Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 249: new super bee

This time, he still starts with the Chinese bee, and cultivates bees that can produce super honey.

Chen Chen walked to the hive where the queen bee was, took it out of the hive, and then opened his palm to hover above the queen bee, sensing the queen bee's condition and controlling the evolutionary direction of her offspring.

He has observed the work of the bee in detail. After it collects nectar, the nectar sac will secrete the fermentation enzyme of vigorous honey to process the nectar for the first time.

When it is sent back to the hive, the in-house bees (usually larvae) in the hive will secrete super-fermentative enzymes again, which can be converted into vigorous honey after processing, evaporation and concentration.

Chen Chen is now guiding the evolution of the two secretory glands of the Chinese bee to see if he can come up with other super versions of new bees.

After a few days of experiments, he has indeed transformed the glands of bees into stronger ones. The brewed honey has other flavors such as cherry, and it can be used directly as a drink when mixed with water.

The conversion efficiency of nectar is also higher, and in the process of this research, he even tested a bee that can produce high-energy-density honey.

If the research continues along this path, the honey produced in the future can be directly smeared on the barbecue, and eating a small amount of meat can provide sufficient nutrition and energy for several hours.

At least with this combination, players don't have to get up hungry at night to eat.

But after doing it for so long, Chen Chen still didn't come up with a little bit of super power-related bees, which made him a little doubt whether there was something wrong with his method.

At this moment, his hand floated above the queen bee, specifying the evolutionary direction of the new baby bee, and continued to try at a speed of five per minute.

This queen bee is not a traditional Chinese queen bee either, but a queen bee with high egg production that catalyzes the day after he obtained a new occupation. This new queen bee lays eggs at an amazing speed. If the conditions are optimal, it can produce one queen bee a day. Thousands of bee eggs.

It is a pity that the new occupation can only give the corresponding direction and approximate strength, and cannot precisely control the genes of the new bee eggs. There is great uncertainty when adjusting the evolution direction, which leads to many bees produced. repeat each other.

In this way, Chen Chen has been guiding and catalyzing for half an hour, but as a result, no super glands have been born in the new bees.

"Forget it, let's go here, it's time to catalyze the golden bee, the effect of the golden bee is very good."

Just as he was about to lift his foot, Chen Chen suddenly stopped, and he suddenly thought of a possibility, "Maybe I should put the queen bee in the wild, maybe under the effect of distorted radiation, the new bees can produce super-energy glands. ."

With this idea, Chen Chen immediately put it into practice.

He expanded another room around the hives, leaving a spiraling stone staircase at the end of the room.

After entering, strengthen the wall and steps, and then go to the place where the palm can touch the ceiling, press the palm to activate the power of soil movement, soften the stone wall, and put the stone into the object space, and keep moving upwards.

In the end, he opened a room of the same size directly above this room.

It's just that this small room on the second floor did not use the shelter expansion module, so its interior was full of distorted radiation.

Using the shelter expansion module is equivalent to buying this space from the abnormal world, sheltered by the abnormal world, as long as there are simple barriers such as wooden boards around it, the distortion radiation can be isolated.

Distortion radiation is different from ionizing radiation in the physical sense. It is not blocked by any material, or any material is no different from air in front of it.

Therefore, although it is in a mountain, it is still the same as the distorted radiation in the wild.

After finishing the room, Chen Chen moved several queen bees together, and then he tried to catalyze new bees.

After getting started this time, the feeling is no different from before, and the distortion radiation seems to have no effect at all.

But when Chen Chen catalyzed the sixth bee, this time he finally had a different feeling.

It's as if you were riding a bicycle on the road, and something suddenly hit the front of the car, and the direction of evolution that was originally guided suddenly changed.

And this bee has super power properties!

Soon, the bee egg was laid, and Chen Chen directly used the vitality of wood to ripen it, and its complete form appeared directly in front of him.

"Come, come up."

Chen Chen stretched out his index finger, and then the little bee landed on his finger belly as instructed.

"Uh, it's okay. The enzymes secreted by the glands have the property of being 'indestructible', and they can still maintain good activity after five minutes in 100 percent of boiling water."

This evolution is more painful, because bees cannot survive in hot water, and this ability does not work at all.

Of course, if such bees were made by themselves on the earth, the Nobel Prize would not have to run away, but unfortunately this is a strange world, and this little thing is not even a scrap.

But this experiment finally pointed out the direction for Chen Chen. He felt that he could study new bees here in the future.

Chen Chen also did not abandon this slightly tasteless super bee, and directly gave it an order to let it fly to the lower room and find the beehive to sleep.

There is no research value now, but maybe it will be used in the future.

Then Chen Chen threw himself into the experiment with enthusiasm and enthusiasm again, and he was very motivated all of a sudden when he had the direction!

Because the distortion radiation does not work every time, and the deviation caused by the effect is also great, the progress of the experiment is not very fast.

After he started the experiment, he never stopped until two hours later he finally cultivated a queen bee that satisfied him.

With the addition of teratogenic radiation, breeding new bees is like a lottery gamble, you never know what kind of bees will come out next time.

In addition, mutation is only a one-time thing, you don't need to go step by step, you can get what you want at once if you are lucky, so Chen Chen played it for so long, and didn't stop until he got the queen bee he wanted. .

The new queen bee is lying on Chen Chen's palm at the moment, and its slender body is somewhat similar to the bumblebee (that is, the mutant predecessor of the golden ring, but the body size is much smaller than the bumblebee, and Italian bee approaching.

After feeling, Chen Chen has determined that this queen bee can produce honey that increases intelligence!

In addition, the intelligence attribute honey produced by its worker bees has a higher energy density. After eating the same amount, Vigorous Honey can only increase the strength by one point, but this honey can increase the intelligence attribute by two points.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Guiding the evolution of bees for more than two hours also put a heavy burden on him.

He took these queen bees to the bottom of the room, sealed up the experimental queen bees, and then walked to the new hive with the intelligent queen bee.

"I'm too lazy to name it, I'll call it intelligence bee and intelligence honey in the future. The first task now is to multiply its population."

In order to ensure the purity of the genes, Chen Chen directly catalyzed the eggs of the queen bee's single gamete to produce fifty drones, and then let these drones and the intelligent queen be married and fly.

After combining the gametes of these male peaks, the queen bee can produce fully genetic worker bees. As long as you wait for one night, the number of eggs produced by it can reach more than a thousand. At that time, he will further fine-tune these bees. adjustment.

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