Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 106: Downhole operations (6000 words)

【A private message with me as the protagonist】

[I'm the protagonist: Brother Chen, I've had a ghost press on the bed for two days in a row, do you have any herbal treatment?

I am the protagonist: I remember that it was a disease. I was conscious in the morning, but my body couldn't move.

Chen Zhen: Are you feeling anxious and having trouble falling asleep recently? Take it easy, you can borrow anything from me.

Chen Zhen: If you have modern medicines, you can take some low-dose serotonin or inhibitors. I don’t think it’s a big deal, just adjust your mentality first.

I am the protagonist: Oh, let me try it. I didn't feel any anxiety before the ghost pressed the bed, but these two days instead.

Chen Zhen: How's your appetite recently? Would you like me to give you some medicine to recuperate?

I am the protagonist: No, no, thank you Brother Chen.

Chen Zhen: I'll give it to you. Don't give me a deal this time.

I'm the protagonist: Brother Chen really doesn't need it, you've already helped me a lot, so I'll go. 】

Early in the morning, I saw Wang Yu's private message. This kid actually sent the message at three in the morning. The quality of sleep seemed to be really poor.

"Xiao Luo, how is the field today?" Chen Chen walked to the kitchen and started cooking.

"Good morning, master! The fog is thick in the wild today, the visibility is only one meter, and the average temperature is about one degree. It is not recommended to go out."

Chen Chen nodded, "It doesn't matter today, there are still a lot of things to do, just work in the shelter."

The heavy fog means that there are almost no new items on the platform, and the demand for medicines to treat the fog has greatly increased.

"Now there are more than 2,000 people. I don't know if these golden sore medicines are enough."

Up to now, Chen Chen has still not developed any herbal medicines that are more specific to the mist, and the players are still supplied with medicine for golden sore.

During breakfast, Chen Chen routinely inspected the shelter to ripen the bees.

So far, the number of Chinese bees has reached 120,000, the number of Vigorous bees has reached 105,000, and the number of golden ring bees has not changed much because there is no re-ripening, a total of 65,000.

Chinese bees can provide honey to other bees. Dali bee produces vigorous honey with all its strength. More than 100,000 bees can produce nearly three kilograms of vigorous honey a day. Chen Chen eats a pound by himself, and the remaining two pounds can be exchanged for more than ten square stones.

"It seems that there are not enough water pipes. I also need to buy a generator. These things can be exchanged for some of the vigorous honey. I don't know about others, but those who sell water by the lake must have extra water pipes in their hands."

After eating, Chen Chen brought tools to dig a well. The well was located at the back, behind the passageway of the room where the yellow fruit pits were placed.

Before, Chen Chen deliberately placed the yellow fruit pit on the edge, and hung a house number on the room, just to prevent himself from accidentally walking in.

"When the well is finished, move this thing."

Although the pit is placed in the innermost part of the room, it will be fine to stand against the door, but this kind of strange thing is still a little scary.

Chen Chen used the expansion module to open up a new passage according to Xiao Luo's instructions. Finally, he turned at the fork, opened a complete room downward with the shelter expansion module, and then marked the wellhead at the center, and drew a circle with a diameter of one meter. is the size of the wellhead.

The area of ​​the wellhead is one square meter. Use any expansion module to open down 20 meters and stop, and Chen Chen will dig the rest by himself or by himself.

He used the power of soil to build a fence above the well, fixed a steel frame above it, installed a winch and tied an umbrella rope, and Chen Chen began to go down the well.

When going down the well, he constantly used the power of the earth to strengthen the wall of the well. After reaching the bottom of the well, he continued to use the power of the earth to soften the rock layer. The softened stone was collected into the item space, climbed up a few meters to the range of the shelter, and then directly traded the stone. To Wang Yu.

After Chen Chen returned to the upper floor, he went to the old equipment room and directly moved the stones back.

It has to be said that it is really cool to have unlimited transactions in the shelter.

Chen Chen expanded all the way down, and it was not until 30 meters later that he finally touched the soil. Including the reinforcement of the well wall, the force of the soil movement had been consumed forty-one, leaving only 12.

