She Was Not As UGLY As You Thought

49 How Short My World Is!

With the help of Rishi's two bodyguards, Aliya was safely escorted back to her hotel room. After what happened last night, Rishi thought of not taking any chance with her security. Aliya didn't had her room keys with her. But when she noticed, she found that someone was already present in the room which was evident from the door being locked from inside. Before she could think of anything else, one of the bodyguards knocked the door. And to everyone's surprise, Bhavna opened the door. Aliya stared at her for a second or two and said

"Thanks for escorting me till my room. You two can leave. She is my friend."

"It's our duty ma'am. Take care."

The guard on her left said with a genuine smile. Aliya entered the room and closed the door. She sat on her bed and sighed. Bhavna couldn't control her curiosity to know what was wrong with Aliya. And so she began throw questions on Aliya. It was like a question paper for a studious student in which most of the questions were out of syllabus. This was the state of hers. Her mind was buffering. Not able to find her answers.

"Where were you whole night? Did you know our shoot was scheduled today in early morning? Where is Rishi? Where both of you together? Ah! Say that this is not the truth. When I contacted you nobody picked up the phone. Rishi's p.a. said that you both won't come today. Do you know how much load was it for me to handle multiple tasks? Why are you still in your pajamas? When I came at 8 AM, the room was so messed up. I called the room service to clean. How are you so irresponsible? What if something important from your luggage was stolen? What would you do? Your parents too called you innumerable times. Then they contacted me. I assured them that you are safe. Now prove that you were literally safe. Why aren't you answering?"

Aliya just looked at Bhavna this long time to see how long she would go on spouting.

"Are you done? Seems that you have imbibed the irritating habit of media to throw questions on anybody mercilessly. That is why parents are assured that I am safe, coz, you act like my mother and Anushka as my father. Can't you let me breath?"

As she spoke her last words, her voice had no energy to argue or answer someone anymore. In front of Rishi was acting calm as to not let him panic. Now she wanted her 'me time' to restore herself as she was. She placed her hand on her forehead indicating that she was in grief. Seeing her close her eyes and sigh, Bhavna realized her mistake

"I am sorry dear. I didn't intend to hurt you. I was just worried."

Bhavna took a seat besides her and patted her back.

"My life is full of sorries and worries. Sometimes I have to be sorry and sometimes others say sorry. How short my world is! My life keeps revolving around the same people. Rishi, you.... I don't even remember the last time I laughed wholeheartedly that lasted for a long time."

"If you feel that you can share with me then please do."

"I think you should welcome me to your entertainment industry. Where there are people like zombies to eat you up. To make you completely like them."

Bhavna froze for a second. She couldn't believe her ears. The whole universe knows, entertainment industries, be it Hollywood or Bollywood, has a dark side. It appears to be a magical world, glamorous outside, and more than that it is ugly inside. Once you are in this bog, you can't get out. It makes you greedy for more. It stoops you to such levels that you can't rise up even if you want. But Bhavna wasn't scared of this unwanted reality. The one thing she was scared of was what will happen to those 'poor' people who did this huge mistake. She already knows the dark side of Aliya. She has seen it. She knew that Aliya will make sure that she returns the loan of pains to the lender, with interest. So Bhavna asked

"What is the reason to welcome you?"

Aliya narrated everything, every detail that she could remember and what Rishi told. Bhavna's eyes widened as the story reached the climax. Of course, because of Aliya was drugged. But one thing struck her mind. Instead of asking her if she was okay, Bhavnaasked her something that startled Aliya.

"Aliya, you said that he.... he grabbed your fist and turned it. I mean... you didn't retaliate? Because the lady I know never allows any man to touch her without her will. So I asked."

As Bhavna was saying she tried to have an eye contact with Aliya, but Aliya was ignoring her, covering her eyes with her hands.

"Ummm....mmmmm.... A-actually, I-I didn't react because.. I was in shock. And if he hadn't done that, would have I listen to him? I was literally going to punch him. I-It was his act of defense. So I didn't pay any heed to that matter, especially after knowing how he handled know?"


Bhavna's exaggerated 'Oh' was enough to understand that she was teasing Aliya. Aliya slightly blushed and said,

"N-Now what? Aren't there any shoots?"

"It seems that you are not aware of my talent. Your boss didn't had trust on me that I could complete this project on time. But I have completed everything in just 3 days instead of 5."

"What! Can this happen?"

"Well, if you have a model like me than anything can happen."

Bhavna was showing off in jest, swaying her hairs.

"Aha! Well done Ms.Model! But what should we do for next 2 days."

"I don't know. Ask your boss. If we don't have any pending work then we can return today."

Hearing this, Aliya sat straight and looked steady with determined eyes. She gave a devilish smile and said


She grabbed her phone which was lying on the bed for hours.

"Hello! Rishi?"

"Yeah say."

"The shoots have finished."

"I was just informed. Kudos to Bhavna. After your check up, we both will leave for Mumbai before our team secretly, if you don't mind?"

"Sure. I won't mind. But only if you have any work pending here."

"Nothing much. Team can handle it."

"Okay then! See you soon."



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