She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 252: Lin Nuo comfort (2)

Chu Ci turned his head and looked at Lin Nuo, "Thank you for comforting me, I'm fine."

Lin Nuo did not answer, and suddenly approached Chuci, hugging Chuci with her sturdy arms.

Chu Ci froze for a moment, his body stiff.

Suddenly being embraced, Chu Ci's body felt uncomfortable for a moment.

But she didn't push away, because Lin Nuo's hug was very gentle, without any lust.

This hug, very warm, reminded Chu Ci of the embrace of her foster mother.

After a while, Lin Nuo let go of Chu Ci.

Then accompanied Chuci in a daze.

The wind was a bit strong, and the wind in the countryside was blowing a bit cool. Lin Nuo took off his coat and put it on Chu Ci.

Lin Nuo took the initiative to talk to Chuci about his own affairs: "I am also a product that is not expected."

Chu Ci turned his head and looked at Lin Nuo.

Lin Nuo looked at Chuci's puzzled eyes, smiled, reached out his hand and touched Chuci's head, "I didn't lie to you, I don't know how many people wanted me to die. If it weren't for my master, I would have been cold. "

"Thank you." Chu Ci could feel Lin Nuo's concern.

"Let's go, take you to eat delicious food." Lin Nuo said.

Chuci loves food. At this time, nothing can soothe Chuci's heart more than a meal.

The two got into the car again, and Lin Nuo took Chuci to his home.

"How delicious?" Chu Ci asked.

"Immediately." Lin Nuo finished speaking and the doorbell rang.

It was Lu Xing. He carried the big bags bought from the vegetable market and walked into the kitchen panting.

"I said Lin Nuo, why did you let me go to the vegetable market to buy so many things for? You refused to cook." Lu Xing whispered.

Then Lin Nuo rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and picked up the kitchen knife.

"No? Are you going to cook?" Lu Xing looked at Lin Nuo in surprise.

Lu Xing took a few steps back and came to Chu Ci's side, "Cijie, am I dreaming? Lin Nuo actually started cooking!"

"Can he cook?" Chu Ci asked.

"Yes! But he won't do it!" Lu Xing said, "He's super good, and it's super delicious! But I only ate it once!"

Lin Nuo never cooked anymore after Feng Yang died.

Lin Nuo followed his master when he was very young. Feng Yang asked him to cook since he was a child, so Lin Nuo's craftsmanship was so good.

But the old man told Lin Nuo that he had to eat his food for people he cared about.

So after Feng Yang passed away, Lin Nuo never cooked again.

Lu Xing rubbed his hands excitedly, and finally had a chance to taste Huo Xiaoye's craftsmanship.

Lin Nuo, who turned his back to Lu Xing and Chu Ci while cutting vegetables, said to Lu Xing, "Lu Xing, you can go back if you are fine."

"What?" Lu Xing couldn't believe his ears, "Lin Nuo, you are crossing the river to demolish the bridge..."

Lin Nuo turned his head and cast a threatening look, Lu Xing immediately admitted.

"I'm going back first." Lu Xing lowered his head and left Lin Nuo's home unwillingly.

An hour later, Lin Nuo's table was filled with exquisite food.

I haven't eaten it yet, but the color and fragrance have already demonstrated the superb cooking skills of cooking.

Chuci was expecting, and put a chopsticks of beef into his mouth.

Tender and creamy, delicious, the meat is soft and tender, the taste of beef and the taste of sauce merge in the mouth.

Super delicious!

"You... cook so delicious?" Chu Ci looked at Lin Nuo incredulously.

Lin Nuo smiled, looking at the appearance of Chu Ci, the corners of his mouth kept rising, and there was a sense of satisfaction in his smile.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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