She Was Not As UGLY As You Thought

2 Move On... Don'st Stop

She then gave the manager a disgusted look and answered

"Mr.D'souza , I respect you as the manager of this company. But I never thought that you will think such unpleasant things. I never expected these statements from any person. And here the manager of the 'Fashion and the city' company has thoughts like these. I may have worked hard to reach here but I won't work in this company if such people are my colleagues. Sorry for wasting your time but I can't help it".

Other interviewers stared at her in shock while some of them starred daggers at her. Realizing that there were other people present here like the manager, she was satisfied with her decision.

One of them asked Aliya to take some time and think a little bit she refused. She stood up to leave. She bowed in front of them respectfully and went outside the room. She walked out of the company thinking how these people working in a company like this have filthy things in their minds. She started her car and drove it towards her home.


She returned home and sighed. Such a great opportunity was this! She first felt that she should have reconsidered her decision but she quickly disagreed to this thought.

As soon as she refreshed, she heard her mobile ringing. Her dad was calling her.

" Good afternoon pops . How are you?" She asked while hiding her tears.

"Whom are you lying to my dear?Aluu, so what if you are not selected, you have many opportunities in the future."

Hearing these positive words, she couldn't held back hertears . Her dad could hear her sobbing.

"Dad it's not like that. I was about to be selected but...."


She narrated the whole incident. Her dad's anger was about to burst but he controlled himself while hearing her cry.

"Its ok baby. This is the world we live in. No one can easily survive here.You have to fight.Prove yourself. Just move on. Don't stop."

After gaining courage from her dad, Aliya replied

" I will prove myself but by that time let me look for other companies."

" If you want some help I'm am just a call away. Work harder. Okay?? I'm proud of my independent girl. Mmmuuuuaaahhh!!"

"I will disturb you if needed. Bye pops!"

She then ate some quick snacks and searched for vacancies in companies in newspapers and websites.

She found one company called ' The Viewer's Choice Magazine'.

Although it was not as reputed as Fashion And The City but it had quite a good reputation as a magazine seller.

Aliya thought of having a small start for a bigger achievement { her dream to become one of the top psychologist in the country}


The interview was scheduled in the afternoon on the same day and it was already 11 am. She quickly dressed herself in her previous clothes and hurried herself for the office. _____________________________________________

As the office was near to her home she managed to reach there by 11:50 am. She asked in the reception about the interview and the receptionist said they still had avacancy for industrial psychologist's post.She exhaled in relief.

Interview was scheduled by 12:20 pm.

She only hoped that what happened in the morning is not repeated here too.

As soon as her name was called she went inside the cabin and the interviewers started the interview. Everything went smoothly. Interview was taken as expected by her. They offered her the job and she happily agreed. They told her to join office from tomorrow itself. Without any hesitation she agreed.

Finally she was about to be called as an employee ratherthan a student. She will become an independent lady who will earn for herself and her family. She will work!!!!

She felt she was flying in the sky. She felt like she took a step ahead for her success. She felt like every thing was now running smoothly as she planned.

But who knows what fate has for you, what is it's planning. We think it's according to our plan but we are only fooling our self. It's the fate....


Next day

Aliya was getting ready for her new start.

She prayed before God for positivity and joy in her life. She hoped for success. She hoped that everything will be good on her first day.She took thekeys of her home and car . She left home by 8:30 am as she has to reach there by 9 am.She drove her car to the office ( the place where a pleasant shock was waiting for her).

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