Chen Chen frowned, "Maybe we can't dig well water today. The rock layer on the mountain is actually fifty meters thick. I don't know how deep the groundwater is."

The remaining twelve squares are only enough for him to reinforce fifty meters of soil. If the water has not been dug out by then, he will have to wait until tomorrow.

He himself has no experience in digging wells, and he does not dare to go down without strengthening the soil layer. It will be bad if it collapses.

Then Chen Chen continued to dig down with a shovel. When he was 95 meters away from the wellhead, the umbrella rope suddenly fell off.

"What's the situation?" Chen Chen raised his head, the light on the miner's hat only extended for four or five meters, and there was a black hole above, and nothing could be seen.

This place is too deep, Xiao Luo's signal can't be transmitted here at all, and Chen Chen's location is exposed to distorted radiation, and for a while he has a feeling of falling into the void.

He lowered his head and groped for a while before he found the end of the paracord, which was full of wear marks.

"I remember checking it myself? The paracord should be fine." Chen Chen touched his head.

After the third terrestrial radiation burst, the time he could go out a day became six hours, and at this moment there were still more than four hours of field time.

Seeing that only half of the dirt was hit, Chen Chen thought about it and decided to continue digging, and then fill it up.

After digging, he strengthened the well wall with the power of the soil, and then Chen Chen supported the well wall with his hands and feet and began to climb upwards.

The strength of the 7.5 is still very strong, and it is not difficult to get up at all.

But not long after climbing, Chen Chen felt something was wrong.

I don't know if it was water seepage or what happened, but the well wall above was wet and slippery.

Chen Chen gritted his teeth and increased his strength to continue upward.

"It's not right! It's definitely not right!"

Chen Chen panted and looked up and down, it was pitch black up and down.

"Even if the lower part is damp, it's not normal to see so much water!"

Chen Chen started to panic a little. He felt that the wall of the well was getting more and more slippery, and he had to use a lot of strength to stabilize it.

At this moment, he hadn't walked back to the place where the shelter expanded, the radiation was still there, and he couldn't contact Xiao Luo. When he came down, he only brought digging tools and a wooden box with food in it for the convenience of loading the soil.

"First trade a strong-light flashlight with Wang Yu, and then... FUCK!"

At this moment, the miner's hat on his head suddenly ran out of power, and Chen Chen slipped his hand and fell directly downward.

In the dark, in a panic, Chen Chen directly put his arms on the well wall, his body was tense, and his legs stepped on the well wall with force.

I don't know whether to slide down ten meters or twenty meters, Chen Chen finally stabilized his body, but his arm was aching.

In the shelter, he had to do the dirty work again, so Chen Chen naturally wouldn't wear too thick clothes. He should have worn the cloth together just now.

"Go down first. It's a little uncomfortable to hold on for so long. Go down and exchange some things with Wang Yu, eat some food, and then use the power of earth to climb up."

There is only one side of the power of the soil line left, and it should be no problem to directly dig out the handle and climb up.

Then Chen Chen controlled the strength in his hands and began to slowly slide down, but he reached the bottom of the well within a few seconds.


After falling, Chen Chen felt that his feet were directly stepped on the shallow water, soaking the soles of his shoes, and a cold feeling penetrated from the soles of his feet.

"This is a ghost movie! No, no, no ghosts in this world!"

Chen Chen instantly thought of the talisman paper that Tang Shan gave him half-selling and half-selling, "Tang Shan said at the time that it was useful, and combined with it now, doesn't it mean that there are really ghosts in this world?"

It was very cold under his feet, and Chen Chen didn't dare to hesitate, so he sent a message to Wang Yu.

【A private message with Wang Yu】

[Chen Zhen: Do you have something like a strong flashlight? If you have any, trade it to me and lend it to me. 】

Chen Chen waited for more than ten seconds, but Wang Yu did not reply. This is a normal speed in the past, but now Chen Chen feels like his life is like a year.

Chen Chen then hurriedly contacted Tang Shan and asked him about supernatural things.

