Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 305: Rat Tide Quest

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To have such a selling price, on the one hand, the cost is greatly compressed, and there is not much profit in each link;

On the other hand, many capable players really need energy equipment. They generally live well and have resources. At this moment, they are more willing to spend a lot of money to quickly build their own industries.

For the Alliance, the Ghost Power Generator is the best invention so far.

It can not only directly generate income for the personnel involved in this research and development, but also promote the great development of the alliance, and also stabilize the military's morale, so that everyone can at least have one hope in the cold.

Chen Chen's commission in it is very small, only 10%. If you count his craftsmanship, it can be increased to 15%. Based on his time cost, he basically does not earn points. He has time to strike iron. powerful.

However, he still divided the production for four hours, and directly gave 20% of the profits to the alliance.

In doing so, helping the league and its members is just one aspect of it.

To establish an affiliated force, although he paid the most points and had the strongest strength, he still remembered the kindness of everyone unanimously letting him use the token.

He still thinks it's good to share some small benefits.

On the other hand, player development itself is of great benefit to him.

After the mass production of ghost generators, the bee breeding industry will definitely develop vigorously. At that time, his bee population will grow rapidly, and there is a high probability that the accumulation time of a golden ball can be shortened to two days.

He worked hard to develop to a large extent to improve his own strength, and now that there is a faster plan, he naturally has to vigorously cultivate it.

And these days, Fang Yonglin and the others have also developed flower seeds suitable for animal husbandry.

After the flower blooms, it not only has a lot of nectar, but its stems and leaves can also be eaten by most livestock.

Nowadays, most players have taken the development path of beekeeping and animal husbandry. They go out to collect snow, melt it and use it directly as a nutrient solution, cultivate flowers in water, raise bees after the flowers bloom, and then harvest stems and leaves to feed sheep and cattle...

They only need to use energy to melt snow and light flowers, and then get high-energy honey and a lot of edible meat.

One is full, and the other provides meat nutrition. After development, there is basically no need to worry about eating and drinking.

Without thinking too much, Chen Chen first got himself two No. 3 evil ghost generators, shut down the power generation equipment of the industrial furnace directly, and let the industrial furnace concentrate on heating.

After throwing thousands of ghosts into the Soul Refining Orb, he still had a lot of ghosts left, and it was best to use it to generate electricity at this moment.

"Strive to use 80% of the ghosts in the formation, so that they can generate electricity on weekdays, and there are dangerous battles. As long as there are enough batteries, the shelter will not be powered off!" Chen Chen worked while thinking about it. It's almost green.

There is no way such a thing is too tempting, and no one can resist the services of labor without money.

In this way, apart from the body refining, Chen Chen devoted all his time to making the ghost version of the generator, and produced more than one hundred power generation cores in one day.

When the relevant accessories are produced by the flowing money, they can be sold to the outside world.

"But it's here. It's impossible to produce this thing again within a few days, and the soul orbs are all used up." Chen Chen pinched his chin and thought, "I remember that there are soul orbs for sale in the Abnormal World store. Tomorrow I will finish the task and buy some, at least to support the large formation."


When I woke up the next day, I saw a private message from Chu Yu, "Brother Chen, we are going to do a mission together today, don't forget it! Remember to bring some fruit, water, towels and the like. , you may kill the enemy at close range in the later stage of the battle..."

Seeing this Chen Chen shook his head and replied, "Mmmm."

After that, he went to wash up, and after dinner with Yuan Zai, put on his gear. It was only 6:40, and there were 20 minutes before departure. He came to the hive to guide the evolution of the bees.

With the affiliated forces, he doesn't need to deal with transactions sooner or later. The good things produced are directly thrown into the public warehouse. If someone wants to buy them, they can directly trade after the conditions are met.

In this way, he has less trivial matters.

At seven o'clock exactly, Chu Yu sent a mission invitation, and Chen Chen agreed directly. With a slight flash of blue light in front of his eyes, he came to the wild.

Turning his head to look, Xu An and Chu Yu were both standing on his left side, and the two of them also looked at him.

Chu Yu was wearing close-fitting armor with a white plush cloak on the outer layer. At this moment, she was being pulled and closed, wrapping her tightly.

