She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 316: Reasonable wife is gone

"Don't fight, make peace." Chuci said.

After the duel begins, except for one party's defeat to end, it is the two sides that negotiate a peace.

Negotiating peace will not lose equipment.



"The man who seduce my woman deserves no mercy from me."

"Who seduce your woman? Lu Che has no such relationship with me!"

After Chuci returned, he was taken aback.


Who is his woman?

Lin Nuo's low laughter came over the phone.

"Laughing fart! Shut up!"


Not only did the laughter not stop, it also got worse.

This bastard!

Chu Ci muttered: "Can you stop making trouble?"

"No." Lin Nuo refused without hesitation, "If you dare to break the relationship with me, I will fight Lu Che unable to continue in the game."

Chu Ci: "Arrogant and unreasonable."

Lin Nuo: "A reasonable wife is gone."

Chu Ci: "Who is your wife???"

Lin Nuo: "It was you who teased me first."

Chu Ci: "Why come back to this question again? Can't you get through it?"

Lin Nuo: "Why go there?"

Doesn't the past become the past tense?

But going is the present tense.

As he said, the result of the duel came out.

A bold line pops up in the center of the screen:

[System] Congratulations to the player [Love to eat salted fish] for winning the duel!

[System] Congratulations to the player [Love to Eat Salted Fish] for obtaining the equipment [Extreme Grade-Tianshuang Silkworm Clothes] dropped by the defeated player [Danxue Fengyi].

After seeing the announcement that the duel was over, Chu Ci hung up the phone.

[World] Ye Chuang's Widows Village: As expected, the top one is even more ruthless!

[World] The little girl of qweasdzxc: oooooooo, today is also a day to worship my alphabet.

[World] Sister Ling’s younger brother: So what is the situation now? Did Dan Xuefengyi lose in his love career?

The world is hotly debated.

Chu Ci looked at the [Danxue Fengyi] in white clothes in front of him, not knowing how to comfort him.

On the contrary, Dan Xuefeng spoke first:

[Current] Danxuefengyi: I'm fine, victory or defeat is commonplace in the military.

[Current] A salty fish that can no longer be salted: Are you Lu Che?

After Chu Ci asked, the other party didn't answer immediately. After a long silence, he saw his reply.

[Current] Danxuefengyi: Yes.

[Current] A salty fish that can no longer be salted: Why don't you tell me?

[Current] Danxuefengyi: I am not as embarrassed to say that I just wanted to play games with you as an ordinary friend.

Lin Nuo also came over.

In the game, he was in a red suit and he couldn't tell the evil spirits.

A team application popped up on the screen of Chuci: Player [love to eat salted fish] apply to team up with you.

Chu Ci hesitated and clicked to confirm.

Then, on the mechanism of forming a team to follow, Lin Nuo took it and teleported to [Taohuawu].

[Private message] A salty fish that can no longer be salted: What are you doing?

[Private message] Love to eat salted fish: You can temporarily refuse to agree with me, but you can't get ambiguous with other men.

[Private message] A salty fish that can't be salted anymore: I haven't gotten ambiguous with people, so don't think too much.

[Private message] Love to eat salted fish: it is best.

[Private message] I love salted fish: take you to a place.

Lin Nuo took Chuci to the waterfall in Taohuawu.

Chuci came here. As a scene in the game, Chuci didn't think this place was special.

Then Lin Nuo crossed the waterfall, and the red figure disappeared.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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