Rishi inhaled deeply to gather courage to confess his love for her.

"I'm glad that you're here. I had told you that I wanted to thank you for your help throughout the year. Actually there is something more that I have to tell you."

"And what's that?"

"Actually a confession..... confession of my feelings towards you."

Aliya thought that Rishi was hinting her but in a second she changed her thought. She thought it may be something else.

"Aliya, I LOVE YOU."


"Its been a long time that I had thought of this moment. I dont know if you feel the same way as I do, but take your time and think about taking a step ahead of friendship. I don't know if 'a girl and a boy can be just friends' is true or not but I've developed feelings for you. And it's for the first time that I've felt something like this for a girl. YOU ARE MY FIRST LOVE AND NO MATTER IF YOU ACCEPT MY PROPOSAL OR NOT NEITHER YOU NOR I CAN CHANGE THE FACT THAT I LOVE YOU."

"even I love you." she whispered.

"I can't hear you?"

"I said even I love you."


"Yes. I LOVE YOU."

"This is what I wanted to hear."

From that day onwards Rishi and Aliya were in a relationship. Neither of them had told their parents or even friends for a long time. Rishi had to take admission in a hostel as he didn't got admissions in any college in the city due to his poor marks. Even though he had passed the exams, his parents wanted to make him a disciplined man and so they sent him to Mumbai hostel.

Aliya and Rishi contacted each other through mobile phones and texts. In due course of time, the gaps increased between them as they were very busy in shaping their future. Till now only Anushka, bff of Aliya knew about their relationship.

Time flew and they were in their 3 year relationship. Aliya was madly in love with Rishi. Although it was clear that Rishi was not interested in her now, Aliya was not ready to accept this fact. Anushka tried to make her understand that Rishi was only using her since last 3 years but Aliya used to get offended. Their relationship was now at that point when Rishi used to ignore Aliya's calls and messages. Aliya became impatient. She decided to visit Rishi's hostel. And so she went their by lying to her parents. This was not the first time she had lied to her parents. She had did this several times in the past just for Rishi. Breaking their trust was not a big deal for her now.

When Aliya reached the hostel, she began to search for Rishi. Fortunately or unfortunately he had gone for trekking with some of his batch mates and was returning on the same day. Aliya took it as an opportunity to ask his friends about Rishi. Although in hostels outsiders are not allowed to meet students, Rishi's friends managed to sneak Aliya in Rishi's room illegally.


Rishi entered his room and to his surprise, he found Aliya and his own friends sitting on the bed. Aliya's eyes were red in anger. Rishi was confused. For an instance he thought that Aliya must have learnt the truth but he then thought that Aliya trusts him blindly and she won't believe anyone other than him. Of course it was natural for him to think so as he had worked hard to hide the truth from Aliya.

Aliya turned her head towards Rishi. Her stare was so powerful that if she had stared at a glass it could have broke in few seconds. Rishi was frightened by this sight. He was sweating. He was about to ask Aliya as to why she was here but suddenly Aliya asked him

"How was your trek?"

"It was good." he replied in a low voice.

"Was it good because of refreshing air, nature or because of Shanaya?"

Rishi was startled. He never expected this question.

"How do you know about her?" he asked doubtedly.


In a flash Aliya got up from sofa and slapped Rishi. Rishi was fuming in anger. His Male ego was hurt.

"How dare you do this to me. You had been lying to me for 2 years!! Sara and now Shanaya! When I asked your friends they told me the whole history of last 3 years. What did you thought? I will not come to know about your deeds? I trusted you like a fool and what did you do? I knew you were a spoiled brat but I was unaware that you are a playboy too! You were not only playing with my feelings but also with those girls. How could you do this? If you weren't happy you could have told me before. What was the need to say a hundred lies to hide one truth?"

"Yes you are right. I could have told you. But what did you spoke now was right. Yes I'm a playboy. And I dont care what girls like you feel. I thought I love you when we were in 10th, but it was just infatuation. And I used to like when you used to say those cheesy lines since last few years. I was enjoying you. But soon you became very irritating. It was difficult for me to handle two girls at a time you know. I thought if I'll ignore you, you will break up. But no. You came here and found the truth. So if you are done with your drama will you please get out of my room?"

"What. did. you. say?"

"I said get out you ugly bitch."

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