Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 156: Promoted to Sharpshooter!

"Shelter: Survive All Careers (!

According to experience, there will be basically no mutated beasts coming over, so Chen Chen dropped the iron hook and hung the corpses of the mutated beasts one by one.

After the corpse arrived at the window, he directly collected it into the item space, and then moved it to the hall, sorted it into different categories, and put it away tomorrow.

After finishing all this, Chen Chen directly closed the observation window, put away the super fruit, and went back to the bedroom to sleep.


"Master, the fog is very thick in the wild today, and the visibility is only half a meter. It is recommended that the master should replace the filters of the two fresh air fans after getting up to prevent the fog toxins from entering the shelter."

When Chen Chen woke up again, it was already eight o'clock in the morning, and Xiao Luo started broadcasting the information according to the previous settings.

"After the master fell asleep, there have been no mutated beasts coming from outside the shelter... The fruit of the flesh fruit tree will mature in four hours, and the master needs to add some meat and mist water... Yuan Zai's trauma Fully healed, breathing smoothly, maybe I can wake up today..."

While Chen Chen was eating, he listened to Xiao Luo's report on various things, and he had to deal with them one by one after eating.

At nine o'clock, Chen Chen finally finished dealing with these matters, and then he came to the training room and began to practice the five-hearted method.

After three hours, the practice is completed, and the flesh and fruit are just ripe at this time.

Chen Chen took them off and gave one of them directly to Fang Yonglin, while the remaining two were planted in the newly opened grooves.

When the two flesh and fruit trees grow up, Chen Chen will use them to test to see what changes will happen after superimposing the red diamond-shaped gems.

Then he put on his equipment, opened the door of the shelter, and walked out into the wild.

On the day of the outbreak of abnormal radiation, the value of items refreshed in the field will also be much higher.

Today, he has to take in the ghosts and search for supplies.

Still starting from the west, all the planned areas were searched, and then returned to the shelter with a large amount of supplies.

On the one hand, the harvested materials filled the item space, and on the other hand, the saplings of the flesh fruit tree had grown into digestive sacs, and he needed to come back and feed the flesh fruit tree some meat to make them grow faster.

This time, Chen Chen was not polite. He directly chopped the meat of the first-level aberration beast into small pieces and put it into Xiaoshu's digestive sac.

Afterwards, he made a video call to Fang Yonglin and asked him about the cultivation of small trees.

Fang Yonglin frowned and said, "Brother Chen, this tree is very special. Its plant characteristics are almost perfect. I tried to use the power of wood to evolve it, and found that its ability to devour and transform has declined instead."

"I can't come up with a better variety in a short time. I can only experiment a lot, and see if I can develop a variety that exceeds its original characteristics."

"That's it..." Chen Chen was also a little disappointed. The plan to let Fang Yonglin help with the transformation was basically a failure, and it should not be possible for him to experiment with anything.

The only hope lies in the red gem, and I don't know what will happen if I put it in the flesh fruit tree.

The red gems taken from Ida's body, pressed on the animal, the gem will combine with the host, strengthen the animal's muscles into an extremely powerful state, and suppress the absorption of distorted radiation, so that the host can eat a lot of distorted meat without happening. distortion.

But once the gem is stripped, the host will die in a very short time, and the side effects are very large.

Chen Chen took the red gem to another small tree, cut its trunk with a knife, and put the gem in.

The ruby ​​has been thrown in the treasure chest for many days, and now it encounters the creature again, and the gems stick out small "crystal needles" into the trunk, absorbing the nutrients.

Then the wood around the trunk began to twist and shake slightly, slowly closing in on the middle, wrapping the red gem in it.

Chen Chen unfolded his natural perception and found that the vitality of this small tree became up and down, rising and falling once a second, just like a heart.

"But its essence is still a plant. It seems that this gem only affects the characteristics of the host." Chen Chen made a judgment while observing.

Then he moved the bucket full of deformed meat beside him, and began to carefully put the deformed meat into the digestive sac.

"Put the deformed meat on both small trees, just to have a control group."

The digestion of the deformed meat itself will take longer. These two trees are both small trees. After Chen Chen put in the same amount of deformed meat, he went to the wild to subdue the ghosts and search for supplies.


When he came back for the second time, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and at the same time he brought back a full harvest.

Among them, the better items are: a 3 cubic meter item expansion module, a 200 cubic meter shelter expansion module, thirteen earthwork stones, fifteen rhodolites, twenty-eight wooden stones, and water, fire and stone. Thirteen and fourteen respectively...

The hundred ghost flags have also grown a lot, and there are now a total of 632 ghosts in the flag, including nine evil ghosts and one vicious ghost.

So many ghosts have also greatly increased Chen Chen's confidence. He is ready to conquer the ghosts for another day tomorrow. After that, he has to travel long distances to find the ghost's nest, at least to find out an outline.

But the problem also followed. More than 600 ghosts were bred in the hundreds of ghost flags. Even if they were controlled by yellow fruit cores, these ghosts still consumed a lot of blood and evil energy every day.

According to Chen Chen's current estimation, it's better not to fight, these blood energy can last for almost two months.

But once these ghosts are allowed to attack, the consumption of blood energy will increase sharply, not counting the treatment of injuries, if you fight for one hour every day, the blood evil energy in the hundred ghost banners will only be enough for eight days.

"If you continuously mobilize ghosts to attack the it will only take about nine hours."

Nine hours may seem like a lot, but in fact it is only enough for two or three large-scale battles. If there are enough ghosts from the ghost nest, maybe after a battle, restore the ghosts and the blood will be destroyed. The gas is exhausted.

"Forget it, let's ignore it for now, I hope that the day after tomorrow, I can meet a team of murderous ghosts, and use each other to reduce the burden of Baiguifan."

Chen Chen unloaded all the equipment, took a shower, then came to the lobby and called up the all-professional panel.

Above, the golden **** have been accumulated!

Without hesitation, he directly added the golden ball to the Ranger profession, the light and shadow changed, and a new profession was born soon.

[Spirit Archer: After a long period of practice, you finally comprehended and mastered Divine Sense. From then on, you can observe everything around you without your eyes, and your perception ability has been greatly improved. Your archery has been superb, the power of arrows has been increased by 150%, and the power of super archery has been increased by 50%. 】

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