She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 298: Meng Yuxin was exposed for bribing a teacher (2)

Apart from her at the scene, Chuci should know that the person in the video is her mother.

As long as Chuci doesn’t watch the video or speak out...

Meng Yuxin didn't know what she should do at this moment, she could only pray like this.

"Isn't this Ms. Meng Ziting, classmate Meng Yuxin's mother?" Feng Ting suddenly said, revealing the identity of the middle-aged woman in the video.

The principal then remembered why he thought the woman in the video was familiar.

It is because they exposed the indecent photos of this woman on their school forum not long ago.

At that time, the school management deleted the post the next day because of the influence on the school atmosphere.

The principal also didn't look carefully at this kind of spicy-eyed thing.

I didn't expect this woman to be the mother of classmate Meng Yuxin, who has always been well-behaved and sensible? It's really surprising!

Feng Ting's words pushed Meng Yuxin into a very embarrassing situation.

Everyone in the office looked at Meng Yuxin.

"If this is the case, I think Meng Yuxin needs to accept our further investigation. According to the records, it was Teacher Mei from No.1 Middle School who recommended Meng Yuxin for the place, right?"

"'s Teacher Mei..." Meng Yuxin's body was shaking at the moment.

She didn't expect that the matter of her bribery was exposed because of the act of finding Teacher Hong first.

Because Mr. Mei, who has collected the money, cannot betray herself.

Investigators asked Meng Yuxin: "Do you have anything to say about your mother's bribery from Teacher Hong?"

"I... I don't know." Meng Yuxin's eyes were tearful, "I spend very little time with my mother. I grew up with my aunt. This can be testified by the words of Chu. My aunt is Chu. The mother of resignation!"

Meng Yuxin's gaze fell on Chu Ci's body, his brows frowned, his eyes eager.

Before Chu Ci could speak, Feng Ting explained first: "I'm sorry, my sister has never been raised in Chu's family since she was a child. My sister grew up with me, and we are the most serious relatives. My sister and the Chu family People who are unfamiliar with Meng’s family are even more unfamiliar, so I don’t know what Meng Yuxin’s classmate is with her mother.”

Feng Ting's explanation is well-founded.

So everyone's eyes returned to Meng Yuxin's body again.

Meng Yuxin's fists were clenched tightly.

The hatred for Feng Ting was hidden in his eyes.

Feng Ting had an innocent look, with a cute smile at the corner of his mouth, and he was the big boy next door.

There was a result soon there, and Teacher Mei admitted that he had taken bribes.

After sitting down for the crime, everyone looked at Meng Yuxin's eyes and changed.

After getting the result, the principal was also extremely depressed.

What the **** did this classmate Meng Yuxin do?

It's all right now, their reputation in Huagao High School is stinking her!

The teacher of the Beijing University Admissions Office said to Meng Yuxin: "This classmate, based on what we know now, we will cancel your scores on the independent admissions exam without entering it."

Meng Yuxin suddenly raised his head, his eyes widened, his face full of horror and disbelief.

"No, this is what my mother did on her own initiative, and it has nothing to do with me! And my grades were obtained through my own hard work, and my grades did not cheat. If you don’t believe me, you can test the Songs of the South as you did earlier. Test my abilities as well! I passed the exam by my true ability!"

Meng Yuxin defended herself.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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