Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 217: 2nd Level 4 Shelter

After placing the bees, Chen Chen and the robot went to build the flower house. The robot's power was generally too slow.

Now that he actually saw the signs of a beekeeper's career breakthrough, he was naturally very excited and wanted to increase his investment in bees.

His strength is very strong, it is not a problem to lift heavy objects of more than two tons, and there is room for items to be loaded. In less than an hour, he completed the construction of all the iron frames produced today.

The double-headed robotic arm developed by Li Wusong is really easy to use. After Chen Chen erected the frame, the robotic arm pinched the screws to quickly fix it.

Whenever the iron frame is placed, the multiple mechanical arms waiting beside rotate their wrists in unison to fix the iron plate in one second.

After installing the frame, he pulled the wiring and put the plastic pipe in place, and then went to the quiet room to practice.

The rest of the things, the robotic arm and the robot will be finished one by one. According to Xiaoluo's estimation, all the installation should be completed at one o'clock in the morning. Then the flower seedlings will be put in, and they will bloom in an hour for the vigorous bees to collect. .

At that time, the power consumption will be much higher, and the fuel generator will have to run at full capacity.

After cultivating for two hours, he finally illuminated the remaining bladder and triple burner of the six internal organs. Chen Chen immediately exited from the state of meditation and began to learn the knowledge of thunder.

He himself has a Taoist profession, and Lei Fa has a little knowledge in this area. He also has a complete knowledge of electricity that the ancients are completely incomparable. While studying, he also often checks it, and the speed of progress is extremely fast.

He first used the knowledge of electricity to come up with a Faraday cage and a discharge device, and then referenced the Earth's thunder law books and used the experience of the Taoist profession as a guide to try to control the current.

After the test, the effect is still there. With the help of various equipment, he even made something similar to "Leiqi" in the palm of his hand.

However, this thing can only be limited to a very small position, and it will disappear after the palm is drawn out. If it really attacks the enemy, it is only equivalent to a large electric shock stick. It can only be viewed and has no practical value.

In this way, he continued to study and study until one o'clock in the evening, after which he simply washed and went to bed.

After training the internal organs, his need for sleep has been reduced a lot, so he moved the sleep time to one o'clock.

"Really stay up all night to cultivate immortals."


When Chen Chen woke up in the early morning, he checked the shelter with his spiritual sense, and after confirming that there was no problem, he cleaned the snow from several vents.

After breakfast, I immediately entered the quiet room to practice the exercises.

"Strive to light up all the organs today, and then enter the third stage of the exercise!"

He gave himself a breath, and then he settled down and tried to light up the spot of light.

The first thing he tried was the part of the eyes. His eyes were strengthened twice by the Revenant Hunter and the Sharpshooter, and they should be the easiest to light up among the various organs.

Sure enough, within ten minutes, he lit up the light in his eyes. And because the organ is small, it almost spreads slightly after lighting, and the entire eyeball is illuminated. Soon he tried organs such as the tongue, nose, pharynx, cerebellum, etc.

It took him two and a half hours to finally light up all his organs except his brain.

At this time, his energy had almost reached its limit. After thinking about it, he still exited from the state of meditation, got up and walked out of the quiet room.

Then Chen Chen put on his equipment, called Yuanzi, and continued to explore further afield by driving a snowmobile.

"It's almost ten o'clock in the morning. I went out to explore for four hours. By two o'clock, I should be able to collect enough shelter cores to come back." Chen Chen wrapped Yuan Zai in his coat, hugged him in his arms, and galloped into the distance together. go.

"The golden **** should accumulate enough at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and then they should be able to advance to the Taoist profession related to Leifa."

Thinking about it like this, it makes me a little excited, it seems that many things can be achieved today.

It's a pity that the number of things in the wild today is much less than yesterday. The motorcycle drove for more than 40 minutes in the snow, and found five graphene batteries and a large stepper motor. The value of other items is very average.

The aberration beasts encountered a few, and the highest level was third-level strength, and they were easily killed by Chen Chen.

And just when he entered the third-level shelter circle, a player named Shangguan Jinhong in the forum directly posted a post, announcing that his shelter had reached the fourth level.

This person's real name is Shangguan Zhao, and Shentiemen is his subordinate force. He has the ability to control metal, and this ability is not integrated with the metal ability he comprehends, and exists alone.

His metallic ability is extremely powerful, and he can even control the shaping distortion iron! The machining accuracy is outrageous, and it can also add "sharp attributes" to the distortion iron. It is no exaggeration to call the weapons he created.

What's even worse is that his shelter was built on an open-pit rich iron mine. As early as more than 20 days ago, he completely steeled his shelter...

