She Wants to Be a Salted Fish

Chapter 325: Don't mess around, I'm calling indecent

"I don't want money." Lin Nuo gritted her teeth, and had the urge to plug Chuci's mouth severely, saving her always saying things he didn't like.

"You still want money."

"Talk about money hurt feelings."

"But talking about feelings hurts money."

Lin Nuo snorted: "You woman, your heart has become really fast."

At the beginning, I was so desperate to tease him, but now I don’t want to talk about feelings with him, I just want to talk about money with him.

"Don't mess around, I'm shouting indecent!"

"Call it." Lin Nuo was not afraid.

At this moment, everyone on the bus has gotten off and is checking in in the hotel lobby.

The driver of the bus, who was the only bus driver, got off the bus and closed the door. He even stood at the door and smoked.

"I'm telling you that a fortune teller gave me my fate, saying that I am Kefu!" Chuci said to Lin Nuo.

It is true that a fortune teller gave Chu Ci a fate, but said that Chu Ci is absolutely love, and did not say that she Kefu.

"Coincidentally, I also learned to look at pictures." Lin Nuo's left hand grabbed Chu Ci's right hand.

"Let me see, your palmistry..."

Chu Ci didn't want Lin Nuo to see, so he clenched his hands into fists.

With this grip, Lin Nuo held her hand.

Lin Nuo smiled: "You can just say it if you want to hold my hand."

Chu Ci quickly let go, and threw Lin Nuo's hand away: "Who wants to hold your hand?"

Chu Ci murmured in his heart: [What a good person, it seems that he is a third-life pervert. 】

[Lord Queen, satyr is not defined in this way. So far Lin Nuo has only shot against you, and has not done anything wrong with other girls. It cannot be crudely defined as satyr; and according to the fighting power of this pit bull against Lin Nuo Judgment, if he wants to do something to you, he can do more excessive and perverted things. 】

[You scam, if you don't do something practical and effective at this time, don't come out to make up for it! 】

What can't you do? First place to make up!

Chu Ci was complaining about the small pit cargo in his heart, and suddenly Lin Nuo's finger flicked his forehead.


This woman is really enough to be in a trance by staying so close to him.

Lin Nuo said: "My master said that I was a person who had a lucky star and was born with a lucky star. If you really hit Kefu, then I will be your boyfriend."

"Aren't you being chased and killed all day long? You don't look like a lucky star."

"That's not the time, my master has passed his life for me, and my blessing is behind."

"I don't believe it." How do you think this man belongs to Hu Zou.

Lin Nuo was about to say something when the door of the bus opened.

It's Lu Xing.

"Brother Lin, quit sister..."

Lin Nuo got up quickly and sat back in his place.

"Sister Ci, I didn't mean to disturb your sleep, but if you are really sleepy, go to the hotel room to sleep. The check-in procedures for the other team members are completed, and you are the only one left."

Lu Xing thought that Chuci was still asleep, and Lin Nuo didn't want to wake Chuci to get out of the car with Chuci.

If he knew what Lin Nuo was doing after they all got off the car, he would never make this trip.

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

Chuci stood up immediately, then glared at Lin Nuo.

"Mr. Lin, it's time to get off."

Lin Nuo slowly got up from his seat.

Chu Ci quickly got off his seat and got off the car quickly.

Like a big guy, she wants to be a salted fish, please collect it: ( A big guy wants to be a salted fish. The literature is updated the fastest.

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