Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 25 - Chapter 25: Defense Fortification And Second Superfruit

Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Defense Fortification And Second Superfruit

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Today, Chen Chen got up early. After a simple breakfast, he set off to the wilderness to search for supplies.

He felt that he was a person who loved his life very much. Anything that could cause death, Chen Chen would avoid it like the plague.

He did not take any risks and be a hundred pounds of meat with his life. In the beginning, he also chased the leopard away. Because of one mistake, he could very well die under the leopard’s mouth.

However, this was not cowardice. When faced with an unavoidable life-or-death crisis, Chen Chen could always calm his heart and handle it calmly.

Therefore, although his shelter’s defense was basically the best in the region, Chen Chen still had to do his best to protect himself because he wasn’t sure how many mutated and wild beasts would appear on the day of the radiation outbreak.

He had only lost half a day’s work, but he was likely to save his own life.

After three hours of searching, he found five ripe coconuts, a wood stove, a blueprint of the shelter, a pair of pliers, and a large bottle of iodine. He also found some wood and stone. Chen Chen did not pick them up but returned to the shelter with the rest of the supplies.

He finally found the medicine he had always wanted. Although it was not as good as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, it could still save his life. At least his wound would not become infected.

When he returned to the shelter, Chen Chen was pleasantly surprised to find that the mutant bee had come out of the king stage. After the second development, it had become a queen bee. It was even bigger than an ordinary queen bee.

Chen Chen checked carefully and ensured that the queen bee was generally functioning before ordering it to go on its wedding flight.

The wedding flight was the mating ritual of bees. After the Queen Bee had fully developed, it would not mate with the alpha male peak of the hive but rather fly outside and mate with hundreds of other drones.

The male bees would die after mating, and the queen bee would store tens of thousands of sperm. After returning to her hive, she would produce gametes to synthesize fertilized eggs and produce bee eggs every day.

Chen Chen looked at the Queen Bee, who was far away, his heart filled with anticipation and worries. In the end, he comforted himself and said, “Forget it. Even if its offspring can’t produce super honey, it’s so big. The bee grandchildren must be stronger than their predecessors. That’s enough.”

The blueprint for strengthening the shelter came just in time. Chen Chen was worried that the mutated beasts would breach the shelter.

[Wood shelter strengthening: You have better technology that can strengthen your shelter. Required materials: 1 unit of wood, 0.1 unit of nails.]

With this blueprint, the shelter could be upgraded to a double-deck wooden board, and the key parts could be further strengthened.

Every square meter of the shelter wall would require 1 unit of wood and 0.1 units of nails. Chen Chen had exchanged a lot of cement nails in the past two days and wood that was not used to make the temperature adjustment window. He could strengthen the shelter wall without trading.

Another benefit of the cliff shelter was demonstrated. Chen Chen only needed to strengthen one side of the shelter wall. The other three sides were mountains, so he did not have to worry.

After the reinforcement, Chen Chen looked at the regional channel and found that many people had found the blueprint to strengthen the shelter. This caused the prices of wood and cement nails to rise, and the supply of both began to exceed the demand.

[Big brother Chen Zhen is still strong!]

Pangu’s Opening: Yesterday, Big Brother Chen bought a lot of wood from us lumberjacks. It seems he found the blueprint to strengthen the shelter yesterday, so he hoarded a wave of it beforehand. Iy was a big profit.

Motherf**ker: Six bows.

Nuwa: Yes, now you can see that big boss Chen has traded a lot of long nails and wood on the trading platform.

A Leaf: This is the benefit of building an underground shelter. We only need to upgrade the gate. The walls are very strong.

Mechanical Tentacle: Don’t be too happy. I am also in an underground shelter. Didn’t you hear Emperor Qi saying that there will be natural disasters? It would be terrible if there was a flood (although I am on higher ground.)

Monster Galuru: Has Anyone Seen Fire King Cao Xin? How come Boss Cao isn’t dead after disappearing for so long?


Seeing that some players had raised their own image in their guesses, Chen Chen felt a little helpless. But there was no way to explain this kind of thing, so let him be.

Chen Chen could not have expected to pick up the shelter’s strengthened blueprint today. He had bought wood for other purposes in the beginning.

He finished his rest, jumped off the stone platform with a saw and other tools, and began to work.

He first sawed a wooden pole of the right thickness into a 1.5-meter section. Then, he sharpened one end of the pole made a shallow groove in the top by employing his carpentry skills. Finally, according to his memory, he could use iron wire nails to make these wooden segments into a hedgehog barricade (wooden spike strip.)

To ensure his safety, Chen Chen planned to place these barricades within a 10-meter radius of his shelter. These would protect him and the shelter from the outside. He shouldn’t be afraid even if a zoo came to besiege him.

After dealing with the thin wooden stakes, he had to deal with the thick ones about 20 centimeters wide. They would be unsuitable to be used as stingers.

Chen Chen needed to use a saw to cut the big wooden stingers into four pieces. It was very suitable.

Once he finished dealing with the thin wooden stingers, he needed a break.

He opened the regional channel and found a transaction that surprised him. It turned out a player named Pancake Doggie had found a super fruit today!

[Transaction: Super Peach

Description: A peach with superpowers.

Transaction conditions: Meat, weapons, medicine, and anything that can allow me to survive the seventh day of the radiation outbreak.]

With the world forum and Emperor Qi’s reminder, all the players knew the value of the super fruit.

Thus, this Pancake Dog didn’t give a further introduction and directly put the system’s information on it.

“Good stuff. I have to try snatching it.”

Looking at this super peach, Chen Chen was very tempted. He was sure about the effects of the super apple that he ate previously to improve his physique. The all-around improvement of his physique had made him extremely profitable these few days.

If there was a chance, Chen Chen would definitely take it.

Chen Chen took the initiative to send a private message to Pancake Dog.

[Private message with Pancake Dog ]

Chen Zhen: Pancake… Uh, Dog… I can provide you with enough wood, nails, and ten pounds of food. What do you think?

Pancake Dog: …..

Pancake Dog: You can call me Pancake. Brother Chen, I think you’re a good person. It’s just that there are still a few people who have given me this kind of promise, and it’s a little more than yours. And I don’t have the blueprint to strengthen the shelter. Even if you give me wood and nails, I won’t use them.

Pancake Dog: I really want to trade with you, brother Chen. But compared to these, Heavenly Sword has promised me a 50% quality bow and arrow and 30 pounds of meat. That’s something I can’t refuse..

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