[Chen Zhen: Do you have anything to deal with ghosts? I seem to have come across something like this. Trade me something that can be restrained, and I'll be sure to thank you afterwards. 】

After dozens of seconds, Tang Shan and Wang Yu sent messages one after another.

[Bakushuidang: Brother Chen, what's the situation? I'll trade some of the last talisman paper for you first. The talisman was an accident, and I didn't come up with anything to deal with ghosts later. 】

[I am the protagonist: Brother Chen's outdoor flashlight, I will send it to you, I don't know if it is enough.

Chen Zhen: Check the power, make sure you have power.

I'm the protagonist: Don't worry, Brother Chen, it's fully charged. 】

Chen Chen was also a little scared, so he reminded Wang Yu.

Then Chen Chen didn't talk nonsense, he made a video call to Tang Shan, and received the things that the two had traded.

Turn on the flashlight to avoid sudden strong light from irritating the eyes. A young man wrapped in a windbreaker appeared on the system screen.

"Brother Chen, you are..." The young man on the opposite side hesitated, "At the bottom of the well?"

Someone said that Chen Chen's fear was washed away at once, and he replied: "Yeah, I was trapped here when I was digging a well, and then the wall of the well began to seep for no reason... So I found you, Tang Banxian. Help!"

Chen Chen shone his flashlight around, and at this time, he discovered something that frightened him even more.

Before, the pipe that he let Xiao Luo send the air down didn't know when it broke! Fall into the bottom of the well!

When working underground, it is necessary to ensure ventilation, because the carbon dioxide mass will be deposited at the bottom of the well, and people without ventilation will suffocate and die if they stay at the bottom of the well for a long time!

When Chen Chen was at the bottom of the well, Xiao Luo would control the pipeline to supply air below. When Chen Chen went up to trade soil, he would turn on the suction mode to remove the carbon dioxide remaining at the bottom of the well.

Tang Shan on the opposite side was a little embarrassed to hear Chen Chen's call, so he spoke faster: "Don't worry, this talisman paper is absolutely useful, you stick a few pieces on yourself, and then stick some on the wall of the well, and then climb up. try."

"In ancient times, it was said that people have three fires. You have to give yourself courage first, so that maybe ghosts will not dare to approach, and it should be no problem with the help of the talisman." Tang Shan explained: "You must be very strong and angry. Blood is equivalent to several strong men, as long as you are not afraid, it will be difficult for ghosts to deal with you."

Hearing Tang Shan's words, Chen Chen also remembered it. At first, he seemed to be fine when he climbed the wall of the well. He didn't feel anything when he climbed up, but the more he climbed, the more guilty he became. The cap was out of power, and it slid down all of a sudden.

But theory is theory, tension is tension.

After listening to Tang Shan's words, Chen Chen's brain automatically began to make up various plots: what Tang Shan said was right, but the talisman paper may not be of much use, the other party said so to embolden himself; the opposite side was not at all. Tangshan! In fact, he has fallen into an illusion now! He is breathing in the carbon dioxide he exhales and slowly dying!


These thoughts are completely out of control and keep popping up. The key is that Chen Chen's intelligence is as high as 4.3, his thinking speed is extremely fast, and he has come up with more than a dozen terrifying results in a short period of time.

Regardless of the thoughts in his mind, Chen Chen directly poured out the soil, retracted the pipes that had fallen on the ground, and then clamped the leather talismans in his clothes, while the other few directly fixed them on the well wall with the power of the soil.

Then he exerted strength on his hands and feet again and climbed upwards.

This time, it was not so difficult to climb Chen Chen again, and he said to Tang Shan with joy, "It seems to be really useful, it's easier to climb up."

It seems that Tang Shan's theory of three fires has really been fulfilled, and Chen Chen also regained some courage and began to work harder to climb up.

I don't know how long it took to climb, Chen Chen suddenly felt his hand slip, and his other hand quickly used the power of the earth to cut out a hole, and the whole person hung directly on the wall of the well.

"What's going on?" Chen Chen was a little confused.

He admits that he is not a timid person. After he found hope just now, he didn't have much trouble getting up, but why did he suddenly slip?

