Returning to the place ten kilometers away from the ghost town again, Chen Chen had a hundred ghost flags in one hand, and the ghost town pagoda in one hand, just wandering around the edge, he didn't need to move at all, and only used two treasures to collect scattered ghosts.

He already has a plan in his mind, and now he just needs to do something safe with peace of mind.

If the ghost town's search for him is established as a model, it is equivalent to a large circular sand table with a blue ball and many red balls.

The red ball will start from the center of the sand table and sweep across the entire area of ​​the sand table one by one, while the blue ball Chen Chen would be easily hit if he stood still.

But if he moves by himself, the probability of collision between the **** will be greatly reduced.

The diameter of the two kinds of small **** is the observation distance between them. This range is still very large, but it is nothing to put it on the entire sand table.

This place is not flat, the height difference of one kilometer can reach five or six meters, and he has hidden his breath, so it is difficult to find ghosts.

In this way, Chen Chen searched for three hours in a row, not only filling the ghost town pagoda, but also increasing his own points to 8,700, which is really rich.

With the increase in the number of ghosts killed, there were gradually fewer scattered ghosts around. The ghosts killed in the next hour were basically from the team of hundreds of ghosts.

Even now, he finally decided to stop, and without retreating very far, he dug a snow cave 15 kilometers away from the ghost town and hid.

After that, he activated the power of the earth movement and lowered 30 meters to the ground. This time, he expanded a space of three square meters and stopped.

This position is relatively safe. He and Yuan Zai have runes, and ghosts will only find them when they appear within 20 meters.

Generally speaking, although ghosts have the ability to traverse physical matter, they will not do so unless necessary, and traversing the entity will consume their energy.

After strengthening the surrounding walls, Chen Chen took out the seat and sat down directly. Then he took out the fruit and threw it to Yuan Zai. He only took one and ate it.

"It feels like the temperature is almost there."

After speaking, he took out one or two boxes of graphene batteries and an oil-electric heater from the object space, and plugged it in to make the space heat up quickly.

After eating the meat and fruit, I felt a little better in my stomach. Chen Chen took out a box of soda again, an electric oven, and slowly roasted a few pieces of meat and Yuanzi to eat.

It is not that he needs such a little energy and temperature, but that he has been searching for so long, which consumes a lot of brain power. He needs to do something to enjoy to ease his nervousness.

After half an hour of wine and food, Yuan Zai was lying on the side and fell asleep, and Chen Chen took out a pen and paper to calculate.

His extremely high intelligence gave him the ability to never forget. After searching so many times, he already fully understood the terrain of this area. After drawing the map with a few strokes, he began to reverse the search for ghost towns according to the time and place. way - if they are really searching.

After calculating, he can roughly know the number of ghosts in the ghost town.

After another half an hour, Chen Chen finally got these things out. Looking at the paper in front of him, he smiled with satisfaction.

"From the results, the number of ghost generals in the ghost town can be up to fourteen, and no matter how high the number is, we are almost certain to meet in the previous search. As for at least none, it is possible, but a more reasonable inference should be at least four. , the probability of seven to ten ghost generals is the greatest..."

Chen Chen circled this part of the conclusion, and then looked at the remaining text, which was written impressively, the overall number of ghosts: 50,000 to 100,000.

Seeing this Chen Chen felt a little worried. According to the minimum number, he could command a higher-level ghost that was ten times as powerful as a ghost general, and his strength was at least five times that of a ghost general!

At this stage, Chen Chen doesn't have any possibility to fight against the opponent.

After the rest, Chen Chen took out the ghost town pagoda, mobilized his divine power to kill all the ordinary ghosts in it, and then called Shang Yuanzai to go on the road again. This time they did not approach the ghost town, but went in the opposite direction.

The risk factor in the ghost town was too high, so he decided to go out and try to kill another ghost general.

The farther you go, the fewer ghosts, and the probability of encountering ghost generals will also decrease a lot.

However, Chen Chen also has his own way. It may not be easy to avoid ghosts, but it is easy to stop exposing himself.

He rode Yuanzai directly to 70 kilometers away, and then he took out a plastic bottle from the object space, which was filled with bright red blood.

This is the blood of the fifth-level aberration beast, which is very effective for making talismans, but if it is sprinkled directly in the air, the blood is a fatal temptation for ghosts.

But when Chen Chen took out the nozzle and wanted to replace the bottle, he found that the blood bottle had been frozen in a short period of time, and it had become a hard piece.

Seeing this situation, he didn't pay much attention to it. He squeezed the bottle cap lightly with his hand, and then squeezed out a little blood and threw it on the ground.

