She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 120: Why isn't Chu Han called sister?

On Saturday, the senior group held a parent meeting.

The school requires parents and students to be present together on the day of the parent meeting, so Chuci, who wanted to sleep late on the weekend, was dragged from the bed.

Chu Ci's sleepy eyes were open, as if not awake.

Chu Han took her hot soy milk, inserted a straw, and brought it to her mouth.

Chu Ci opened his mouth in a daze, bit the straw, and drank "dang-dang-dang".

If she was like this, if she gave her a pot of poison, she would probably drink it.

After breakfast, the family driver took Meng Qingyan, Meng Ziting, Chu Ci and Meng Yuxin to the school.

Chuci still leaned back in the car lazily, putting on the blindfold and leaning on the cushions, and continued to sleep to make up for sleep.

Meng Qingyan is no stranger to Chuci's appearance, she does it every day.

As long as Chuci can do well in the exam, she will feel that she is resting and resting no matter how lazy she is.

Meng Yuxin lowered her head all the way. Since school, this is the last parent meeting she wants to go to.

Not only because the results this time were not good enough, but also because the person who went to the parent meeting as her parent was her mother.

Meng Ziting looked at Chuci's sluggish possession, wondering how such a person passed her daughter in the exam. Could it be that she cheated?

"Sister, why didn't Aci wake up? Did you study too hard last night?" Meng Ziting asked Meng Qingyan with a smile on her face.

"She, play games at night." Meng Qingyan replied.

Every time she went to Chuci's room, all the game screens displayed on Chuci's computer desktop.

"Playing games?" Meng Ziting was surprised. She was so good at taking exams without sleeping at night? She won't really make her claim, the first place is obtained by cheating, right?

Meng Ziting only dared to think about this in her heart, not stupid enough to say it to make her sister unhappy.

She could see that although her sister hadn't taken care of this daughter for so many years, she was still very concerned about her.

Seeing her sister's surprise, Meng Qingyan smiled and said: "Aci is smart and doesn't take too much time to study. She likes to play games and play well. As long as she can keep up with her studies, she can do anything."

Chu Han helped Chuci speak: "Chuci is also very good at playing games, she is not a fool!"

Meng Ziting smiled, "It turns out to be a little genius, really amazing. But Xiaohan, why do you call Aci by name?"

Chu Han was stunned for an instant.

He never called Sister Chuci.

In the beginning, it was not used to it. Suddenly a girl ran out and asked him to call his sister. He really accepted it.

So far, his name Chuci has been calling his name.

No one in the family corrected this problem, and Chu Ci didn't mention it, so he kept screaming.

Now Meng Ziting mentioned it suddenly, Chu Han looked at Chu Ci with some embarrassment.

Chuci was wearing a blindfold, others couldn't see her look at the moment, and didn't know what she thought.

Meng Ziting deliberately said, "Is Xiao Han uncomfortable?"

Meng Yuxin pulled at Meng Ziting's clothes and wanted her to stop talking.

She knew her mother did it on purpose, but what use did she say? It's useless to embarrass Chuci so clearly.

Meng Ziting didn't care about her daughter, she felt that she was helping her.

If the daughter has the ability, it won't make things like this.

Meng Ziting was spoiled and arrogant since she was a child. She always felt that everything she thought and did was right. Others did not agree with it because others did not understand.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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