Tang Shan on the other side of the video quickly explained: "Maybe the effect of the talisman paper has disappeared. I'll trade some more for you."

"Oh," Chen Chen replied, "It looks like it's really a ghost or something. It's good to have a solution, and I'll go up in a while."

Tang Shan took out a stack of talismans again and traded it to Chen Chen, but his expression was a little unnatural.

After Chen Chen continued to climb up, Tang Shan secretly glanced at the watch on the wall. From just now, Chen Chen had been climbing for more than ten minutes, but he still did not climb up.

Tang Shan didn't dare to say it, for fear of affecting Chen Chen's mentality, but right now he has no good solution.

"Would you like to find Major Xu An? He may have a way and a better way... Maybe he can save Chen Zhen's life."

Tang Shan started sending a private letter to Xu An, explaining Chen Chen's story in detail.


Chen Chen just kept climbing up like this, he didn't feel that he had been climbing for a long time at all, he just felt that his hands were a little sore.


It seems that a snake fell on his face, Chen Chen was almost scared to death!

If you slip your hand, you will fall down!

Fortunately, Chen Chen has high dynamic vision, the light of the shaking flashlight shone all around him, and he could see clearly what fell on him at once.

It turned out to be a rope as thick as a thumb.

Chen Chen's eyes and hands were quick, he grabbed the rope at once, his body continued to sink a little, and then he stabilized.

Chen Chen was overjoyed, grabbed the rope and started to climb up.

The wall of the well was definitely affected by something. It was more slippery than oil, and it was very difficult to get up. There was no such problem when climbing the rope, and Chen Chen's ascent became extremely fast.

After a while, he saw the light above, and his body finally entered the range of the shelter.

Xiao Luo's intermittent voice came from the rubber sound, "Lord... Master... Above... Can you hear...?"

Chen Chen increased his speed and climbed up in three or two strokes.

A hand stretched out from the wellhead and firmly clasped it on the edge of the well.

Afterwards, Chen Chen's body emerged from the well!

"Huh!! Finally came up."

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He saw that Yuan Zai was biting on the other end of the rope, and Xiao Luo's voice finally came from the rubber sound.

"Master, can you hear it? Woohoo, Xiaoluo seems to have heard your voice."

"It's okay, it's okay..." Chen Chen walked out of the well and comforted: "I'm out, it's okay!"

"Wow ah~ woo woo..." Xiao Luo cried directly, "Xiao Luo thought she would never see her master!"

Chen Chen had just escaped from death, and when he saw the scene in front of him, his heart was filled with emotion.

It turned out that he was no longer alone before he knew it.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not coming here~"

Chen Chen picked up Yuanzai and kept comforting the two bear children.

One of them is humming, and the other is woohoo~

Chen Chen smiled at Tang Shan, "Thank you, Brother Tang. I'll deal with the matter here first, and then thank Brother Tang later."

"It's fine, it's fine~ I'll get off first. By the way, Brother Chen may find you later, Major Xu An. I just asked him for help."

After speaking, Tang Shan turned off the video call, but Chen Chen still saw a strong reluctance from his expression. This guy has never left Yuan Zai since he came up!

Chen Chen comforted the two bear children for a while, lifted Yuan Zai and threw it into the sky more than a dozen times, and then walked to Xiao Luo's host and coaxed Xiao Luo face to face, and the two little guys slowly calmed down.

"I was in this situation just now. You are up there. Is there anything abnormal in the shelter?"

Chen Chen finished telling the story of the underground experience, and then asked Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo hugged his arms and widened his eyes. He was both fascinated and scared, and replied, "Half an hour ago, Xiao Luo suddenly couldn't contact the master. No matter how Xiao Luo shouted, it was useless, Xiao Luo let Yuan Zai. to check the situation.

Yuan Zai is too stupid! After talking for a long time, Xiao Luo understood what he meant. Xiao Luo asked Yuan Zai to find a rope, and then tied the shorter ropes together, trying to pull the master up.

