She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 285: Chu family's abacus

"Then why don't you tell us?" Chu Yuheng's tone was obviously blamed.

"My sister's subordinates said when they came to pick her up."

They didn't believe it.

"Why... why are you talking back to me? I didn't believe it at the time because it was hard to believe. Then you went to her company and saw her coming and going in Dan Fei, the situation was different!"

Chu Han lowered his eyes, and whispered, "Is my sister Dan Fei's president that important?"

"Of course it is important!" Chu Yuheng retorted sharply, "Dan Fei is a major international brand, have you forgotten that your watch is Dan Fei's, and your mother has two bags that are also Dan Fei's. Dan Fei's scale is larger than that. Our Chu family enterprise is much bigger!"

Looking back now, when the old man said that he would give the inheritance to Chu Ci, Chu Ci looked uncommon. At that time, Chu Yuheng believed she was pretentious.

Now it seems that she is really not rare!

Grandpa Chu said to Chu Han: "Xiaohan, grandpa knows that you can't bear to watch your family fall apart, right?"

"Grandpa, we are a family, even if... even if my sister's life experience is complicated, but she is also my sister, and we are all family members, why can't we get along well?"

"So the task of easing the relationship between us and your sister is left to you." Elder Chu said.

" are not for family harmony, right? You want your sister's money and power, right?"

"Xiao Han, don't think of grandpa too badly. I also wanted to leave all the property to your sister."

"But..." Chu Han felt that this was not the same thing.

"Xiaohan, grandpa doesn't want your sister's property. Your sister is smart. Even if we want her, we won't let us succeed. I just want to repair the relationship with her. You also said that we are a family. People, aren't they?"

Elder Chu knew in his heart that Dan Fei's money could not be obtained by them, and all he wanted was this relationship.

As long as the relationship with Chu Ci Chu Chengxian is repaired, and their Chu family will have less enemies and more help, why worry about it?

Chu Yuheng also said: "Xiao Han, listen to what your grandfather said. You also know the current situation at home. Your grandfather has become ill. He has to work hard for the company all day. I want to repair the relationship with your sister, and your uncle. If your uncle's hatred towards us is resolved, our family can live a good life, don't you think?"

Chu Yu Heng Xiaozhi moved with reason and moved with affection.

Chu Han was moved.

Elder Chu didn't give Chu Han a chance to refuse: "Okay, it's settled, you and your mother walk around with your sister more. They are all a family, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons."


Feng Ting got up early the next morning.

"Sister, I'll take you to school."

"You don't know how to drive." Feng Ting is only fifteen years old and has not yet tested his driver's license.

"That doesn't prevent me from accompany you to school. Could it be that my elder sister has already disliked me and would not let me go to school? When I was a child, I would go to school with my sister, although my sister did not go to school several times."

Chu Ci: "..."

Chuci's grades were very good since he was a child, and his studies were taught by the elders at home, and he didn't go to school much.

Feng's parents are professors, and their friends are also academic researchers.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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