Through the corners of his clothes blown by the cold wind, Chen Chen could vaguely see the perfect figure of the other party.

Xu An on the side was only wearing a thin black leather jacket, and it was not necessarily cold standing in the cold wind.

This is the reason for Xu An's special body, and with the core of life, it is no problem to fight against a little cold wind.

Xu An came up and gave Chen Chen a bear hug, patted him on the shoulder and said, "You still look quite thin, how come you are so much stronger than me."

Chen Chen laughed twice, "No way, who made me so versatile."

Xu An really gave him the feeling of a big brother in the family, capable of protecting the little brother around him to the best of his ability.

Seeing that he felt a little better in this way, he was joking.

Then Xu An picked up on his toes, and he picked up a first-degree deformed rat the size of a puppy. He looked at Chu Yu and asked, "How fast are these rats transmitting information? How long does it take to cause a rat tide?"

Chu Yudao: "I don't know what method these distorted mice use. They spread very fast. After about ten minutes, we can only defend."

"That's it," Xu An looked around and said to the two after a while, "Follow me and go to the ten kilometers ahead on the left, where the terrain is slightly higher, and we can stand still after the beast tide begins."

After speaking, the joints of the body sprayed blue arrogance, and the whole person rushed forward in the air.

Chu Yu was about to run, but was grabbed by Chen Chen, only to see the other party smile: "Don't worry, let Yuanzai take us there."


When Yuan Zai was released, he roared and transformed at the same time.

Then it saw Chu Yu beside him and Xu An in front of him, Xiong's face was still a little stunned, and he stayed for a while, looking a little cute.

Chu Yu exclaimed, and directly reached out and touched it. Chen Chen reluctantly pinched the opponent's rear armor through the cloak, lifted it up, and then said, "Run forward and catch up with the person in front."

Yuan Zai ran with all his strength, and the speed was over 100 in an instant, and the wind blew Chu Yu's hair wildly.

"Sit down! Grab Yuanzai's hair with his hand, it's not afraid of pain!" Chen Chen reminded loudly, and at the same time activated the power of Fengxing to wrap them together.

"Is this the power of the wind attribute?" Chu Yu also noticed the change and asked slightly sideways.

Chen Chen felt his heart jump abruptly, and then said in a normal tone: "Yes, I also added the power of Thunder Xing to Yuan Zai, and it will soon catch up with Big Brother Xu."

Xu An turned around and saw that the two of them were riding on Yuanzai, still whispering, without saying much, turned his head and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then speeded up again.

"Huh? You want to compete with me in speed? How is that possible! Yuan Zai runs with all his strength and defends your honor!" Chen Chen noticed Xu An's speeding up instantly, and his desire to win or lose suddenly rose.

Soon Yuanzai caught up with Xu An. Looking at Xu An who turned his head in surprise, Chen Chen smiled and said, "How is it? I am a good panda!"

Xu An glanced at Chen Chen again and said, "Not bad."

Soon they arrived at their destination, glanced at the map, the distance between the beast tide and them became nineteen kilometers, which was a little closer.

At this time, Chen Chen's spiritual sense looked down a little, and he found that there was land less than five meters below. Before the snow, it was a very gentle high slope.

"I'm not afraid that our terrain will continue to decline during the battle," Chen Chen asked, "Brother Xu, how did you find out about the situation from such a distance?"

Xu Andao: "The high-precision exploration brought about by the upgrade of the body has a range of up to 15 kilometers. Within this range, the terrain here is the best."

Chen Chen understood, and then he said to Chu Yu: "Then let's start as planned and build our defense."

Chu Yu nodded and touched Yuan Zai again before taking out the seeds from the object space.

Chen Chen also directly activated the two attributes of Feng Shui to clean up all the snow here, and Chu Yu planted the seeds.

Immediately after the seeds were put down, a thick black vine broke out. The vine was as thick as a bucket, and it spiraled upwards. Its root system seemed to be very developed, and the same vine grew up in the distance. It didn't take long for the continuous growth of the cascading layers to make the 20-meter radius airtight.

"This vine can actually grow to two meters thick, but it's inconvenient to control. It's not necessary to deal with small-sized distorted mice. It's easy to clean up after drilling into the gap." Chu Yu explained.