While throwing a little blood ice **** every 50 meters, he walked in an arc to expand the range as much as possible. After using two blood bottles, he dug a small snow pit on the ground, hid in it and waited quietly for the prey to arrive.

The effect of this is still good, and ghosts will arrive soon, but they are basically lonely ghosts, only one or two sporadically, and are directly captured by the ghost town pagoda.

In this way, he waited for two hours, and killed five hundred ghost squads in the middle. When his patience was almost exhausted, a large number of ghosts finally appeared in the spiritual sense.

Chen Chen was instantly refreshed, patted Yuanzai, turned over and rode on, and then quickly ran away towards the farther.

call out!

The energy-storing arrows roared and rushed into the distance, and the ghost general knight in front of the team immediately stepped forward, raised the Mo Dao and mobilized a lot of ghost energy to slash down.

The ghost qi actually turned into a black air current to meet the vitality arrow. After they collided, they each burst into splendid light, but the place where they touched each other was wiped out.

Almost at the same time, five arrows with green light cut through the sky and flew over the ghosts, only emitting slight fluctuations and causing no damage.

But the leading ghost general roared furiously, and with a roar, a massive amount of ghost energy lifted it up into the sky, and slashed two arrows with a single strike.

"The combat power is much stronger than the previous ghost generals!" Chen Chen urged the round boy to run quickly, and then shot the induction arrows in succession.

He just moved his arm, and he would shoot five arrows at a time, but the ghost general had to run a long distance. Although he had the help of the ghosts in the team, he couldn't stop the many arrows flying.

So after a few rounds, Chen Chen quickly got the answer he wanted.

Eight thousand ghosts in total!

It seems that the team this time is smaller than the last time, but after analyzing the detailed data, Chen Chen quickly came to the conclusion that these eight thousand ghosts are within the control limit of this ghost general!

That is to say, this ghost general can mobilize the gathered ghost energy to the maximum extent, so that the speed of the team can be maximized, and the distance between the two is constantly narrowing.

With a thought, the Hongying Gangfeng has already covered himself and Yuanzi's body, accelerating it and reducing the wind resistance as much as possible.

When he is running, his control of the wind power is in place, but it is not so easy to cover the wind power on Yuan Zai, and it is impossible to reduce the wind resistance to the extreme, let alone increase the speed.

But even so, Yuan Zai's speed has increased a lot. Although it is still not as good as the ghost group, the speed of shortening the distance is much slower.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Chen quickly set up an arrow, and then shot the arrow filled with the power of the earth.

call out!

The arrow collided with the ghost qi wave with huge pressure, but this time the arrow did not consume the ghost qi as before, but it broke through the barrier after losing half of the power of the earth. It hit the long blade hard.

The unparalleled impact rolled over in an instant, the ghost general barely resisted, the blade stick tightly to his chest, and then hit him like a cannonball into the ghost group.

In an instant, the ghost qi fluctuated violently, and the speed of the ghost group also dropped instantly.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chen didn't hesitate, and shot two Jin Rui arrows straight at the ghost general.

Two golden and white rays of light flashed in the ghost group, and then it fell silent, and the speed of the ghost group dropped again.

Taking advantage of this time, Yuanzai dashed fast, widening the distance between the two sides to 600 meters.

But soon, the ghost group stabilized, a roar sounded, and the ghost general rushed to the front of the team again, chasing here again.

Chen Chen concocted it according to the law, and shot the energy storage Qianjun arrow again, followed by two golden sharp arrows.

But this time, the ghost general was prepared. It no longer slashed out ghost qi like the front, but directly mobilized a large amount of ghost qi to gather in front of itself, firmly protecting itself.

The Thousand Ton Arrow slammed into it fiercely and penetrated it, but it failed to break through this layer of defense until the final energy was exhausted.

The next two Jin Rui arrows penetrated the ghost air layer, but were easily bounced off by the ghost general with a long knife.

After a few rounds, the distance between the two sides was narrowed again.

Seeing this situation, Chen Chen's heart settled down instead, and he snorted coldly and shot an energy-storing arrow again.

boom! ! !

A huge explosion sounded, and the explosive flame arrows directly blew the thick protective cover to pieces. At the same time, the flame spread and burned more than a dozen nearby ghosts.

Chen Chen sneered, "Can you handle it correctly every time?"

As he said that, he fired arrows again, and this time he fired five arrows directly.

These five arrows were all water dragon arrows, and when they were shot flat, they immediately stirred the sky and snow, and a large number of ghosts were also involved.

It wasn't over yet, Chen Chen shot out five more golden arrows, drilled down the waterspout, and broke through the bodies of one ghost after another with an unrivaled edge.

