his steps.
"The carrier has to come with me. The horse is faster than carriage and at the moment we have work on the roads so the carriage can't go there anyway," he said while having a slight smile.
"Then come and help me out." ordered the voice from carriage.
The secretary snorted. "I'm his Lordship's secretary, not a page. Let your driver help you out. The Lord is waiting for King's message so please hurry up." he said politely.
"He can't help me. He is not strong enough. Hurry up..." the voice from carriage started yelling.
Kendra could see even from far how the vein on his head started pulsing. She chuckled. The poor secretary must really control his feelings, but for how long?
The secretary pressed his head with his fingers and did slight massage. Then he coldly looked at carriage and turned around.
The driver saw his action and let people in carriage know. The man in black got angry.
"You dare to leave us here? The message from the King is important. I will report you."
Secretary turned around and laughed loudly. "If you came with a message from the King, you would know more about this town and people. One important thing, I am no one's servant. It seems or you lied to have a message or you think yourself better than our Lord. If you plan to give him a message come out."
The man in black started shaking in anger but his voice was steady. ' I can't walk, I hurt my leg when we stopped one time. Please then take the letter and give to the Lord. "
The secretary felt his headache upcoming but suddenly saw Kendra winking at him. She let Isaa and children pass silently the carriage from another side while she came near the window of the carriage.
She summoned the barrier around her body and knocked at the carriage. " Sir I am a servant. I will send the latter to the secretary. We can't let him walk around, he is the second most important person in this town accept the Lord and his wife."
Her voice seemed humble but her expression was terrifying. It seems there is a big game here, but what is the real target?
"I can't let such low servant hold such an important thing as the Kings message is. Go away and let that man come here." said the voice from the carriage.
Kendra chuckled. "It seems you think you are more important than the Lord? If you want to give, give yourself or give me. If not...go back where you came from."
In the carriage, the little man started sweating. "That child has resistance on my poison. Kill him."
The black man suddenly jumped out and tried to catch Kendra but the moment he planned to touch her something strange happened. His hand slipped off even before touching the body. He narrowed his eyes and saw a slight power shield around teh child.
''It seems we missed this child. But don't think you can fight me.''He suddenly trusted knife towards Kendra and at that moment Kendra could feel the power emanating from the man's body.
''Oh it seems you have powers as well. Let me show you a small trick.'' she smiled widely. She used her power to get the water from the river and threw at their heads.
No matter how much the two men tried to get rid of the water they couldn't. After a struggle, they fell back into the carriage and Kendra took off the water. She could see them breathing heavily and called teh secretary.
Actually, all that happened in just a few moments and no one notices what really happened.
''Get these two to the dungeon. The little man is poison master and this man has mental careful with him. It seems tehy know something about the disappearance of power children.''
He nodded and jumped in the carriage while the driver sat there motionless. ''Secretary, help this man. It seems he is heavily poisoned. If he doesn't get treatment on time he will die. I can feel his body shutting down.'' she said while looking at the poor man in worry.
''Kendra let me try,'' said Tyra while looking at the man. She got closer to the motionless driver and put one of her hands on his chest and other on his forehead.
At first, nothing happened but suddenly drivers eyes got clear and he felt nauseous. He jumped off teh carriage and started puking in the river. kendra could see the black fluid getting out of him that he between breaths puked out. After a while, he stopped puking and turned around and sat down while breathing heavily. ''Where am I and who are you people?'' he asked while he looked around in horror.
The secretary went to the man and smiled friendly. ''Welcome to the Caledon City. May I ask your name?''
''My name...'' he looked at them in horror.''I don't know...I... what happened...ah!'' he screamed while he held his head while having excruciating pain.
Tyra got close to him and put her hand on his head. After a while, his pain got lesser but he fainted. She sighed and turned to Kendra. ''I can reassure you that poison was what too much for him. I don't know how long will his memory loss will last. Poor man.''
The secretary ordered the guards to take him to the palace and let healers work on him while other guards took the two men to the jail. He smiled at Kendra and looked at teh children beside her. ''It seems the school can start soon. You are amazing to find so many children with powers.''
Kendra shook her head. ''These children will stay by my side and I will teach them so they can choose their own students later on. These two girls are special so I need to re-educate them cleanly.''
He laughed and turned around. While waving at them he said; ''Your parents are waiting for you. The cook was amazed by the potato plant you sent and was going crazy in the kitchen to invent new dishes.''
Kendra just imagined crazy cook with pots and pans in his hands performing cooking magic. She chuckled and Tyra shook her head. ''I can almost imagine what is going on in your head. You probably have something weird in there again, right?'' she said while pointing at Kendra's head.
Kendra liked teh straightforward girl so she nodded. ''I imagined a cook having eight arms and doing all kind of crazy tricks with food. You can't tell me its not funny. Octopus cook.''
The children taught about it and even Tyra started laughing. They walked slowly into the city and Isaa started explaining everything to them. ''Most important rule. Never make Kendra pissed off. I mean seriously pissed off. She is scary.'' said Isaa on the end.
The children looked at smiling Kendra and couldn't imagine her angry. But then remembered teh situation on the farm and nodded. But Isaa sighed.''That on the farm...she was just slightly annoyed, not really angry. There are five stadiums of Kendra's anger. Annoyed, angry, pissed off, furious and murderous.''