Shangguanzhao's strength information forum shows very little, but players speculate from various aspects, and finally put it in the top three positions in the region, basically tied with Xu An.

After this person posted the news, he also posted a recruitment notice at the end of the post, welcoming other players to join his Shentiemen. After his contribution to the sect reached a certain level, he would personally build weapons for the members of the sect.

With the passage of time, there are only more than 2,000 people left in the two unorganized areas. In addition to the players from other areas who have not joined the forces, there are only more than 3,200 people in the entire large area. The personnel of the four major forces are getting fewer and fewer.

Shangguan Zhao was so anxious to upgrade the shelter to the fourth level, firstly to avoid Li Qinglan's challenge, and secondly to recruit as many players as possible.

In some respects, Shangguan Zhao's threat was greater than Li Qinglan's.

Although his strength may be a little weaker, he has no problem dealing with ordinary third-level players. He still has two opportunities to challenge third-level players, and he will not be too distressed after using it once.

Naturally, other areas would not sit idly by. Xu An was the first to issue a statement, first congratulating Shangguan Zhao for upgrading the shelter to level 4, and then he secretly mentioned what the alliance has done recently, compared with other areas, and then A screenshot was revealed, indicating that he had collected forty-one cores, and he would be able to reach the fourth level with nine cores, and sent out the recruitment announcement of the alliance...

The top management of Li Qinglan's side didn't say much about the matter, but the ordinary players below were clamoring and attacking everywhere on the forum.

Because the power of the six heads of the six-party caravan is relatively average, everyone is collecting the core and everyone has not accumulated much, so they did not express much opinion on the matter, but just followed the trend and issued a recruitment announcement.

Just one day later, the Six-Party Chamber of Commerce updated its recruitment announcement, adding some new benefits such as "lectures" and "Chamber of Commerce coins", basically copying the alliance's system.

Several other organizations are basically the same, but they are all just copying the profitable projects of the alliance. Projects such as emergency rescue that need to be subsidized by the organization are either not included, or they are just pretending. The level of perfunctory is comparable to the third brother's "free medical care".

The alliance's various guarantees, systems, atmosphere and protection are quite good. Before that, the newly joined players were almost equally divided with the Qingwei Empire. Shentiemen and the Sixfang Caravan each only recruited more than 100 people.

After the news was released, the speed of recruitment of the Six-Party Caravan further slowed down, the recruitment speed of Shentiemen almost tripled, and the recruitment speed of Qingwei Empire and Qunxing Alliance decreased.

Zhang Juncai briefly analyzed this, "Our alliance's various guarantees are definitely the best of all organizations. Now recruiting is slow. On the one hand, we have strict requirements and will directly screen out a group of people. More importantly, The rest of the players are still watching..."

"Now is the most dangerous time. If Li Qinglan issues a forced challenge to Big Brother Xu at this time, and if he wins, then our alliance's momentum will drop to freezing point. Without force, our alliance will be in the eyes of others. The sweet pastry."

Zhang Juncai spread his hands and said: "There is no way to do this. After all, they can join our alliance in absolute safety as long as they wait a day or two. Naturally, they will not be impulsive at this moment."

After listening to the other party, and seeing his relaxed expression, Chen Chen tentatively said: " asked Brother Xu to send the message, right?"

"On the surface, it seems to be more dangerous, but even if I don't post the screenshot of 'I'm going to level 4 soon' Li Qinglan will think of this, and it is still possible to do something to Big Brother Xu. Post a screenshot In fact, it is reminding the players in the alliance, reminding them to take out the core and sell it to Big Brother Xu, otherwise the alliance will be very dangerous."

Chen Chen felt that he had guessed the truth, and then continued: "After all, there are more than 2,500 people in our alliance. This way, we can gather the core in a short period of time! It shouldn't be long before Brother Xu can advance to the fourth place. level!"

Zhang Juncai nodded with a smile, and said with a flattery: "Brother Chen is really good, I guessed the strategy I worked out hard before I reported it to you!"

Seeing Chen Chen's mouth cracking open, Zhang Juncai continued: "Actually, players are choosing organizations, so why aren't we screening players. Compared with those players who waited for Big Brother Xu to be level 4, those who joined in first were definitely not far-reaching enough to consider things. , when they want to join the points team in the future, my review will definitely be stricter.

The same thing happened this time. The players who sold their cores to Big Brother Xu An from the very beginning were the first batch. Now I know that the situation was not good and the second batch was sold. I will rely on artificial intelligence to record their various behaviors. Come down and classify, and then refine the arrangement to enter the appropriate position...

Under such meticulous management, I believe that as long as you are the mainstay, Brother Chen, we can definitely leave other organizations behind! "

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