, !

After the exchange, he looked at the alliance trading channel again, and found that today's items were more abundant than usual.

There is a reason for this. After Tang Shan made the blue tattoo yesterday, the technology was decentralized. In one day, thousands of people in the alliance got tattoos of white snakes.

The white snake tattoo is free to bid, and each person can only buy it once, and one time is the amount of a standard tattoo. If you want to draw a super large tattoo like Chen Chen, you can buy the extra amount at three times the price.

In fact, this can also maximize the effectiveness of the use of tattoos. They are sold at a fixed price. Most of the ones that can be purchased are powerful, and these people are often people who can go out to explore. Returned many materials that players could not produce.

The calculus on the platform, expansion modules and other things are cheaper.

Of course, the price is still a bit high compared to the beginning, but Chen Chen didn't care about it. He directly used the money earned from tattoos to buy a lot of square stones.

"I'll exchange more points at a time and raise the price. There will probably be more people going out tomorrow." Chen Chen rubbed his chin and thought, "I'll go out tomorrow, too, it's been a long time since I went out, the resources in the wild are estimated. There are many."

Then he put the exchanged things in the item space, and the six square stones were absorbed one by one.

The attributes of the five elements have increased by more than 2,000 on average, and the power of the wind has increased by more than 6,000 at once, and the total has reached 22,000.

After the absorption, he got up and went under the shelter. First, he used the power of the earth to open up a solid channel with a depth of four kilometers. After that, he determined the location and released the oil resources.

After a rumble, the oil resource was placed under the channel, and after the machine was installed, there was a steady stream of oil.

According to Xiao Luo's new plan, he opened up new rooms one by one, and then placed the oil equipment in them, waiting for the robot to install them.

He came to the No. 2 Ghost Spring Well again, placed a new soul bead on it, and strengthened the ghost formation of the shelter again.

After completing these chores, he returned to the training room and used the super power item to perceive the thunder attribute ability.

Now he only has the power of Thunder Xing who has not broken through the third-order, and he can focus all his energy on it in the future. I believe that it will not take long for the Thunder attribute to break through.

"By that time, the seven attributes should be able to produce a special correlation reaction, and the seven attributes can be closely related to form a unified breakthrough system." Chen Chen is also looking forward to this.

On the second day, Chen Chen finished guiding the evolution of the bees, and then put on the equipment and prepared to go out.

When he rode the round boy outside, the power of the wind was automatically activated, blocking the bone-eroding wind from one centimeter in front of him. The chill dissipates.

At this moment, the temperature outside had risen to minus eighty degrees, but he didn't feel cold at all in such an environment, and he felt very comfortable.

Normally, the effect of such a large tattoo is indeed better, but it is relatively limited. It would be good to let the extreme temperature drop by 50 degrees, but at this moment Chen Chen feels that he can drop to 80 degrees. !

Taking into account the cold resistance of his equipment and his physique, maybe he can challenge the extreme temperature of minus 200.

And the reason behind this phenomenon is also easy to figure out. As soon as he thought about it, the seven-star divine power was withdrawn from the tattoo, and then the attribute power was automatically replenished.

Sure enough, the ability to withstand cold has dropped a lot in this way, directly dropping to 60 degrees behind the limit.

And he was using the power of fire at this moment, and he changed it again with the movement of his mind, and replaced it with the wood attribute. The cold resistance ability dropped by ten degrees, and returned to the normal value of fifty degrees.

"It seems that the seven-star divine power is special. It really lived up to my efforts. The divine power that has been tempered by the seven attributes is extraordinary."

Then Chen Chen patted Yuan Zai's head and asked, "Can you resist the bone-eroding wind? Do you want me to protect you?"

Yuan Zai shook his head, and after a while, Chen Chen understood what he wanted to express.

Then he spread the power of Fengxing to Yuan Zai, paused for ten seconds, and then withdrew.

Yuan Zai cried twice and shook his head again.