Children looked at each other and shivered lightly. If that was slightly annoyed how much is really annoyed, what about the rest? But then they realized, she is not a person to get annoyed by something simple. They were happy about that. It seems Kendra is not weakling even tho she is truly kind.
With that their resolve became stronger to be on Kendra's side. Having a boss that is strong is not a bad idea. Kendra didn't want subordinates. Just students that could live comfortably and safely later on.
Kendra chooses to take the two girls first to Fintan's home and she introduced them to Fintan, grandma Aine and Cian. When they met grandma Aine the girls really liked the quirky old lady. Soon the evening came and Fintan drove them to the palace.
The girls looked at Kendra and Isaa with shiny eyes, ''this is your home?'' Asked Ada with open mouth.
Isaa laughed and shook her head. ''This is the Lord's place we have our own house. It's not this big but is good enough.''
They accepted it and just when the carriage passed the main gate the soldiers bowed to Kendra that started having a headache. ''Are you people trying to get me in trouble? Don't bow to me anymore, understand? I have no wish, later on, to attract some strange people trying to kidnap me or Isaa.'' she snapped at them.
Then she looked at them and smiled brightly. ''But I am happy that most of you went through the second boundary. I am grateful to all of you for doing your best to become stronger. If I am one day not on their side...please care about them ten times more. Those two silly people...'' Her care about themselves and the couple in the palace made them emotional.
The captain had tears in his face and sniffed. He came to help Kendra and the children down teh carriage. He held Kendra's hand bit longer and in affectionate voice spoke.''Kendra, we promise.'' The rest of soldiers smiled and in unified voice hollered ''WE PROMISE''.
She smiled at them and then bowed deeply. When she lifted her head they saw tears twinkling in corners of her eyes. ''Thank you all,'' she said with hoarse voice. Then she turned around as she heard sniffling noises as well.
Lord Cassius and Xara stood there and cried silent tears. It seems this child cares about them after all. Xara came forward and hugged Kendra and Isaa. Then she saw teh two girls and teh boy and looked at the Kendra.
''And these are?'' she asked while looking at the children. Suddenly she started smiling. ''Cassian, my love. Our first students.''
''What?'' he searched their bodies and could feel strong powers from all three children.'' does that mean our town is kind of sanctuary for the power children. How lucky are we? We have now six power children. Amazing.''
Kendra smiled and then taught about something that could make him even happier. She whispered to Isaa and looked at her and Isaa nodded with a big smile. ''Yes father, that's true but these are my students. Not schools. I want them to become stronger than other children.''
She looked at him and while she was talking he froze suddenly and then turned his head.''Xara did you hear that? I think my wish is so strong that I really start hallucinating.''
But Xara's face told him everything as she smiled and had tears streaming down her face.''You dod not hallucinate. She really called you father. I am kind of jealous.'' she said with puffed cheeks.
Kendra and Isaa smiled and hugged her while calling her ''Mother''
The two people started crying out loud like two small children while holding Kendra and Isaa between them. Even soldiers, servants and secretary started crying. The three children had no idea what is going on but they felt this is starting to an amazing story.
Kendra turned around and ave order. ''Close gates. No entry for anyone. Bring in all teh powerhouse. No one should know about this. For safety reasons.'' She turned to Lord Cassian and Xara.'' I am sorry, but could we keep this secret for a while?''
Xara smiled and nodded but he shook his head. ''At least let us announce that we adopted some children. Who they are will be announced when you are ready. Is that fine?''
Kendra nodded. She looked at teh three children and smiled at them friendly. ''I want you three to know this as you will in future learn more of my secrets and if I can't trust you with something so simple...''
They all smiled at her and Xara and Lord Cassian choose to make celebration on this day for everyone in the palace. They trusted their servants as they all came from old families from the basic city and they made a promise to protect the Lord and the city.
He gave everyone monetary gifts and made everyone happy. The large table in the dining hall was filled with coming and going soldiers as they choose all to eat there but exchanged their seats for those that didn't eat. Kendra had an idea to make barbeque outside and the fire users prepared some meat, the plant users made temporary tables and then they all on the end choose to eat outside under the plain sky.
Lord Cassian called even his servants to join and so the garden outside the castle was filled with a bunch of people that laughed, sang and ate. The night became deeper and children started feeling sleepy.
Fintan sent them all home. He let off the Thalis in front of his home, but before he could get in Kendra handed him five silvers and winked at him. ''Everything today is a lesson for you. From tomorrow we will go to the castle and learn from teh books I prepared before. So sleep well. This silver is for your time with us. Let your parents have something nice for themselves. And This as well.''
She gave him a basket she had whole day Lilly inside. When he looked, he saw a bunch of dry meat, dry fruits and vegetables, and a bag of white flour.
He looked at her and she smiled. ''Let your parents eat well.'' Then Fintan left while teh girls waved at teh stunned boy that still held teh basket filled with food as his heart started filling with an unknown emotion.
He opened teh gates and saw two older people coming at him. He gave them teh food with a serious expression. ''Make something for me with this food. Its something I have been gifted, for the first time in my life...'' He turned around as green light flitted his eyes...
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