She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 255: Punishment for Chu Yuheng

After receiving Chu Chengxian's reply, he was overjoyed to learn that he had agreed to concession on the condition that they not disclose the life experience of Chuci.

When he came out of this move, he just had the mentality of trying it out. He didn't expect it to work. Chu Chengxian cared about Chu Ci beyond their expectations!

Chu Yuheng was quite satisfied with this result, and he didn't want the matter to be announced. It would be best if Chu Chengxian could agree.

Although they couldn't completely relax now, because Chu Chengxian was still a sharp sword hanging over their heads.

Most of their shares in the Chu Group have fallen into Chu Chengxian's hands, and they can only breathe temporarily under his coercion.

It would be great if we could seize this opportunity to take back the power of the Chu family.

Chu Yuheng was thinking about how to regain power from Chu Chengxian, and the old man Chu called Chu Yuheng over.

"You go to the Haisheng Building in the city center now, and Cheng Xian wants to see you." Mr. Chu said.

"He... he wants to see me?" Chu Yuheng beat a drum in his heart, "Dad, can I not go?"

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Chu asked back, "Now we finally let him let us go. If you don't obediently do what he says, do you want to die faster?"

Mr. Chu knew very well that using Chu Ci to threaten Chu Chengxian's move was inherently unstable, and other things they could only follow Chu Chengxian's will.

Elder Chu didn't give Chu Yuheng a chance to go back, and the old butler directly led him to personally send Chu Yuheng to Haisheng Building.

Chu Yuheng was forced to come to Haisheng Building.

He walked into the president's reception room.

Chu Chengxian, wearing a dark gray and light-colored plaid suit, was sitting on the brown leather sofa in the reception room.

He is expressionless, his eyes are sharp, and he is not angry or pretentious.

"Big...Big Brother..." Chu Yuheng cautiously called Chu Chengxian.

Chu Chengxian's face was expressionless, and his indifferent eyes made people afraid to approach him.

The two bodyguards of Chu Chengxian next to him suddenly stepped forward and pressed Chu Yuheng to Chu Chengxian's.

Pressing Chu Yuheng's shoulder, he pressed him to the ground.

Knees banged on the ground.

Chu Chengxian grabbed Chu Yuheng's hair with his right hand and forced him to raise his head and look at him.

Chu Yuheng was scratched and his expression was distorted.

Chu Chengxian's eyes were cold, and Chu Yuheng became more and more frightened: "Big brother, let me be forgiving me because of our brotherhood for so many years! I just took your sperm and made a baby. I have nothing else. Have done anything to hurt you!"

A bodyguard next to Chu Chengxian also squatted down and grabbed Chu Yuheng's hand.

Chu Yuheng's little finger was pinched in his hand by the man.

A deep fear rose from the bottom of my heart and drowned Chu Yuheng completely.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? Let go of me...please...please..."


With a crisp sound of bone fracture, Chu Yuheng's little finger was broken.


Chu Yuheng let out a heart-piercing scream.

There was no blood on his face and cold sweat on his head.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, and the pain in his hand made him feel painful.

Chu Chengxian let go of his hand, Chu Yuheng limp on the ground, holding his hand, curled up weakly into a ball, unable to shout.

Chu Chengxian told Chu Yuheng expressionlessly: "From now on, you are not allowed to appear in front of Chu Ci, appear once, and cut you off."

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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