Jin Rui Arrow will not explode until it encounters a strong block, and it will not be consumed by ordinary ghosts. It consumes very little Jinxing power to pass through a ghost, and it can easily kill hundreds of ghosts with one arrow. .

The ghost general roared and wanted to rush over, but the next moment five waterspouts approached it and blocked it. The ghost general could only mobilize a lot of ghost energy and waterspout to hedge, and then the resistance was removed.

At this moment, Yuan Zai has also taken Chen Chen to expand the distance to 1,100 meters.

The ghost general roared furiously and pursued frantically, and Chen Chen was not to be outdone, pouring out his firepower.

He switched to different moves to attack, making the ghost general impossible to guard against, and it was almost impossible to establish an effective defense.

At this time, Chen Chen can also see that this ghost general is stronger, the attack is much stronger than the previous one, but the defense is much weaker, and it is easier to deal with.

Of course, this is based on the premise of not being chased. If you come into close contact with this ghost, it will definitely be more uncomfortable.

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief after gradually being able to repel the opponent skillfully. As long as there were no distorted beasts in front of him, the ghost general would basically be unable to catch up with him.

"It's also thanks to having one of the attributes, otherwise I'll definitely be chased by the opponent, and then I can't escape." Then Chen Chen shook his head, "After killing this team, I will have all the power of all attributes. It has fallen below half, and for safety, I can no longer fight ghost generals."

After that, he devoted himself to the battle again, using distractions to ensure his own safety, and to maximize the utility of the attribute power as much as possible.

Slowly Chen Chen stopped thinking about other things, and only saw the ever-changing environment and enemies in his eyes. He devoted all his attention to it, and became more and more proficient in the use of attribute power.

Fifteen hours passed, Chen Chen's body shook violently, and then his face burst into ecstasy.

Just now his wind attribute broke through to the second stage!

The next moment, Yuan Zai's four claws were windy, and his running speed was more than half faster than before, and the distance above was widened at once.

Chen Chen was very happy in his heart, and patted Yuan Zai's head to signal him to turn around and run back.

Up to now, there are only more than 3,000 ghosts left on the ghost general's side, which basically cannot pose a threat to his life.

Another 20 minutes passed, with a mournful roar, the ghost general was finally killed by Chen Chen, and the cold current broke out, leaving a big pit in the snow.

"Okay, rush over!" Seeing this scene, Chen Chen immediately directed Yuan Zai to rush towards the group of ghosts.

Up to now, there are only less than a thousand ghosts left in this group, including one serious ghost, more than 20 fierce ghosts, and more than 150 evil ghosts. Take down.

The four Specter came out of the Hundred Ghost Banner and rushed towards the only Specter in the field, and then forcibly dragged it into the Hundred Ghost Banner.

Chen Chen gently shook the hundred ghost flags, killing hundreds of evil ghosts in an instant, and only then did he make room.

When Li Gui entered the core space, Chen Chen started refining, and the remaining four Li Gui rushed out again, leading the team to subdue the hostile ghosts.

In less than three minutes, these ghosts were all received into the ghost town pagoda, and after a few minutes, Chen Chen also refined the ghosts, and he was finally satisfied.

"Okay, now go to the ghost town." Chen Chen gave the order again, and at the same time removed the power of Fengxing.

Afterwards, one person and one bear traveled for more than two hours three kilometers away from the ghost town, loading more than 3,000 ghosts into the ghost town pagoda.

Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh, "The density of single ghosts is already very low, and the number of ghosts is much smaller. After two hours, it's time to leave."

Not long after the words fell, a large army of ghost generals suddenly appeared behind him. The other party seemed to have discovered Chen Chen as well, and rushed towards this side with a roar.

Chen Chen also had a bad instantly activated the power of popularity, and loudly said to Yuanzi: "Rush to the ghost town! Quick!"

"I wanted to test it before I left, but now I can only force it!"

Speaking of which, Chen Chen took out a super large rocket launcher directly from the object space. The elixir was already loaded in the cylinder. With the button being pressed, a small nuclear warhead was launched.

A few seconds later, the missile exploded 20 meters above the center of the ancient town, instantly releasing a lot of light and heat, destroying several nearby tall buildings.

"Okay! Stop!"

Chen Chen gave the order again, and at the same time madly clicked the return button, and the countdown started immediately.

At this time, the shock wave of the explosion was transmitted, but the temperature had dropped below zero, and all the cold wind was blowing.

The ghost generals in the distance are still 1.5 kilometers away from them, and ten seconds is still a bit long. Chen Chen clenched his teeth and took off the ghost-suppressing treasure mirror from his chest, staring at the ghost general's direction.

But the next moment, a sense of palpitations came through, making his heart seem to stop for a moment,

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