"My dad and your manager are the witnesses. I promise you that because I wished to join this company before, I may accept your offer in future, IF AND ONLY IF you fulfill my 2 conditions."

"And what are they?"

"First condition is to bring back all the employees whom you had expelled from the office. And second condition is to apologise to all those women who have accepted that 3 year offer and also to those who rejected it like me."

"These are unreasonable demands Ms.Sharma. Its impossible" Mr.Gera interrupted.

"Mr.Gera is right, aluu. How is this possible? Will those former employees accept the offer again after an insult? And before you innumerable women had applied for this job. How is it possible to apologise to everyone?"

Aliya didn't answered neither to the manager nor to her dad. She just raised her right eyebrow and looked into Rishi's eyes. Rishi maintained the eye contact. It seemed that they both were talking to each other without even uttering a word.

'You're the CEO of this giant company, right? Then you know what to do next. Even though you are a spoiled brat I know that you have the potential to do anything.'

'Of course, I know Aliya, what do you mean. But make sure that you're are ready to join my company tomorrow onwards.'

"Can anyone tell me what's going on?" Mr.Sharma asked having no clue of their silent talks.

"I'll fulfil your both the conditions and you be better ready to fulfil your promise."

"Of course. Let's go dad."

Saying this, father-daughter moved out of the company.


Aliya was driving the car while returning to her own home.

"Have you put those conditions because you did not wanted to join the company?"

"Are they really impossible dad?"


"Well, I've put those conditions to join the company."

"How are you so sure about it?"

"Just as you were sure that after joining the company the CEO will take care of me!"

Aliya and her dad both laughed. They reached home and called Aliya's mom to let her know everything about what happened.

Both were enjoying their day. Her dad left Aliya's home in the evening to return to his house. He blessed her to be well in her career and be to strong everytime. Of course, to give her blessings to be strong wasn't needed at all. Aliya was already strong enough to take care of herself and her family.

While laying on the bed, Aliya remembered to not to keep her phone silent. She continued to think.

'I never expected you to come in my life again. I've hated you all these years and it will continue ever after. I hope you wont assume that if I am ready to join your company means I'm ready to befriend you again. I wont mix my personal and professional life. I believe in professionalism. I can handle you and my work both at the same time.'



9 PM

Meanwhile, Rishi was still in the office. Mr.Gera was doing his work, although he was tensed that if Mr.Rishi brings back Mr.D'souza, then what will happen to his job?Mr. Gera, keeping all these thoughts aside, continued to do his work. Mr.Rishi had assigned him the job to send an email of apology to all those women who had to face similar situations like Aliya. As there were several women like these, and also the ones who were now living abroad or far away from the cities; sending an email was the most convenient way.

Rishi was busy convincing the employees he had expelled. He was so nervous while talking to them. He never experienced such mental emotions before. It looked like he was given a huge project to complete in a day.

'Of course I can fulfil your demands. But Aliya, I dont know why I'm so desperate to see you in front of my eyes. I dont know what will happen tomorrow. But I'll only pray that you will soon stop hating me. You dont even know what lessons I've learned all these years. I'm sure that if you realise the changes you'll trust me again. I've fallen for you once again after 10 years. If you wont be mine I wont allow you to be somebody else's love. If I wont become yours I swear that I wont allow any woman even to touch me.'

Mr.Gera disturbed him from his train of thoughts.

"Boss, I've sent emails to almost every woman. May I just return home now. I'll crosscheck the list tomorrow early in the morning."

"Ya, you can go. But make sure that you dont fail to complete this task."

"Yes sir."

"You may leave."

Rishi was too tired to work now. He had convinced everyone. Even though he was tired, he was very happy. His joy knew no boundaries. He finally completed his task. The last time he was happy like this was when he became the CEO of hiscompany.

Rishi just eagerly awaited to see Aliya signing her contract with the company.

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