After speaking, Chu Yu sowed new seeds and continued to spawn.

At the same time, Chen Chen and Xu An were not idle. Xu An was in charge of cleaning up the surrounding mice, while Chen Chen went directly to the periphery of the vines and used the power of soil to reinforce the places where the roots of the plants did not reach, so as not to allow the mice from below chance of attack.

Of course, he can only strengthen to 20 meters underground, and the more cost will increase sharply, and it will not be worth it.

Gradually, there were more and more mice on the periphery, and Xu An turned his hands into machine gun barrels, pouring out firepower wantonly.

Although the gun barrel's rate of fire is extremely high, if you look closely, you will find that Xu An is almost a hit, and blood splashes from time to time in the snow.

After Chen Chen had strengthened the surrounding land, a vine grew. Chen Chen grabbed it directly, pulled it up, and sent it to a small tree house ten meters above the ground.

The treehouse is oval in shape, built with staggered branches and vines, with windows and large obscured leaves, with a wide view and comprehensive defense.

"Amazing!" Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene. After comprehending the vitality of wood, he could also trigger plants, but he couldn't control it at all. He couldn't even think about it at the level of Chu Yu.

Then Chen Chen shouted to Xu An in the air, "Brother Xu, come here, the defense has been set up."

After Xu An heard the words, after firing the stock in the machine gun, he flew towards this side and quickly landed in the tree house.

At this moment, Chen Chen has used the power of wind to protect the tree house, and there is no cold wind inside.

Xu An said: "The cold wind can actually be resisted, there is no need to waste the power of the wind."

However, Chen Chen shook his head and said, "The power of the wind is not much, and it can't kill a few aberrant beasts with it. It's better to shelter from the wind and rain. We have to fight for a long time, and we can't stand it if we stay under the cold wind for a long time. Besides, I have seven attributes, so it’s okay to lack this one.”

Seeing Chen Chen say this, Xu An didn't say anything more, and turned to look in the direction of the beast tide, and at the same time sensed the surrounding situation.

After a while, Xu An raised his right arm and pointed at the sky diagonally, and then his arm quickly deformed into a cannon barrel. He moved an extremely sophisticated and high-end cannonball directly from the object space into the cannon barrel.


There was a soft sound, and then the cannonball was fired and fell out of sight. It was only after a while that the sound was faintly heard.

Xu An explained to the two of them: "The electromagnetic gun just bombed the location of the rat's nest given by the deformed world. There should be a lot of deformed mice coming over later."

Then he said to Chu Yu: "There aren't many aberrant beasts right now, it's up to you to guard them first. The efficiency of machine gun fire is still too low. When there are more, I will use weapons of mass destruction."

Chen Chen also said: "If I use bows and arrows, I have to wait for more aberrant beasts, then the effect will be good."

"Don't worry," Chu Yu nodded and said, "I can stay for two hours before the power of Mu Xing is exhausted. Leave the battle ahead to me."

The number of distorted mice below gradually increased, and many of them began to climb up the vines, but the black vines with the thickness of the bucket were still creeping slowly. To the black vines, death can no longer die.

As the Aberration Rats continued to add more, the tiny green vines on it were finally not enough. The Aberration Rats ran over their companions and finally turned to the back.

But there are still seventeen meters away from the vines growing in the tree house. The plants in this section are almost on the same level. There are not only black and green vines, but also densely blooming yellow flowers.

After the aberration rat stepped in, the vines inside also moved slowly, and the tiny pollen of the flower floated under the shock.

Almost six minutes passed, but these distorted mice only advanced within one meter of the pollen. It seemed that she was really the same as what Chu Yu said, she could last for two hours.

What's even more amazing is that these distorted mice that were crushed and crushed quickly became the nutrients for the plants below. Chu Yu said that in this case, she only needs to maintain a small amount of wood power.

After a while, Xu An was the first to discover the situation ahead, and then Chen Chen also saw the magnificent scene ahead with the naked eye.

I saw a black line suddenly appeared in the white world in the distance. It rushed forward, turning white to black wherever it passed, making people's scalp numb.

The legendary super rat tide is finally here!

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