Chen Chen tentatively said: "It doesn't matter if you remove it, right? It will still make you feel uncomfortable?"

Round boy nodded.

After thinking about it, Chen Chen still spread the power of Fengxing to Yuanzai, and said: "Then let's dispel the bone-eroding wind for you. There is no need to suffer more. You can run faster after blessing the power of Fengxing."

Yuan Zai screamed twice, saying that his speed had increased a lot after his second evolution.

Touching each other's head, they immediately started exploring in the wild.

After the items in the wild are refreshed, if they are not taken away, they may be brushed away by the abnormal world again, but this frequency is not high, and if you do not pick them up for a long time, there are still many good things in the wild.

Within a radius of 300 meters, there is a high probability that there will be two square stones. If you are lucky, you can also encounter super fruit, but the number is really very rare.

The re-evolved Yuanzai is tall and mighty, and Chen Chen rides on it as if he is riding on an elephant. What's worse is that Yuanzai's speed is still very fast, which can be described as flying like electricity, so it takes almost only In two hours, they finished exploring the resources around the shelter.

Fangshi collected a total of more than 1,200 square stones and some small items, and he got three super fruit, all of which were eaten by him.

But these are not the key points. He no longer pays attention to things of this value. If he has time, he is better than this.

The reason why he wanted to come out was to collect first-hand information about the situation in the wild. After exploring such a large area, he also knew the theoretical limit of the amount of materials that the entire alliance could collect, and then combined with the actual players who could go out to search. The quantity, multiplied by the average search ability, can roughly calculate the output of various items, and make corresponding purchasing strategies.

Judging from the current situation, the overall situation is still very good. The resources in the wild are very rich. I believe that the number of square stones will be completely reduced in a short time.

On the way, he also visited his neighbors. Zhang Chengyun had successfully understood the attributes of earth, and he started the practice of two kinds of body exercises, and the speed of cultivation was quite fast.

Chen Chen stimulated the fire and earth attributes of divine power, allowing Zhang Chengyun to experience it himself, and observed his cultivation on the spot, guiding his shortcomings.

Zhang Chengyun was so grateful and so excited that he stuttered.

Seeing this, Chen Chen didn't stay any longer, and left.

Cheng Qingqian's progress in practicing the exercises was average, but her shelter situation was much better than before.

She still liked it when she saw Yuanzi, but the transformed Yuanzi licked her tongue, and her face was full of saliva. After brewing tea for Chen Chen, he immediately rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

Making Chen Chen somewhat embarrassed, he sat in the other's bedroom and stared at Yuan Zai with big eyes.

Fortunately, Cheng Qingqian didn't take too long, and came out soon, the aroma on his body was stronger than before.

Chen Chen just took a break in the middle, so he stayed here for a while, and the two chatted.

Chen Chen felt that this kind of activity was very good. He felt very comfortable being alone, and it would be good to meet different people and chat a few times after a long time.

Of course, when they got to the other side, Chen Chen also helped them strengthen the shelter, which was nothing to him, but it could make the owner of the shelter feel at ease for a long time.

Returning to the shelter, after practicing the Five Elements Body Refinement Technique, he began to forge thunder attribute equipment.

This kind of equipment that can increase the instantaneous speed is still very popular. Since yesterday, he has only forged thunder attribute equipment, but the order volume is still very large.

This is also related to other players who understand attribute forging. In the past few days, the number of players in the alliance who can forge attribute distortion iron has increased to eight.

However, the effects of the equipment they forged were appalling, either the basic accuracy was not up to the forging strength, or the properties that were sorted out were too poor.

At this time, many players realized how good Chen Chen's forging skills were. The high probability that other players forged were substandard products, but what Chen Chen forged was a work of art.

However, as long as they can comprehend the skill of attribute sorting, everything else is easy to say. As long as they are given more opportunities to exercise, their craftsmanship will eventually improve quickly, and it will be a long time before they can provide high-quality equipment for alliance members.

Up to now, as long as they have the resources, are willing to work hard, and have a little talent, everyone can become Shangguan Zhao and create distortion iron equipment with special attributes.

