She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 115: Aunt Meng Ziting

Seeing Meng Ziting, Meng Qingyan greeted her to eat supper together.

Meng Ziting hurriedly sat beside Meng Yuxin.

"This is Chu Ci?" Meng Zi Ting's attention was first placed on Chu Ci. She looked at Chu Ci who was eating hairy crabs and asked with a smile.

This girl is really good-looking, and this face and figure is a good material for a man's soul.

When Chu Ci heard the voice, he raised his head and glanced at Meng Ziting who was sitting opposite her.

Meng Ziting is somewhat similar to Meng Qingyan in appearance, but her makeup is much stronger than Meng Qingyan. After a big wave, the jewelry she wears is a bit cumbersome. She also wears a big red that most people would wear on formal occasions. Dress.

"Aci, I am your auntie." Meng Ziting introduced herself to Chuci with a smile.

"Hello there."

Chuci's reaction was cold, and a "hello" was a greeting.

"Auntie, aren't we a parent-teacher conference? Why did you come here today?" Chu Han asked.

"Auntie missed you, thinking that she is coming anyway, it is better to come one day in advance and see you." Meng Ziting explained, and then asked Chu Ci: "Is A Ci still used to living in Chu's house?"

"It's okay." Chu Ci's voice was cold and calm.

Meng Yuxin pulled Meng Ziting's clothes under the table, beckoning her not to be so courteous.

She looks embarrassing like this.

Meng Ziting didn't mean to get her daughter, so she continued to ask Chu Ci: "Aci, my aunt heard that you got the first place in the mid-term exam. You need to bring us Yuxin after you are so good."

Chu Han hurriedly helped Chuci answer: "Auntie, sister Yuxin is also very good, and she doesn't need someone else to bring her. Chuci is usually very busy and she is not very free."

Busy to lead their basketball team, they are going to sprint to the basketball league!

After answering, Chu Han lowered his head and continued to strip Chuci's legs.

He is not very interested in what he eats. Hairy crabs can eat whenever they want.

Chu Ci looked like he hadn't eaten hairy crabs in a long time, so Chu Han hurriedly peeled her a bit more while it was hot, so that she could eat more.

On the one hand, I felt sorry for Chuci's miserable life in those years, and on the other hand, I also intended to please her.

Meng Ziting smiled awkwardly: "Xiao Han is right. Auntie, this is because you are nervous about your Yuxin sister's grades. I'm afraid she will slack off in the third year of high school. If her grades regress, it will be bad. Skills, your sister Yuxin can only rely on her in the future, to take a good university entrance examination, and then to have a good future."

Meng Yuxin lowered his head and said nothing.

Meng Ziting asked about her grades far less often than she asked about the distribution of Chu family inheritance.

Meng Ziting answered, watching the interaction between Chu Han and Chu Ci sharply.

She saw that Chu Han was helping Chuci peeling crab legs.

This move fully demonstrated that the relationship between Chu Han and Chu Ci was more harmonious than he expected.

This is not a good signal.

I thought Chu Han would be closer to her daughter because of the love he grew up with since childhood.

I didn't expect Chu Ci to return to the Chu family for a few days, and Chu Han would be so close to Chu Ci. If this goes on for a long time, what will happen to her daughter?

Meng Qingyan comforted Meng Ziting: "Don't be too nervous. Yuxin's results are very good, and this time the exam is not bad."

Meng Yuxin's test was indeed not bad, but Chuci's results were so impressive that she overshadowed her.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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