She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 109: She makes people feel bad

Chuci rushed to Lin Nuo's house.

A top luxury residence located in the city center, a house priced at 100,000 yuan per square meter.

After ringing the doorbell, Lu Xing opened the door, and he was about to leave.

Lu Xing handed the key of Lin Nuo's house to Chu Ci, "This is his house key, so he will take care of it for you."

"Are you going?" Chu Ci asked.

"Yes, I still have things to do, I'm sorry, you work hard."

Lu Xing was very acquainted. He broke their high spirits last time. Today, he lost a chance to them. Is he very loyal?

Lu Xing slipped away after speaking, closed the door, leaving room for the two of them.

Chu Ci entered the bedroom and saw Lin Nuo lying on the big bed. It seemed that he was asleep after taking the medicine.

Chuci didn't bother Lin Nuo, turned around and went to the kitchen to cook Lin Nuo's food.

As soon as Chu Ci left forefoot, Lin Nuo on the backfoot bed opened his eyes.

He thought he was crazy, and he actually pretended to be sick as Lu Xing said.

Lin Nuo’s kitchen has not been fired for a long time, or has never fired.

There are only some drinks in the refrigerator, not even the most basic eggs, and no rice in the rice storage box.

Chu Ci went to the supermarket downstairs to purchase a bunch of ingredients, and then cooked Lin Nuo a scallop prawn porridge.

Then I made two appetizers, a pickled radish, a cucumber, and a dish of peanuts.

After it was done, I checked the time, it was almost time, and I arrived in Lin Nuo's bedroom.

"Get up, eat something and then sleep." Chu Ci's voice was not gentle.

Lin Nuo opened his eyes, as if he really just woke up.

Lin Nuo didn't move, and Chu Ci asked, "Can I eat by myself? Do I need to feed you?"

"No need." Lin Nuo did it himself.

Chuci's cooking skills are really good, everything is delicious, a simple pot of scallop prawn porridge and a few dishes of ordinary side dishes in her hands have also made a hotel chef's level.

Lin Nuo knew that she was good at cooking after eating her seaweed wraps last time.

Today's meal further illustrates her ability.

Lin Nuo ate a large bowl of scallop and prawn porridge, and did not spare the three small dishes.

Putting down the tableware, Lin Nuo looked at Chu Ci.

Chu Ci was sitting on the side of the bed, playing with his mobile phone.

From this angle, her profile is very three-dimensional and very soft.

Lin Nuo asked: "Why do you learn to cook?"

"If you don't learn, you will do it yourself."

This is a bonus skill of the system.

How to operate, the system will provide operating instructions, hand-to-hand guide Chuci operation.

When to put what and how much, the system guides Chu Ci to do it step by step.

This skill was unlocked after Chuci completed a certain task a year ago.

This skill is still very practical for Chuci, who needed to be frugal before. Cooking by yourself is more cost-effective than eating out.

Lin Nuo has already investigated Chuci and learned some things about Chuci.

The investigation into Chuci was because they suspected that she had been sent by those people, but later realized that she was not.

The survey results show that Chuci lived in an orphanage when he was a child, and life was very difficult;

He was later adopted, but not long after being adopted, the adoptive parents also had children themselves.

Later, when she was fifteen years old, her adoptive parents and their children immigrated abroad, leaving her alone in China.

In the same year, her adoptive parents died in a car accident and she has been living alone since.

Lin Nuo inferred from these experiences that Chuci had a hard time in the past, and his ability to cook must have been forced by life.

She said this lightly, but it made people feel distressed.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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