And just in the morning, a player who went out to explore accidentally discovered the original location of Shangguanzhao Shelter, where there is a very high-quality iron ore.

After this person found out, he immediately reported it to the alliance. Chen Chen immediately rewarded him with 2,000 points, and then gave the other party a small resource migration module to collect the resources here.

As a result, this place turned out to be a medium resource ore vein, and the small resource module could not be taken away. After replacing the medium resource migration module sent by Chen Chenxin, the iron ore was taken away.

Shangguan Zhaoben was killed by him, and no one else in the medium resource migration module, Chen Chen naturally had no opinion on taking it from everyone.

However, he still allocated 10% of the shares to the alliance, on the condition that the alliance needs to mobilize resources to provide him with corresponding mining equipment.

He naturally collected the mining equipment before Shangguan Zhao, but compared to the current Chen Chen's shelter, these equipment are still too few.

After the amount of oil is extracted and used, the rest can only be stored, and steel is never too much, manufacturing production equipment, building defense systems, manufacturing daily consumables... even if these aspects are satisfied , players can also directly use steel to build shelters, so I am afraid that a large iron ore resource will not be enough.

For this reason, Chen Chen simply opened the shelter down one floor, 30 meters away from the upper floor. Chen Chen planned to build it into a heavy industrial area for the shelter.

To this end, he also spent an hour and a half moving some of the equipment above to the bottom. He dismantled and reassembled the oil production line less than a day after it was established.

After placing the iron ore, Chen Chen was pleasantly surprised to discover that the iron ore actually contains not only iron, but also metals such as copper and magnesium.

With so much iron, as long as he doesn't build the entire shelter into iron like Shangguan Zhao, the current production capacity is completely sufficient for him.

In order to develop rapidly, in order not to consume his limited points, giving up some resources is very worthwhile in Chen Chen's view.

Two very basic things, steel and oil, Chen Chen felt that it would be better to share them with everyone. After these two things are provided, they can greatly promote the development of the alliance, so that everyone can pay more attention to super powers. Create greater value in this regard.

By 11:42 in the evening, Chen Chen was cultivating, and his power of thunder had quietly broken through to the third order.

(The rest is not done yet.)

With so much iron, as long as he doesn't build the entire shelter into iron like Shangguan Zhao, the current production capacity is completely sufficient for him. In order to develop rapidly, in order not to consume his limited points and give up some resources, this is very worthwhile in Chen Chen's view. Two very basic things, steel and oil, Chen Chen felt that it would be better to share them with everyone. After these two things are provided, they can greatly promote the development of the alliance, so that everyone can pay more attention to super powers. Create greater value in this regard. With so much iron, as long as he doesn't build the entire shelter into iron like Shangguan Zhao, the current production capacity is completely sufficient for him. In order to develop rapidly, in order not to consume his limited points, giving up some resources is very worthwhile in Chen Chen's view. Two very basic things, steel and oil, Chen Chen felt that it would be better to share them with everyone. After these two things are provided, they can greatly promote the development of the alliance, so that everyone can pay more attention to super powers. Create greater value in this regard. With so much iron, as long as he doesn't build the entire shelter into iron like Shangguan Zhao, the current production capacity is completely sufficient for him. In order to develop rapidly, in order not to consume his limited points, giving up some resources is very worthwhile in Chen Chen's view. Two very basic things, steel and oil, Chen Chen felt that it would be better to share them with everyone. After these two things are provided, they can greatly promote the development of the alliance, so that everyone can pay more attention to super powers. Create greater value in this regard. The current production capacity is completely sufficient for him. In order to develop rapidly, in order not to consume his limited points, giving up some resources is very worthwhile in Chen Chen's view. Two very basic things, steel and oil, Chen Chen felt that it would be better to share them with everyone. After these two things are provided, they can greatly promote the development of the alliance, so that everyone can pay more attention to super powers. Create greater value in this regard.

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