She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 122: Four-person Shura Field (1)

Lu Zhe: [I am at your school, and I will attend the parent meeting for Lu Xing. Are you there today? 】

The Songs of Chu: [In. 】

Lu Zhe: [Can we eat together at noon? I took my brother's meal card. 】

The school can only eat in the cafeteria, and the cafeteria can only use meal cards. Lu Che got his brother's meal card early.

Chu Ci: [Good. But bring a friend. 】

Lu Zhe: [No problem. 】

Seeing Chu Ci's reply on the phone screen, Lu Che's face unconsciously smiled.

This laugh is simply a foul.

He didn't notice that the parents around were watching him.

The female head teacher of the experimental class who was speaking on the podium blushed after taking a peek at Lu Che's eyes.


At noon, Lu Xing, Lu Zhe, Lin Nuo and Chuci had dinner together.

Lin Nuo was the friend Chu Ci said to bring, and Lu Che did not leave his brother Lu Xing behind.

And Lu Xing was originally going to have lunch with Lin Nuo.

So, in the corner of the canteen, the four people sat together.

Chuci sat with Lin Nuo, Lu Zhe sat with Lu Xing;

Chuci and Lu Che face to face, Lin Nuo and Lu Xing face to face.

The dishes in the canteen in front of everyone were full of vegetables, especially the one from Chuci, which was beaten by Lu Che for her, and they couldn't fit.

"Xiaoci, how are you doing?" Lu Che's eyes were full of Chuci, and the light in his eyes was as soft as silk.

"Well, it's good." Chu Ci's expression was light, and his tone was also light.

She is indifferent to everyone, so far, only Lin Nuo is different, because Lin Nuo is the only three-world good person she has ever met, a walking cash machine.

Lu Che is a person who knows Chuci, knowing that her face is cold and warm, and indifference is her protective color.

Lu Zhe said again: "I brought you Zhenweizhai's pineapple cake and put it in Xiaoxue's drawer. I will bring it to you after the meal."

Lu Che knew Chuci's preferences and liked to eat, but he was very picky. He liked to eat the best of every kind of food. He firmly remembered every kind of food and every small habit she liked.

"Thank you." Chu Ci would not be polite to Lu Che on such matters.

What the two said was that they had a fateful friendship, and it seemed too far-sighted to eat a little bit of politeness.

More importantly, Chu Ci did not want to refuse her favorite food.

"Right," Chu Ci remembered another thing, "I am optimistic about the thing you showed me last time. I don't know if you came today and didn't bring it. If you have time, go to Chu's house to get it. "

"Okay." Lu Che's face was full of smiles.

Lu Xing and Lin Nuo couldn't interrupt the conversation between Chuci and Lu Che.

The two looked very familiar.

The relationship is not like ordinary friends, especially Lu Che's eyes when looking at Chuci, it is too gentle.

Even the younger brother Lu Xing felt something was wrong. For the first time he saw his brother look at a girl like this.

The alarm bell rang in Lu Xing's heart, and he asked tentatively, "Brother, you haven't told me how you met Sister Ci?"

Lu Che smiled and said, "I told you."

Lu Xing was stunned, what did brother say?

His brother seldom mentions other girls to him. Since childhood, the only girls who can make his brother talk about...

I go!

Is Chuci the goddess who saved him that his brother said? ? ?

No, isn't it?

Lu Xing was messed up.

Lu Xing lowered his head, wishing to dig a hole on the spot.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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