Yuanzai couldn't learn anything, and at this time Xiaoluo also detected the pressure change in the ventilation duct, and Xiaoluo was even more anxious.

3D modeled a round boy, and then played the animation of the round boy knotting the rope, then taught it, and then rescued the master! "

After speaking, Xiao Luo raised her little head, as if you were going to praise me.

Chen Chen smiled and cheered, "Yeah! Xiao Luo is amazing! It's the most powerful artificial intelligence I've ever seen!"

All people on earth are artificially retarded.

"Hahahaha~" Xiao Luo smirked with his hips on his hips, Yuan Zai in his arms didn't hear his name and started rubbing his head.

Chen Chen was helpless, put Yuan Zai on the table and slapped it several times and praised it, and it was over.


About ten minutes later, Chen Chen received Xu An'an's video request.

Connect directly.

A man in his thirties with slightly dark skin and strong brow bones appeared in the picture.

Almost everyone in the area knew that Xu An had a mechanical body, but the man in the picture looked no different from ordinary people.

"Chen Zhen, hello." Xu An looked relaxed, and said to Chen Chen with a smile: "Congratulations on your smooth escape, your friend asked me for help just now. After you came up, I asked about your situation, and I came late on purpose. find you."

The other party's smile was very contagious. Chen Chen was also in a good mood at this time. He smiled and replied, "Thank you, Big Brother Xu, for your concern. The incident happened suddenly. Fortunately, there was no danger."

"Yeah!" The other party nodded and said, "This should be the new disaster of the Abnormal World, a supernatural phenomenon that other players before you more or less needed, but it is rare to see someone as obvious and powerful as you."

"I don't have enough information now, and I don't know the specifics very well, but one thing is certain." Xu An's expression became more serious, "Now it's just a strange phenomenon, basically there are no embodied ghosts, and it will definitely be scary in the future. !"

Chen Chen nodded to show his understanding, "Is there any way to restrain these ghosts? Tang Shan can make talismans, but the restraint effect doesn't seem to be obvious, and my power of earth and wood is useless."

Xu An replied: "That's because of your aggressive attribute skills, and the ghost didn't show up, so naturally you can't deal with it. The aggressive attribute skills are very difficult to comprehend. There are only four or five people in our area."

"As for Tang Shan's captives, they can be mass-produced, but they can only be used for defense, and they can only slightly block ghosts and cause no damage, so they are not very useful."

Having said that, Xu An said to Chen Chen with a smile: "Do you have the flesh and blood of a second-level aberration beast? If you have, take it out and cultivate your friend, or I will give it to you, and you will be robbing someone. "

"Huh? What do you mean?" Chen Chen was a little Xu An said with a smile: "Actually, I mainly wanted to talk to you about regional cooperation this time, and the cultivation of Tang Shan is about this matter. related."

"Everyone has discussed the cooperation proposal a lot, and various opinions have been fully exchanged, but there is still a lack of people who will finally screen and formulate the rules." Xu An looked at Chen Chen, "After 20 days of getting along, the players must be very concerned about the players in their area. The strongest are more convincing, so I just wanted to invite ten players including you to hold a meeting to communicate with each other and settle the matter."

"What do you think?"

Chen Chen naturally had no problem, and he also wanted to know more information. At this time, refusing was naturally opposed to others.

Chen Chen agreed: "No problem, what time is the meeting?"

Xu An said: "It is initially scheduled for tomorrow night. I will inform you of the specific time later."

In the end, Xu An said: "You did a great job! The friendly atmosphere in your area can be ranked in the top three. I thank you for those who are alive."

Speaking of this, Xu An's expression turned cold, "As for those who have a little strength, they will die, I believe they will also pay the price!"

Xu An looked at Chen Chen, "The ghost thing has not been resolved yet, you can ask [Three Thousand Buddhas], I have passed the qi here, he should be able to help you."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore. The ghosts shouldn't leave the shelter, you still have to be careful. Goodbye!"

Chen Chen thoughtfully and nodded, "Thank you, see you next time."

Turning off the video, Chen Chen leaned back on the chair and muttered, "Why do you feel like the rain is coming?"

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