Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 260: The second round of beast tide

As soon as this result came out, the forum was very lively, not to mention boiling, and most of the players were amazed.

After all, for most players, this is still too much, and many people can't even imagine why there is such an amazing record, and they don't know how to play it.

After all, even if there were two automatic turrets outside the shelter, it would take a lot of trouble to get 200 standard aberration beasts, and it would be impossible to get them within 20 minutes.

Of course, there are people from other camps who are yin and yang, but they don't dare to show it too clearly. After all, the fact is here, and people who say too much about themselves will treat him as a fool.

Dan Qing entered the painting: "I don't know if you have noticed, but the data of Mr. Chen has risen all of a sudden, indicating that he has a means of mass destruction. What's more important is that it suddenly stopped after a minute! This proves that? Prove Big Brother Chen really didn't leave a single one behind, and ended the battle with that mass destruction method in one go!"

"Damn it, it's so scary!"

"Damn it, old man, why don't you change the ranking?"

Dan Qing entered the painting: "Let's take a look first, there is still too little information at present. Although I recognize Brother Chen in my heart, the ranking should be more rigorous."

Xinglin Sacred Hand: "Hmph, doesn't it mean that Chen Chen is not as good as King Qingwei."

Jiang Yueren replied to Xinglin Shengshou: "Go back and treat Fang Mo's kidney deficiency, don't you know it's a taboo to lick two dogs at a time?"


After the battle was over, a prompt popped up from the system, asking Chen Chen to choose the time when the next round of beast swarms would come, and let him adjust from 0 to 30 minutes.

After discovering this change, Chen Chen went to ask the elders, and found that their time setting was still the same as before, and the battle could be dragged on without ending the battle. Five minutes after the end, a new wave of beasts ushered in.

"It seems that adjusting the time is the exclusive privilege of the fifth-level shelter. Having this makes me a lot more convenient." He directly pulled the time to thirty minutes.

While thinking about it, he sent a private message to Wang Yu and others, asking how they were doing.

After receiving the reply that everything was good, Chen Chen cared about the few people who had improved the level of the alliance but were not strong enough.

"The temperature over there is also minus forty, right?" Chen Chen asked one of them in a video conference.

Then he looked at the others, "You too, right?"

The man immediately replied: "Yes, yes, Brother Chen, our temperature should be the same."

Chen Chen nodded: "So now you accept the new golden-ringed bee I gave you, there is only one, but it will bring information, just after receiving it and putting it into the swarm, and when it can't hold it, release the hornet out. , they will help you fight, it's not a problem for the golden ringed bees to last for 20 minutes at this temperature, depending on the situation, use new bees to recover the colony."

Hearing this, many people looked happy, and some shouted "Brother Chen is awesome!" "Long live Brother Chen!"

At this time, a young man stood up and said, "Brother Chen, I'm really a little sorry for you to help us like this. These bees are fighting in such a cold field, and their life expectancy will definitely be greatly shortened.

Bees are originally for us to use for free, and only deduct a few points after death, so you will be at a loss, or we will pay you some usage fees, and I will use it more steadily. "

The person who spoke was Zhang Chengyun who had helped kill ghosts before. The shelter was not far from him, and Chen Chen recalled it all at once.

He smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, these wasps are not of high value. Besides, I didn't lend them to you to earn points, so you can use them. After all, because my and your shelter levels have increased a little, they are all life-threatening. ."

"Wow! Brother Chen's asylum level has been upgraded and we can make money? It's too late for us to thank you!"

"Brother Chen... He is so great! He actually thinks that I owe us to help us improve our level! I cried violently!"

"Wet, my eyes are wet because of Brother Chen!"

"It's hard, the hand holding the gun for Brother Chen is hard!" The man added another sentence, "I'm the League's little gunman. Brother Chen will come to me in the future if you need it."

"Compared to a first-level aberration beast, the Golden Ring Bee that can be commanded is worthless! Brother Chen must be considerate of us and doesn't want us to have psychological pressure to say this!"

"Add money! Add money!"


Listening to everyone's speech, Chen Chen was also stunned. Did he say something wrong? Why do they all see themselves this way?

The catalytic cost of the Golden Ring Bee is indeed very low. The points collected after one death are enough for him to earn a wooden stone. Can he earn it in blood?

It is true that the bees are not rented to them to make money, he is to expand the population and make his golden **** accumulate faster.

"These guys must have misunderstood themselves!"

Chen Chen thought to himself, but this is not a bad thing, so he did not deliberately correct it.

"Cough cough! Be quiet, everyone." Chen Chen said: "Okay, don't discuss this, everyone, hurry up and prepare, I will send you the bees!"

"He's still so warm."

"Wow, so sweet, so domineering, I like it!"

The words that made Chen Chen speechless appeared again, but he didn't check it, because the voice line was a man, and he was afraid that it would affect his mood.

Soon the Golden Ring Bees were lined up and sent to each player. Because it was only the first round, everyone's pressure was relieved at once, and no death occurred.

Half an hour passed quickly, and the second round of beast tide came!

"Master, here comes the aberrant beast again, this time it's a large hoofed animal."

According to the ground vibration and radar fuzzy analysis, Xiao Luo still determined the general type of the attacking enemy.

Chen Chen pulled away the distortion iron plate, and then ten sentient arrows shot out.

Soon, the information from the front came back, and this time it was a group of zebras.

Among them, the first-level aberrations still account for the vast majority, the second-level ratio is slightly more, the third-level is rare, and the fourth-level is still unknown.

"There should be a fourth-level aberration beast in it, otherwise it won't run so neatly."

After thinking about it, this time he directly summoned more than a thousand large golden After the group of zebras ran within 100 meters, the golden bees opened one by one from the side. Drilled out of the channel.


The two sides hit each other directly, and the golden bee lay down on the back of the zebra, and the tail needle pierced the border between its neck and body at once, and the bottom immediately became a mess.

After the last battle, ten waterspouts had cleared a lot of snow within 100 meters, causing this large area to collapse three meters deep.

At this moment, all the distorted zebras rushed in at once, and Chen Chen's spiritual sense swept over and found a total of 389 distorted beasts, most of which were zebras, and some distorted monkeys were lying on their horses.

There are a total of 51 monkeys, and five of them are four-level aberrations. I think they control these zebras.

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