She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 280: I'm not suitable for dating

She figured his merits. Hey!

Chu Ci recalled what Lin Nuo said she did to him in the past.

I don't want to know, after thinking about it this way, I really feel that I have deliberately approached him to please him, and even teased him.

Chuci pondered for two seconds.

Put on a serious expression.

"Lin Nuo, I don't fall in love." Chu Ci told Lin Nuo firmly.


"I'm not suitable for dating."

"What does it mean to be unsuitable?"

Lin Nuo saw that the playful appearance of Chu Ci disappeared, and his serious face felt like a layer of veil from the world.

Lin Nuo didn't like this kind of Chu Ci.

Not cute.

It's not pretty.

Chuci said: "I didn't lie to you. I really have no plans to fall in love. I don't have it now, and I shouldn't have it in the future. If my actions made you misunderstanding before, I apologize and I can give you other forms Compensation, as long as you want."

"I don't need your compensation." Lin Nuo said in a deep voice, "I will not continue to force you to be my girlfriend."

He has no habit of forcing girls to be their girlfriends.

Chuci was stunned for a moment, but Lin Nuo didn't expect Lin Nuo to change his words so easily.


Chu Han woke up and opened his eyes. It was a strange room.

where is he?

"woke up?"

Chu Han's clear and cold voice is very familiar.

"Sister?" Chu Han hurriedly got off the sofa and walked towards Chu Ci.

It was night, and Chuci was still working.

"Don't learn to drink as an adult," Chu Ci said.

Chu Han was drunk at the party. After the party, Cheng Youyou asked Zhang Yuanjie to carry the people to Chuci's office.

After Chu Ci's body shape, Chu Han remembered what he did before losing consciousness. He was in a bad mood, so he poured himself a glass of wine, and then became unconscious.

I glanced at my watch, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

"Sister, the party is over? Where's the parents? Where did they go? Did they see you? Did they hurt you?" Chu Han asked Chu Ci several questions in a row.

"It's okay." She was okay. She didn't know if Chu Yuheng and Meng Qingyan were okay.

"Sister, why did things become so complicated?" Chu Han lowered his head, and Sunshine's face was filled with melancholy and incomprehension.

Obviously they are a family, and they should care for each other and get along amicably, but I don't know why, things have become so complicated. Everyone calculates each other and hates each other.

"Perhaps people are such complicated animals," Chu Ci said.

"But I hope everyone is happy. I really don't understand. Whether grandpa or dad, they used to be my beloved people, but now they have become unfamiliar and difficult to understand, which makes me unable to understand."

The grandfather and father in Chu Han's mind were once tall and stalwart.

But what happened recently made him discover that things didn't seem to be the case.

The grandfather who he thought was so affectionate for his grandma actually betrayed her very early.

He thought that his father loved the younger generation, but he actually did the scandal of designing his elder brother and letting his mother conceive his elder brother and child.

"If you can't understand it, don't understand it. The world is inherently complicated. It takes a lot of brain cells to figure it out. It's rare to be confused. Isn't that the way people live?"

"Sister, you can see clearly, I can't do it."

"These words were also told to me."

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish. Please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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